Giant Skeleton Boss


The group lightly touched the door, and it swung open immediately. Inside the boss room was a very wide ring, at the end of it was a throne. Sitting on top of the throne was a skeleton, that was gigantic. Probably bigger than them by over a thousand times.

"Gulp, you know, maybe this wasn't such a good idea huh? Should we run while we can?" Sam said as he asked the group.

"Yup! Now lets bail!" They said as they turned back towards the door and immediately attempted to leave the boss room. However, they were stopped, as an invisible force immediately slammed the door shut keeping the room dark.

All of a sudden, blue eery flames lighted up the room, making it deem fit, for a boss battle.

"Hey, which idiot decided to explore this dungeon again?" Benji asked the group as he looked at the giant skeleton.