The Rise of a HighKing II

Okay, where the heck am I?

I looked around the vast, endless desert. The terrain is, in all simplicity, plain. Barren of life excluding the waves of blood red sand that laid beneath me, and the sky that shone eerily with a purple glow, accompanied by a grinning, foolish moon.

Hmm, I remember lazing near the elder sakura tree, meeting the god of sins, Adrest, successfully killing him with my final attack and...Ah!

That black mist!

That black mist and I ended up in a tug of war trying to assert our dominance and take control of my body. Of course, I won. But then, I got wrapped up in something..and fainted.

Yup, that's pretty much what I can remember...Well, I guess I'll start mapping out this place, who knows if there's another Entity lurking around since I don't think I might survive another Entity attack. As I was about to start walk around and map the geography, a flirty but somewhat familiar voice rang out in this desolate desert.

" Hey there~ What's a cutie like you doing here? "

I immediately leapt back and took my distance from the unknown voice. For Avesta's sake, I couldn't even sense it! Ahh, it's just one thing after the other.

I immediately tried to summon my beloved spear to help me achieve victory against this thing.

Yet, It didn't answer my call.

I tried again and again but it was the same result for all of my attempts. Failure. I demanded my authority over my elements to come forth..yet once again, success eluded me.

I glared at the culprit and saw her in all her glory. She was..for lack of better terms, divine.

A wild mane of black fell from her head, extending it's limbs onto the small of her back. She wore a simple red toga with curses drawn all over her perfect hourglass figure. Sinister eyes that glowed red, a pixie's nose and full, black-coloured lips that only served to prove that the woman before me was someone that I cannot, under any circumstances, underestimate.

However In contrast to my shock, the culprit stood there, amused at my constant failure of attempts before quirking the corners of her lips.

" Ah-ah. That's not gonna work. This is my domain, you know~ Which means you can't do anything without my a-p-p-r-o-v-a-l.", she said, vocalising each alphabet seductively.

" Explain, Creature.", I demanded, my body crouching and fists extended out, adopting one of my self-made fist styles. Even if she looks more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen including both my past life and present, I know better than to be fooled by mere looks.

After all, the ending of my past life can serve as a proof to my testament.

" Hmm~, Ah. What a wonderful tug of war that was, yes? " , the lady smirked, " Hehe, you looked soo delectable fighting off against my possesion~ I'm getting hot thinking about it.", the woman said, her hands bewitchingly snaking around her body.

Th-This woman is insane! She! She's touching herself right in front of me! No, stop. Bad Aiko, focus.

Ignoring the moans that were coming out of her mouth, I recomposed myself and regulated my breathing.

Umu. I've calmed down, Let's think carefully. She said " tug of war" and "possesion". And, her voice does sound like that fallen god, albeit it being female...Umu~ The only logical conclusion I can come to is that she's the will of that god I had defeated.

" Oy harlot, are you Adrest's will? ", I grudgingly asked, not even bothering to look at her shamless display.

She ignored my question as she continued on with her...'touching' and eventually reached her climax before throwing a smirk at me. " Ma~ It took you long enough~ Ah. Were you playing dumb just to see me touch myself? Ne~ Ne~ If you want, there's always a spot in my chambers, you know~".

" Don't speak bullcrap. Why have you bring me here? And what for? Talk. " I enquired, staring warily at the now confirmed, will of the fallen god of sins.

" Ma~ Why so serious? Little Sin here just want to know what you're gonna do with lil ol me~", she replied, the mischevious slurr still present in her words.

I glared at the annoying smirk which boldly presented itself on her face as the silence and tension grew thick between us.

"What do you mean?", I asked, a tick forming on my head.

" Seriously? I have to explain from there? Ah~ I hate historyy~ Oh well. Listen carefully, I'm about to give you a veryyy detailed history class so take notes~ *Ahem* Since time immemorial, the gods were born with their [Commands] which, in a nutshell, allows them to do all sorts of nature defying and law bending acts of Avesta! However, they became arrogant and complacent, went on to play with the affairs of mortals and finally descended upon great Gaia to wreak havoc and create chaos all in the name of "entertainment." " She stopped talking and took a breather before continuing.

" They thought themselves to be Supreme! Unsurpassable Existances! Yet. You humans, managed to kill one of them! Even if he was just a low rank god, it was a magnificent, glorious day indeed. The god's narcisissim shattered as they grew weary of the mortals. Years into the future, the gods entered into an unofficial reconciliation with the humans while in reality, they were slowly building up their forces. After a grand tournament, they finally created an organisation under their respective mythology, lead by the Godkings and Divine Kings."

"Later, after establishing a base of operations and network system, they came to the existance of [Anomaly], mortals that had the power to defeat them single handedly, albeit them being in very small numbers. "

" To cut the long story short, you somehow have been cursed with the blood of an anomaly and since you defeated the god's will, aka me, you're in control of that smelly god's [Command] albeit a few limitations~", she stopped her serious explanation and instead, wore a lusty expression.

" But, maybe you can ignore them for a set period of time if you can do a lil something for me~", she said as her lustful expression grew larger.

" What." I challenged as a frown appeared on my face the more this overbearing women talks.

" You can ignore the limits if you bed me!" Her pitch hightened and her body twitched, anticipating my expected answer.

Whereas I absorbed myself into my own world, summing up everything she had just explained.

So basically, there are organisations for gods under their respective mythology and I, in some ungodly way, possess the blood of the very few things that can actually destroy them.

And since I defeated the fallen god's will, a.k.a the harlot in front of me, I now possess the fallen god's [Command] and can use it to my will within a limit. However, I can ignore the limit if I 'sleep' with her...

" Fuck no. ", I cursed as her lustful, expecting expression was quickly replaced with a depressed one.

I may be thirsty for power, even more so in this Overpowered mythology/post apocalyptic-infested world..


I have my own pride and dignity. Futhermore, a HighKing does not sleep with harlots, no?

" Mu~ Fine. You'll come around anyway... Ah right, since you have subdued me I am now considered as your possession and 'spoil of war' . Be proud, not many could do what you just did~", She said, winking at me before wearing a serious-looking face.

"Well then, tell me what you wish of me to do, oh beautiful king of mine.", she annouced as one of her kness touched the ground in a knightly way while her head faced the ground in submission.

Holy s**t. I basically obtained a god as my servant, futhermore someone who can act as a well of information.


"..Take me out of here. Also, Change the scenery. It bores me. ", I ordered.

In response, she raised her head up and looked at me with eyes that were filled with nothing but devotion and love..with a little bit of lust. Of course.

" Your wish is my desire." she responded with a smile and snapped her fingers.

The scenery around me morphed into a swirl of red and purple as I felt my consciousness returning back to my material body.