The Rise of a HighKing I

Akamine Aika's POV

The glorious sun rose from the east, slowly taking it's rightful throne in the highest of the heavens.


This only meant another wretched day of being a damned infant. And to top it off, I'm now a freaking girl!

Damn it. I shouldn't have to be disgraced to this extent. I mean, yeah sure, I did kill everyone that dared to stop me in my conquest but still....

Ahhhh, karma is such a b***h.

*Cough* It seems introductions are in order. Listen carefully, mortals!

It is I, the world's most feared martial god and forefather of all otakus, Hashimoto Itsuki!

I dominate life and crush any who dares oppose me, leaving but an isolated trail of destruction and death.

As such, I am the only King, fit to relish in the treasures and wealth of mankind. However, it's a shame that in the end, i couldn't fufill my destiny and fully btain the cove of treasures.

That's right.

I mean, Anime!

The beyond-beautiful utopia filled with ephemireal maidens and strong warriors. Haa... The only Arcadia that even the great I will never reach.

And for that, I have trained day and night, months to years, hoping to one day, reach a fraction of their power. In my path, I had killed. Plundered. Destroyed. And, Performed many evil deeds that could make hitler look cute in comparison.

However it was to be expected. Ever since I started upon this path of mine, I knew I would be promised power but I'd had my freedom taken in compensation. But, it's a small price to pay.

I've long given up being the hero of justice. In fact, I descended upon madness and came to be known as Itsuki Hashimoto, the Greatest Mad King to have ever graced the world with his presence!

" Ara Ara~ Look at our baby, honey. I think she's hungry. There, there, mommy's preparing food, okay? ", my 'mother' said, taking the accursed thing and placing it infront of my lips.

F**k, mom! Not now, I'm busy!

Of course she couldn't hear due to my vocal chords not yet maturing enough to speak. Curse infant life!

Also, I refuse to suckle on those mounds! I shall not be disgrac- N-No, Pl-Please! N-Nooooo~




Fuwa~ It tastes kinda good...

" Hahaha! Look at her, she already looks so happy. As expected of my wife, you know just what to do to make her happy. Um...M-Maybe, I could hold her too..?", my 'father' questioned, his real intentions slolwy appearing.

" No way! You're too rough. Last time I let you carry her, you almost dropped her! And only Avesta knows what I'll do to you Itachi, if that were to happen..", my mother threatened, her eyes taking a dangerous glint.

" A-Ara? Look at the time! Bye dear, Love you~" My father ran away. Tsk, spineless fool.

Hmm? It seems my stomach has been filled. Hmph, for a wench, you serve adequate food.

My mother took her breast and safetly tucked it in her clothing before softly carresing my head.

" Ooh~ My little Aiko. I hope you grow up well. *Hic* I-I'm sorry for bringing you to this dangerous world with our fallen status...*Hic* P-Please don't ha-hate this useless mother of yours in the future...Please...", my mother suddenly sobbed as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes.

Tsk. What the hell are you saying to a baby? Well...I guess I can't be considered a baby, considering that I was well over my 20s in my past life...

Argh. Screw it. What matters is my present life and how I'm going to survive. But first, let's deal with this drama of a wench.

My tiny, chubby hands try to reach out for her cheek. As she had already placed her cheek against mine, it wasn't that great of a distance, so I was able to reach fairly well.

".. A-Ara? Do you know mommy's pain too? Are you comforting mommy? daughter's so cute~.", my mother cooed, rubbing her cheeks against me.

Hmph, That's right. You should be lucky that you have me as a daughter, woman. Now that I am here, I'll change everything! From this unsightly junk into a giant mansion! From our fallen family into a great divine family that even the gods will have to recognise!

Mwahaha, just a little more, and I'll show the world that they messed with the wrong person.

Just..a little more.

My eyes grew heavy as my mother gently rocked me back and forth in her soft arms, singing a lullaby to ease me to sleep.


Timeskip: 14 years later.

" Aiko~ Breakfast is ready~.", my mother called out from the dining hall.

I stopped my martial art training as I closed my eyes and exhaled, the traditional way to cool down and relax one's body after intense and vigorous movement. After, I looked over the training room and returned the gravity that I had manipulated to 30x around me to it's original state as my bones and muscles relaxed and contracted, trying to adapt to the sudden change in gravity.

The training room was a successful construct of my authority over the element of Earth as I built it around our garden. The training room's design was simple as everything I required and needed for my training was there.

A wide gym-sized room with enchanted display cases for my crafted weapons and equipments. Following it would be the stone dummies and machinations for training and experience. Then, a gravity applied corner of the room to temper my body. Of course, the whole thing's protected with a lock that only I can unlock, along with security measurements just to ensure no mishaps happen.

But more importantly, I discovered magic. Or, more specifically, "Avesta" as it was called here.

If I recalled, it was around...ah! my 5th birthday when my parents used it to blow out the birthday candles. And, almost instantly my otaku senses demanded me to master it.

And, thus I delved into the art of Avesta.

When my parents found out I could use Avesta, they were so excited and proud that they had cried on my undersized shoulders, telling me that I was a genius and the like.

It appears that the chance of using Avesta was very rare. One in a hundred, in fact.

But, who cares about that.

Fufufu, It's only natural that I, a king of kings, has the ability to wield Avesta. As I put Avesta through various experiments and stimulations, I found something ...exhilirating, to say the least.

Avesta was branched into seven main elements, as hypothesized by the otakus of my world.

The Element of Light: It holds obvious dominance over all aspects of light, but also includes telepathic, telekinetic and psychological powers.

The Element of Darkness: It encompasses a wide range of abilities of an 'evil' nature. Fear, Anger, Wrath,etc and even death is also common among Darkness users, with their dominance over shadows being their defining trait.

The Element of Nature: Besides the obvious control over life,plant, and similar material, Nature also includes well, air, lightning, nature-related elements. It also dominates over certain weather features. However, most Nature Avesta wielders are only able to use a certain limit of it.

The Element of Water: It includes all of its aspects and forms as well as its liquid state. This includes ice, snow, steam, etc. and various (negative temperature) related abilities.

The Element of Fire: It extends beyond that of simple governance of ignition and combustion and can include materials such as ash, smoke, molten substances and other derivatives of Fire itself.

The Element of Earth: It includes control over stone, dirt, metals as well as forces such as gravity. (This is mine).

The Element of Spirit: It extends its reach over life tself, and includes powers of strength, durability, speed, etc. Mental and various imagination-based powers are also at their strongest here.

It seems I have a very, very high compatibility with Earth, Fire and Nature. My parents cried in joy even more when they heard I was a triple Avesta wielder and took me 2 hours to calm them down.

However, there is a problem. A frustating one, in fact.

How the hell I could even have an ounce of compatibility with nature?! Considering my destructive nature, shouldn't it choose someone who's kind, gentle and well, nature-like?! F**k's sake...

Anyways, the fire compatibility is inherited from my parents. Apparently, we came from a lineage of proud fire Avesta wielders. But well, we got framed and fell from grace...

Oh well, it wasn't going to be for long since the great me is here. Let's just say, I paid it a King would act in front of someone who comitted treachery.

Pulling myself back to Gaia, I wiped my sweat off with a basic water spell, and used nature Avesta to dry me off. Then I changed into my usual clothing, something of a pale white, dress and checked myself in the tall mirror.

Long, braided pale, golden hair, succulent red lips, cerulean blue eyes, well-toned, lithe body, the perfect blend between a fighter and a woman.


As I went into the kitchen, I once more, looked around this masion I had bought for my parents. It was basically, a traditional-style two-layered Japanese house that posesses a courtyard, koi pond, and a sand pit on the outisde.

Inside, there was the genkan, an entrance hall where people remove footwear, common sliding doors, tatami mat flooring and wooden engawa verandas.

" Ara, Aika you're finally here. Come quickly dear. It's time to eat." my mother said, handing me a bowl of rice.

For the seating arrangemts, my mother sat at the left of the round table whereas I sat at the right and my father sat at the front or "head" seat.

I scanned the cuisine that my mother had cooked for us as my expression changed to shock.

Hmm..tender S grade meat, Braised mashed custom-ordered potatoes, whole stuffed chicken, luxurious lobsters, moose milk cheese, catfish's caviar, White truffle and Gold Pizza, Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata, Westin Hotel Bagel and an intermediate Magic Beast's meat?

Fumu, fumu~ It seems today's meal is a bit royal compared to the other day. Indeed, a King deserves the best feast. Perhaps we're celebrating something?



Wait a minute.

How the heck did we have enough money to buy all of this in the first place?! All of them costs thousands of dollars!

" Mother! Father! Will our finances not suffer if we spend in on such luxurious cuisine?!", I asked, "Even more so, when did we possess enough money to purchase these?!"

" Hahaha, your shock is much expected.. *Cough* There's been something we've been meaning to tell you.", my father announced with a serious expression replacing the usual happy-go-lucky mood of his.

" Yes, indeed. It may have appeared that the World Academy of Japan has somehow recognised your talent and are willing to enroll you into it...and as a special student, no less!", my mother dropped a bombshell, her mood brightening up more and more.

Now then, I may or may not have abused my knowledge and recreated from the countless animes that I have watched using my domain over the element of earth and fire to pay off our debts and earn some money...

Yup, I'm definently not in the wrong here.

" Uh..That's great? But, mother there is still the fact that I am underaged to even attend the Academy, seeing as the youngest there is well over 15! Unless, *sighs* the Academy fixed that too...", I stated, the validity of my point decreasing per word.

Ah....fuck. I just dug myself a grave didn't I? Damn that glorified, filthy rich Academy and my restless mouth!

" The [Xerox] will be here to come and pick you up tomorrow morning. So, it's best if you pack up your things now, little one.", my father remarked. Whereas, Mother looked proud that her only daughter was achieving such honour.

To put it simply, the Xerox would be akin to a futuristic version of my homeworld's car. However, it has a clear distinction.

For one, the [Xerox] didn't require wheels and basically, levitated due to magnetic suspension and a bit of... Avesta. It also comes in with all the features of a boat, car and plane combined.

Scurrying out of my thoughts, I obeyed and went to my room, readying myself to prepare for the surely surprising spectacles of tomorrow.

After I finished my duties, I noticed that it had been evening where the sun was creeping towards it's bed.

Maybe I'll just go for a walk? I mean, there's really nothing much to do here except train or learn..

Meh, I'll walk. I can do the latter at the Academy anyways.

You see, my family's mansion was situated just a couple feet away fronm the local park so I pretty much go there when I'm bored.

When I arrived at the oversized park, I stretched a bit and did a light jogging around the place.

Ah, there's the water fountain , floating benches and where's the..uh...oh! There it is!

My favourite spot.

The Elder Sakura Tree.

It stood at a magnificent 200 feet, and is about 50, 000 cubic feet( 1415.8423 cubic metres) in volume. It's soft, sashaying pink leaves and the calming aura it exuded attracted me the very moment I laid my eyes on it. As such, I claimed territory over it.

But, that's a story for another time. I stopped my jogging and did a couple relaxation exercises before sitting behind the grand tree.

Ah~ This feeling is the best~ I wish I could stay here forever... Ma~ It's mine anyways, so it's not like it's gonna run away..

Maybe, I coul- Killing intent?!

A demonic atmosphere, an odd feeling of dread that seems to encompass my every being and time seems to have stopped.

There's only those beings that have the power to achieve this. Haa.., and here I thought I could finally get some rest. Well, time to work.

" Good evening, mortal. So it's true, even If I may have fallen, looks like my instincts did not fail me. Tsk. You do bear the detested blood of an Anomaly. Well, at least you'll prove to be entertaining. ", the Entity said. "Fret not for, I have stopped time around us as I do not wish a thief to steal my prey, especially one as high caliber as you. ", the being snarled, it's features blocked by a shallow yet deep haze.

"...Why have you come here, entity. I believe I have nothing in possesion that interests you?" I replied with a frown.

"However, if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get. " I spat out, my displeasure changing to anger as my entire being shook with anger and wrath at the disdain shown upon me.

I am the King of Kings.

I am the overseer of mankind.

I will not cower from anyone, be it god or devil.

" Kakaka! Well said, mortal! I sense the seething wrath from your soul." The arrogant Entity laughed before wearing an annoying, "know it all" expression.

The Entity relaxed his hands behind his head and said, "Oh right, if you're wondering how I passed the lofty barriers, you could say...I'm a bit special."

" Well, that makes the two of us... Let's just get this started. I am known as the King of Kings, Akamine Aiko and the being who will defeat you. ", I declared as my body automatically took a martial stance.

This thing is dangerous. I can feel it, hell even a child could sense it! It's not something I can laugh at...I could quite possibly die, if worst comes to worst.

But, I am a Highking who has conquered a world. Even if I now possess the body of a 14 year old girl, it's been trained enough to at least handle a fight with an Entity so at least, that's one problem down.

The Entity, still showing off his arrogant smirk, released his hands before spreading them apart for dramatic flair.

" Hear me, mortal! I am the one who bears the sins of gods. Fallen I may be, I still retain power equal to a god. My name is Adrest, the god of sins! ", The fallen god roared, the space around us shaking in submission.


In response, I called forth my beloved spear and grabbed the hilt that soon appeared from the small, glowing "gate" in space and took it out before stabbing it's butt into the dirt.

It possessed detailed engravings of ancient words all the way to the tip of the spear. The blade of the spear was a sharp, bloody red much like it's body, accompanied by two wings at either sides of the blade. The butt of the blade was a diamond-shaped and had much a simliarity with the blade.

" Latin for Death. Hmph. Crude but a good choice of name for the bloody spear. Kuku, As I am now it might even harm me lest I grew complacent! Now then, Let us fight to the death!", the Sinful god exclaimed, the darkness around him forming into countless bladed weapon.

I clutched the crimson spear in my hands and twirled it in front of me, deflecting every projectile shot at me with absolute success. Immediately after, I called upon my domain over Earth and Fire to create chains that would bind the damn arrogant god.

The fallen god was no fool as he noticed it immediately and...ate it? Wait, what?!

" Ah. Didn't I tell you? I am the construct of the sins and as such, gain the right to manipulate them. " The god declared as he assimilated the element of Earth and used it against me in the form of golems.

Oi, Isn't he basically saying he has domain over the seven primal sins? Fucking cheat!

[ Sol benevolentia ]

Two magnificent mass of fire formed above me as I threw the scorching suns at the golems, perfectly disintegrating them down to the cellular level.

" [ Wrath ] ", the god intoned as I felt immediate searing pain in my left side , throwing me a good couple metres away.

I flipped my body backwards like a cartwheel, trying to stop my momentum while circulating my Nature Avesta to heal the burning injury on my body.

I eventually regained stability but had no space to breathe as I quickly ducked a flaming spear thrust that would have decapitate me in an instant. We exchanged a flurry of stabs and thrusts, our spears coated in mystical fire, his a void black whereas mine was a blinding white.

Eventually, I saw an opening in the enemy's defense as I wasted no time in exploiting it. I twisted my hip at left leg, and pushed my right leg, effectively thrusting at the god's stomach.

The spear in my hands gleamed in twisted joy while lodging itself in the god's stomach, trembling in excitement at the taste of a god's ichor.

" Kuk! [Envy]! " , Adrest intoned, kicking the ground and leaping backwards away from me. All the while, his deathly wound quickly healed, scoffing at the once fatal wound inflicted by my cursed spear.

The fallen god seemed to have noticed my confusion and smirked, " [Envy] allows me to gain what my opponent have in contrast to what I don't have, though it does have limitations since I lost my previous body. "



What a bullshit ability! Then, doesn't that mean he already has most of my abilities?! No, he said limitations.

S**t, such a troublesome opponent. Looks like I have to call...that, after all. And here I wanted to save it as a trump card.

Oh well, the Entity has proven to be a worthy opponent so I'll let him feast his eyes upon my true form. This will be my third time using that form since my contract with "it".

A smirk grew on my face, as I released all the limiters I had placed on my body and stabbed myself with my spear.

[Banc Dei]

The mystic words engraved on my spear came into existance, shrieking and screeching it's annoyance at those who dared to awaken it from it's slumber. The words flowed around my body before forming into an abominal apparition at my back as it's hollowed "eyes" stared at the stunned god, a twisted smile on it's face. It let out a distorted roar before fusing itself with me.

" Mmn~ ", a moan escaped my mouth, while my physique was cultivating a dark red colour accompanied by the cursed words that inscribed itself all over my body. My hair turned white accompanied by a single horn that grew out from my forehead as my clothes modified itself into a war dress that granted me protection and strength.

Basically, my true form hightens my senses to the extreme, and in a life or death situation, my "sixth" sense will open, allowing me to predict any attacks. It also improves my physical and Avesta abilities by many folds. However, the downside is that I will suffer a painful 2 hours.

To make a comparison, it would be similar to Guy's Eigth Inner Gates from N***to.

" You've made a contract with those things, I see. But that will not be enough to defeat me, child of Gaia! [Wrath] ", The god intoned as the miasma that hid 'it' finally disappeared, replaced by a handsome man.

He wore a red bandana on his head, followed by a black cloak that covered his body which practically screamed "Evil". His white hair stood tall as his eyes gleamed red, thirsty for blood.

We stared at each other for a good couples seconds until we lunged at each other, our bodies transforming into a blur of black and red as we exchanged blows, leaving behind deep depressions.

Stab. Dodge. Dodge. Thrust. Block.

Strike at neck? No, dodge.

Kick. Guard Break, Opening. Hit to the head.

Enemy recuperating, Opening! Throw Spear, hit.

No good, he'll use [Envy]. Avesta Burst.

" Kuha! Arghh,You filthy insect! Dieee! [Pride]! ", the god yelled, his attempt to use [Envy] failed as his left hand imploded from the backlash.

I sensed immediate danger from the new [Sin] the fallen god called upon so I retrieved my spear and held it with both of my hands. My body crounched low as I pointed my accursed spear at the enemy while I warily stared at the transforming giant of a god whose wounds had healed completly.

" Kakaka, [Pride] is a bit special, you see. It allows me to ignore all and every attack for 5 minutes in this body, be it physical or magic while increasing all of my abilities and skills to the maximum though it burns my life force away as compensation. But it's really a shame I lost my former body, if not I can maintain this state for days! Now then, entertain me child of man! ", the god laughed, his left hand cocked back and his right in front.




F**k! Isn't this god already OP?! Seriously, anything goes in this crazy world, doesn't it? Well, it means I just have to dodge his attacks for the next five minutes. If I'm right using such a grand skill should prove to be taxing for him and he should be in a very weak state after it wears off. Umu~ I shall strike then.


My senses flared to life as I quickly bolted back, skipping a few metres easily. In the place I once was, a huge depression of 50 metress laid, wallowing in agony.

" Hmm. You managed to dodge it. Not bad for a mortal.", the god murmured, arrogantly levitating into the air from the depression.

" Hmph. Don't be too arrogant, fallen God. Ah! That must have been how you fell, right?", I taunted, trying to get him to make mistakes as I kept track of the time.

4 minutes

I altered the direction of his incoming kick to the side as a powerful gale split across my face.

[Bhuddha's Palma]

A giant, wooden humanoid palm rose from the ground, attempting to crush the sinful god.

3 minutes

It failed, of course. But, it's fine. That was just a distraction.

[Solem In Gloria!]

A sphere of raging black lightning and flames rose above me as I compressed it into the size of a coin and shot it at the distracted Entity, leaving gale and thunder in it's path.


1 minute

It obliterated his body, down to the atomic level. But, the body reformed at the speed of light, easily surpassing mere "regeneration" and tilted more on "Unrealistic Revival".

So, this is what he meant by ignoring all and every attack. Tch, what a pain!

" [Sloth] ", the god intoned as almost all of my strength was sapped away, leaving me defenseless.

He rushed at me, creating minor meteor-sized craters at every step while I was in a temporary vegetable state and eventually crashed into me.

" Guha! ", an undignified yelp escaped my lips as my body shot off in the direction of the force at an unprecedented speed, bones and joints breaking in the process.

Before I could even try to get up, a burly hand grabbed ahold of my neck, effortlessly lifting me up as a monstrous face came into my bloody view.

" Kakaka, you did well in entertaining me, mortal. Not many mortals survived that long, especially when I'm in my godly form. But, alas the time has come. As respect for your bravery, I shall grant you your last words. ", he said, his shadow of a hand slowly creeping up on my heart.

Whereas I wheezed and grunted through the pain and took a deep breath before painfully stretching my neck to reach his ears. " Y-*ugh* You should have gone for the head.", I whispered, a crimson, manical grin forming on my lips.

0 minutes

The ungodly aura that surrounded the fallen god dissapeared as his body shrunk into it's original size, effectively releasing my neck.

He grew weak.


An easy prey.

[Tempus est ad mortem]

I intoned quickly and used up most of my Avesta reserves and changed it to my Nature Avesta to completely heal myself. After somewhat healing myself, my beloved spear flew to my aid, alternating into an ominous crimson-black aspect of itself while myriads of thunder-fire rose from the ground, blessing my bloodthirsty spear.

I grabbed the unrelenting spear of death and adapted a throwing position, aiming at the fallen god.

Once I had a clear aim, I grasped my beloved spear tightly and threw it into the night sky as lightning and gale cracked, annoyed at the spear that dared attempt to split the heavens. The ebony night turned red as pillars of Hatred and Vengence descended from the sky before morphing into a blood red, ethereal dragon that chraged onto the god.

" Y-You damnn mortalll!", The god screamed in anger and anguish as my final attack devoured him, from head to toe.

I watched as his body was trapped and compressed in a sphere of death, shrinking continuosly until his very existence was erased from all planes in the universe.

" Haaa...", I released the long breath I didn't know I had been holding on as all of my strength left my body, falling helplessly on the ground.

Kukuku, so that's what fighting a god feels like.. It's exhilirating! Amazing! Awesome! I haven't fought this good ever since I first started on my journey in my past life!

But, seriously that was a low class god? Granted, he may have fallen and a low class but still... *sighs* I guess I won't be fighting against any of them soon.

Wait a minute, what's that? It looks like some sort of elemental dust? But, it's pure black, must be some sort of curse left behind by that god. Wait, why does it look like it's coming towards me?

Oy! F**k! Don't you have any respect towards your seniors! Sh**. This is gonna hurt. The black mist surrounded me, entering through my orifices attempting to reconstruct my body as a vessel for the god.

This little piece of sh*t dares attempt to control me?! Even if I bare no defenses right now, like hell I'll let a mere will control me!

I channelled whatever strength and Avesta I had in me to wrestle against the invader. My eyes flickered between the original blue and the god's golden orbs.

" Arghh! I. am. a. King. Of. Kings!", I yelled my sutra, the one that made me who I was, as power and will surged through my body, dominating the will of the god.

A pillar of ethereal light mixed of black and gold rose through the skies, piercing the heavens, announcing it of it's impending doom and the rise of a High King.

Whereas my body was wrapped in a cocoon of ever-changing colors, my conscience slipping through my grasp.

But, it's fine.

I can feel it.

My body is evolving.

It's entering a higher realm.

Haha, who knew reaping a god would yield such good rewards....Shit...., I..'ll...sleep.