Another Fox Person!

"Welcome," A young boy who looked like he was in his teens said as he was behind the counter.

"Hello there, I heard you have a map of this town I could buy?" Kias said as he walked up to the boy.

"Indeed, that will be 1 gold coin," The boy said as he took out a map that was drawn on a piece of paper.

"Here you go," Kias said as he gave the boy 1 gold coin after looking at the map to make sure at least 10% of the map was correct before he got scammed.

"Thank you for the purchase. Hopefully, we meet again if you ever need to buy any more maps," The boy said as he bowed towards Kias.

"Alright, bye now," Kias said as he waved at the boy and left the store.

"Sigh, that was easy. Now, what should I do? Explore the town with this map? I guess I could do that…" Kias said as he looked at the map and decided to go to a restaurant first.