Skeleton Summons

"Hey! I just realized something!" Chad shouted as he dodged the skeletal blade once more.

"What?! What did you realize at such a time!?" The group asked him as they dodged the skeletal blades as well.

"The boss can only attack vertically, diagonally, and horizontally! So we can advance closer to him technically if we use that advantage!" Chad shouted at them.

"Okay!" The group said as they started to inch closer to the giant skeleton while narrowly avoiding his skeletal blade.

"STOP TALKING TO EACH OTHER! HURRY UP AND SAVE MEE!!!" Maria cried out as she still dangled on the skeletal blade, crying out very loudly every time he swung the blade down and brought it up. It was if she was on an amusement park ride, just, more deadly and dangerous.

"Maria, don't you come from a holy family? Why can't you just cast some holy spells on the boss?" The group asked her.