Walking To Registry

"Fight of course," Lance said as he stepped up to the front of the group with his hand on his katana's hilt which was still sheathed.

"Then follow me," The man said as he turned around and started walking forward not even looking back at them.

"What should we do? Do we follow him? Will he lead us to a trap?" Maria asked confusedly and scaredly.

"He won't, now let's follow him so we can sign up. I kinda need more cash too. My allowance is slowly running out, I need more money to eat food." Sam said as he followed the man in the suit.

"Alright then, if we get ambushed. Don't say I won't forgive you after!" Maria said as she followed him along with the group.

"Don't worry, the colosseum people here won't trick you. They actually want participants. Because of the more participants, the more betting that will occur. Which means the more bonus they will get in their economy." Sam said as he explained.