Elise is Up Second

"Do I pass yet? He is out of the box as you can see." Maria asked Illya as she pointed at the examinator.

"..." Illya just looked at the direction of the examinator. She waited until the dust dissipated.

"COUGH COUGH! ACK! BLARGHH!" The examinator got up from the ground as he ended up vomiting last night's dinner.

"I guess you're okay," Illya said as she nodded when she saw the examinator vomiting.

"GET ME SOME WATER ILLYA! THERE'S SO MUCH DIRT IN MY MOUTH!" The examinator said as he continued to spit out dirt that had entered his mouth.

"Alright… Waterball." Illya said as she chanted the same spell Maria did, however, it was albeit, slower and smaller as she controlled it to stop right in front of the examinator.

"Glug, Swish Swish, PTUI!" The examinator took some water into his mouth before he spat it out. He repeated this action several times until he felt all the dirt out of his mouth.