Resting Before Watching

"What! I go against the boss already? This is unfair," Sam said when he heard what orb Richard had pulled out.

"What terrible luck you have. I remember you saying you smelled some good treasure a year ago back on the mountain, but we almost died to a saber-tooth instead." Lance said as he shook his head.

"It basically was a treasure! We could've made a lot of money from it if we sold its fur and pelt!" Sam retorted.

"So what? We wouldn't be able to sell anything if we couldn't kill it. We only lived due to the landlord being able to finish it off when we thought we had killed it after collapsing the cave." Lance said as he looked away from Sam.

"Agh! Whatever! Fine whatever! My luck is terrible! But, who cares! Which one of us isn't strong enough to fight Richard? He may have some skills but, this handcrafted equipment won't let me lose to him! Plus our adventuring for a bit also helped me in progressing with my skills too!" Sam said as he looked confident.