Wake Up Shiro

"Shiro, I am back," Kias said as he opened the door to their room.

"Zzz" However there was no reply. As Shiro was resting on the bed all curled up.

"Ha, I should've expected. She is still recuperating, after all, here come in," Kias said as he opened the door wider for the fox-human to enter the room.

"E-excuse me…" It said as it entered the room.

"Say, what is your name anyway? Or something for me to refer you as?" Kias asked the fox-human as he was feeling uncomfortable being indirect.

"Er… Call me Yumi…" It said as it looked at him.

"Alright then Yumi, that is my friend's daughter Shiro. We are currently exploring and on a mission. She is a kitsune, the same as you. Just a bit more special," Kias said

"What do you mean by a bit more special?" Yumi asked him.

"She, she can get out of hand a lot of times. The other half of the time she just spaces out for some odd reason," Kias said as he looked at her.