Carriage Crash

"That will be 5 silver coins per person," The guard said as he stopped Kias and Shiro.

"Here you go then," Kias said as he gave the guard 1 gold coin.

"Alright, you two may enter now," The guard said as he let them pass.

"Thank you," Kias said as he led Shiro into the town.

"Get out of the way! Out of the way!!!" A voice suddenly came from behind them.

"NEIGHHHH!" A horse said as it was running towards Shiro and Kias.

"Huh?" Shiro looked at the carriage with a puzzled expression on her face as she watched it come straight at her and Kias.

"Shiro watch out!" Kias said as he grabbed Shiro and immediately dived away from the carriage.

"Eh…" Shiro said as she was still in shock from what had just happened.

"Jeez, why can't people properly take care of horses? There could've been deaths if it were someone else and not us," Kias said as he looked at the carriage which was still being dragged by the horse.