The Underground World

"Ugh, it's really bad here…" Maria said as she held both her arms as the group walked into a shady alleyway which lead underground.

"It's called the Underground World for a reason. Extreme poverty, criminals, black market dealings, and everything else is literally held here." Sam said as he walked through avoiding almost everyone.

"Why hasn't the government closed this place yet?" Maria asked him as she couldn't understand why such a chaotic and evil place could exist.

"Because the government also has use for the Underground World. They made a treaty with the Underground World to do the dirty deeds for them." Sam explained calmly.

"The government would really stoop that low?" Maria muttered.

"They would, they have to keep a good reputation in front of the civilians. So they make the others do the massacres. Of course, they pay, which they basically just buy assassins to do the job." Sam replied to her.