The Awakening Ceremony

Dream City bustling with noise and excitement because today is the day for the Awakening Ceremony and held it at the mayor office

the mayor office coexist with a pavilion, a garden and wide area in front for any kind of ceremony where now the kids surround the awakening formation and the mayor who control the ceremony standing near the formation

Tang Feng standing at the front of the mayor as their only 26 kids who here to awaken their martial spirit, Tang Feng didn't mind the stare of adoration that little girls give and the jealousy of few boys because the kids in this world more mature than his old world so they already know to admire the looks of other kid's in their age.

Tang Feng really standout than the kids of his age because with his sky blue hair, a eyes like a blue sapphire , red lips , cute nose, plus the calm and serene aura that surround him, Tang Feng looks are not inclined towards beautiful but he looks like a scholars who full of knowledge and wisdom

Tang Feng watch the first kid walk at the center of the formation

"child what your name? " the mayor said

"James Stone Mr mayor " James introduced himself

"James don't be nervous as the awakening just easy so stand at the center and calm your mind" The mayor comfort James as he was nervous and he slowly calm mind

as the mayor saw that he already calmed he activated the formation and light surround James as the light dimmed and slowly disappeared, James still standing at the formation but the different is a metal tiger of the middle grade standing at his right side, the tiger turn into speck of light and merged with James become a fit and toned for his age

"martial spirit metal tiger of middle grade" the mayor said as he take out a sphere and place in front of James " James put your hand above the sphere to test your spirit qi"

James put his hand and a 7 ray of light shot out from the sphere " the level of your spirit qi is at seventh level you can be a spirit master " the mayor said as he happy of James talent because he as seventh level of spirit qi are enough to say that James have high talent

James feel joy as he have a Martial spirit of middle grade, James parents approach him and tightly hug their son after that they laid him at the corner and watch the other kid's do their awakening, the next kid is chubby he looks 8 years old and bulk for his age as the kid stand at the center of formation this time the mayor just comfort him and didn't ask his name as he activated the formation

the chubby kid surrounded with light, moments later the light gone as the chubby now visible to the eyes, he still standing at the formation with his spirit sleeping in front of him

"red eye Boar martial spirit of middle grade" the mayor announced the chubby martial spirit while place the sphere in front of the chubby kid, the chubby kid place his hand above the sphere, seconds later 8 light flew out from the sphere with intense bright

" eight level spirit qi congratulations you will be a spirit master " the mayor said with excitement to his voice as the first two can be a spirit master so with high aptitude not the same last year that only one kids out of 39 kids with only high aptitude but to his disappointed after the two their none high aptitude

"martial spirit knife of lower grade, spirit qi of fifth level"

" martial spirit silk of low grade with spirit qi of fourth level "

"martial spirit pig of lowest level with none spirit qi "

the martial spirit of every kids are different some of them are the same but those same martial spirit either brother or in the same family

Tang Feng amazed by different kind of martial spirit like Martial spirit wood sandals,gloves, nails and book

this continued until Tang Feng name called

"little Feng it's your turn, good luck and calm your mind " Tang Feng father said as he feel nervous for his son as he know that Tang Feng want to be a Spirit Master

Tang Feng walk at the center of formation

" calm your mind kid this ceremony will not hurt you and will just make your stronger " the mayor said as he saw that Tang Feng clinched his hand after that the mayor activated the formation

the light from formation envelope Tang Feng he feel kind of energy enter to the deep of his body as if there are something that attract them, the light had contact with that thing and the energy awaken that mysterious thing.

Tang Lui Wei watch his son cover with the light from the formation as he hope that Tang Feng have a excellent martial spirit as the boy really want to be a spirit master,

he still remember how the boy feel as he stare at him with his big round eyes because little Feng want know his martial spirit

"Dad what is your martial spirit" Tang Feng ask his Father as he wants to know

"little Feng my martial spirit wind wolf of high grade" Tang Lui Wei said with smile and transform with his martial spirit

Tang Lui Wei started change his silver hair get long and wild like a hair didn't brush for almost a years and his body was twice thick and full of power but you still know that his stature still have flexibility and swiftness

his eyes are more sharp than before, little Feng big eyes sparkle with excitement as he watch his Dad show to him his martial spirit

Tang Lui Wei fell warm to his heart as he remember how little Feng exited about what his martial spirit, Tang Lui Wei back to himself as he heard the gasp of the people at his surrounding and look at the center of awakening formation he saw the silhouette of his son who open his palm a stalk of grass floating above

"blue silver grass of lowest grade " quietly said of Tang Lui Wei