Extra Chapter 36

Emm... Before we begin, can you all take a moment to breathe in and out? Please calm down and relax... Please don't attack this cute lil' author of yours, please! It appears that there is a set time before I can apply for premium for the next month (and I also got lazy with my stockpile that ran out) so it will be set to august. (Therefore I'll just rush this extra chapter vol and begin the main plot right away... My birthday is August 1st, premium will start August 1st, MGS lasts for 4 months. My novel started on 01/01/2019 and therefore it will end 01/01/2021. (thanks for forgiving me hopefully no pitchforks and torches pls) - your cute lil' author


"Well, that should be the half-way mark… Right?" Sylvie asked as she pointed at a deformed statue that was supposed to be a landmark.