Maria's Up First

"Ha! Fireball!" The girl shouted as a fireball the size of a rock appeared at the tip of the wand.

"Ah! It worked!" She said happily before she released the fireball towards the examinator.

"Oh come on, at least you can cast your spells now. However, they are still too weak for you to even be able to do damage to monsters." The examinator said as he gave the fireball a light blow before it dissipated.

After pushing the little girl out of the room gently did the examinator finally notice Illya.

"Hey Illya, what are you doing here?" He asked her.

"Oh, these kids want to take the examination." Illya said.

"More kids? Come on, can't you give me a break? Kids these days are too overconfident, they are nowhere near being able to survive in the world." The examinator rolled his eyes when he saw Sylvie who Illya was carrying.

"She's not taking it, they are." Illya noticed who he was looking at before she pointed at Maria, Elise, and Benji.