Bad Food

"Hum, the food here isn't as good as the previous tavern we were at," Kias said as he sat on his bed.

"En," Shiro said as she was having a stomach ache from whatever the food that they had eaten contained.

"Let's go explore the town a bit once your stomach pain has eased," Kias said as he looked at Shiro.

"En…" Shiro said as she curled up on the bed while hugging her stomach with dead eyes.

'I swear that food contained a fox or something… I am a kitsune, I can't eat my own kind… This is probably why my stomach is hurting right now…' Shiro thought inside her head as she prayed that the stomach pain would go away anytime soon.

"Say, Shiro, what do you think happened to that horse for it to go all haywire? I feel sorry for that carriage driver, he was trying his best to stop. However, he ultimately destroyed that store and definitely has to compensate the owner," Kias said as he turned around to look at her back.