Goblin Attack!

"Are we there yet?" Sam huffed and puffed as he was tired from the walking he had done with the group.

"Just a bit more and we'll be there," Maria said as she looked at him with a frown.

"You said that every time, hasn't it been like half of an hour yet?" Sam said as he was feeling fatigued.

"Just be patient, and it's only been half of an hour. So how are you tired? We've been walking and not running." Maria scolded him.

"Can we at least take a break in that cave over there?" Sam said as he pointed at the cave up ahead.

"Fine, we can take a break there. Wait, did you just say a cave?" Maria said as she turned around to look at what he was pointing towards.

"Yeah, a cave. Let's go rest. Good thing I brought some water." Sam said as he quickly went into the cave to sit down and drink his water.

After taking out his water sack he took off hid the lid before putting it in his mouth.