Elise Vs Evil Guy

"Urk! These people are really strong. I guess they are the stars for today aside from us…" Maria said as she watched round 3 and 4's contestants.

"Though they aren't as strong as Lance and the others… They can still injure them… Injuries can also lead to death… I hope they are serious and not fooling around… I can't revive someone that's dead." Maria muttered as she tightened the grip on her fists praying for their safety.

"Ha… However, earlier I sensed someone talking bad about me. Even the coins started to shake causing my ears to hurt… I wonder what that was about…" Maria said as she shook her head clearing her thoughts before focusing on the next round which Elise would show up in.

"Elise you're up now. Good luck," Lance said as he watched Elise leave the waiting room to enter on the ring to fight.

"Yes yes," Elise said as she left them holding her bow. She then walked out of the waiting room and slowly walked onto her assigned ring.