Bracket Drawings

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! I am fairly tired today, so let's not have any jokes today. You all know what is happening today, if you don't, don't even bother asking people around you. Because I will be the one explaining it." The announcer said when he saw the time was right.

"Yesterday contained the matches for the top 30 contestants of the tournament. Now we will pit the 30 contestants into a battle in a single-elimination like a bracket. Whoever stands on top will win!" The announcer added.

"So for today, in order to find out who will be going against who. We will have all 30 participants come on stage and pick an orb. The orb will have a number on it indicating which number you are. There are 30 orbs with the number markings of one to thirty. One will be paired up with two, as three will be paired up with four and so on." The announcer explained.