Goblin Extermination Mission!

"Alright, congratulations on becoming adventurers. Even though you probably beat like, the most idiotic B-ranked adventurer ever." Illya said as she handed them their dog tags.

"Thank you (nya)," The four of them said as they received their dog tags.

"I made sure you're at the same rank as them, aka, the D-rank. Just so you guys won't make wolves and boars extinct. As their fur and pelt are really useful." Illya added.

"Thank you (nya)~," They said once more as they were happy they didn't have to take on easy requests to increase their rank.

"Alright, let's go!" They said as they went to the bulletin board where all the jobs were posted on.

"How about exterminating goblins in this cave?" Sam pointed out a mission.

"That looks nice, ohh! The reward is five gold coins too!" Chad said as his eyes shined when he saw the amount.

"Let's take it then. I don't really need the money so you guys can split it." Lance and Elise said as they were already financially well off.