Back At Waiting Room

"Wow! Lance actually made his opponent forfeit! That is amazing! He didn't even use his katana really. This means he can get even further, which means more money for us!" Maria said as she watched Lance walk back towards the waiting room.

"You're back Lance, how was your match?" The group asked him when he walked towards them.

"Not much of a threat, I don't think we'll really face any problems until rank 20 or more," Lance said as he threw out his estimation.

"That means we can take it easy right?" The group asked him.

"Not necessarily, the people here will actually aim to kill you without hesitation. So don't even hold back, otherwise, you will be the one that dies. If you find yourself in a pinch, immediately say, "I forfeit!" or just jump out of the ring." Lance said as he warned them all.

"Alright alright, don't worry about us. They can't defeat us anyway." Sam said as he patted Lance's shoulder.