Benji Is Up Last

"Illya! What is wrong with these monstrous children!" The examinator shouted as he stood up from the ground.

"I don't even know them… Why are you asking me? Ask them, not me." Illya replied truthfully, as she did not know them, and only knew Benji and Sylvie.

"Is there any more?" The examinator asked as he was already getting a headache from being beaten up twice.

"Yeah, there is one more. Him," Illya said as she pointed at Benji.

"Alright kiddo, let me guess. You forgot your weapon?" The examinator asked Benji when he saw him without a single weapon.

"I've never really had a weapon in the first place. They are pretty expensive you know. So without one, I couldn't practice." Benji said truthfully.

"Bullsh** then you have to be a magician like the other two. I ain't believing any of you anymore." The examinator said as he was going to relieve his anger on Benji since he couldn't bear to do it to the girls.