Heading To Town

"Alright, this is the farthest I can bring you two. The closest town from here is around a two-hour walk that way, good luck on your mission," The carriage driver said as he dropped them off in the middle of a road.

"Alright, thanks. Hopefully, we can get your services next time we go out. As for now, see you later," Kias said as he waved goodbye to the carriage driver.

"Same to you, hopefully, you two can come back in peace. Especially her, wouldn't want to see her hurt anywhere now," The carriage driver said as he pointed at Shiro.

"Yeah no worries, she can handle it herself. She is strong after all," Kias said as he rubbed Shiro's head.

"En," Shiro merely nodded in agreement.

"Alright, see you two. Be careful now!" The carriage driver said as the horses started to pull the carriage.

"Same to you! Remember, you're the one with the carriage! Be careful of thugs and bandits!" Kias said as he started walking with Shiro towards the town.