Extra Chapter 37

"Well… How should I start this off? It was many years ago. Like around the time I started to become an adventurer I suppose." He started to narrate as he started to remember the past.

"It all began when I was on a mission to eliminate some goblins within the Wretched Timberland Forest. I think it was my first commission I had when I was a D-ranked adventurer. It was honestly more of a scout mission rather than an execution." He said.

"I decided to go around the night when monsters are most active. Just in case I was ever in a predicament and could use those goblins as distractions I suppose. I was pretty confident at running away back in the day after all." He continued as he chuckled a bit reminiscing his past.

"Careful on your way out there! It is really dangerous at night in those types of places! Who knows what could be lurking within the darkness…" A cute guild receptionist had said to him as she scanned his ID Card.