Blue Silver Grass

Tang Feng sit on his bed while watching his martial spirit blue silver grass floating above his hand as he feels the strong vitality and lifefores of it so he expect his martial spirit

Tang Feng did not dissatisfied about his martial spirit but he really excited about his martial spirit because while in the awakening formation to awaken his martial spirit a information to completely awaken his martial spirit appear to his mind

that rights Tang Feng martial spirit it's 10 percent awaken but it's already can rival a martial spirit of middle grade

there grade classification of martial spirit it's lowest, Low, Middle, highest, Supreme, Deity grade this classification about the abilities that can give to host or spirit master in any kinds of field but it's needs to prove by the spirit master just like how a legendary figure ascend to godhood by only his innate spirit qi and Blue Silver Grass

Tang Feng know why Low grade was classified his Martial Spirit because it's hard to improve the Blue Silver Grass to Blue Emperor Martial Spirit but he think that the knowledge inside of him to completely awaken his martial spirit is kind of different so he clueless

Tang Fend get rid his distractions and focus to his martial spirit to feels the life energy and strong vitality inside of it

Tang Feng parents was worried about their son reaction as Tang Lui Wei talked what happened to the awaken ceremony

flask back...

Tang Feng slowly walked at the center of the magic formation as the Mayor saw his calm and firm eyes he know that this boy didn't need to help to calm his mind so he started the formation after he asked if Tang Feng is ready who just give him a nod

Tang Feng watch the formation activate and strated glowing feels the energy that enter to his body and slowly go to his right hand as if they want to come out

Tang Feng watch his right hand and surprised by his martial spirit but also stare it with interest so as if this the most precious gem or artifact in the whole world

" Blue Silver Grass martial spirit of low grade " the Mayor said but he saw that the boy still stare at his martial spirit as if still can't get over that his martial spirit is a low grade

"Tang Feng come over here" The Mayor called Tang Feng as he get near the Mayor console him " it's ok if you martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass there still legendary figure who martial spirit just like but he still achieve godhood " Even though he is innate spirit and dual martial spirit master the mayor though

speechless as he feel the sympathy of the mayor so he just brash it off and just nod his head at the mayor

" ok! let measure your spirit qi" the mayor said and place the sphere in front of him as Tang Feng know want to he didn't eat for the mayor and just place his hand at the sphere

the sphere can measure spirit qi it will shot a ray of light to know the spirit qi of the others the maximum of ray is ten and one is the minimum to know that the child have a chance to be a spirit master

the sphere shot 10 ray of light in a blink of the eye, the Mayor was shocked " f..ull.. innate spi..rit qi " the mayor stammered

Tang Feng wasn't surprised as he started to cultivate slowly when he still a toddler till now

" Blue Silver Grass of low grade with full innate spirit qi " the mayor announced with complicated emotion as he know that as feel bad that Tang Feng only have martial spirit of low grade also excited if the boy will become legendary like that person

End of flashback...

" full Innate spirit qi " Tang Feng mother mutter as she know what it means " we can only give the best spirit soul so that it will give assistance to his martial spirit to evolve " she know that it hard to improve the grade of martial spirit but she know that immortal herbs can evolve martial spirit of it have great compatible to each other

Tang Lui Wei know what his wife thinking but he approve it as he can give Tang Feng enough support for his future

Tang Feng open his eyes as he done checking his martial spirit to know what his martial spirit innate ability

Martial spirit have innate ability some can improve there strength, accute instinct, good eyesight, great speed, or body coordinate but this just innate ability that there didn't need to activate personally if innate ability need to activate personally this give them great assistance in any kind of field

his martial spirit give him good regeneration it great if there many plant or he at center of the firest and also it can release many kinds of seed to grow many Blue Silver Grass that he can control anytime but he still not know how to used it in fighting

Tang Feng eyes give a bright luster as he so excited to know what kind of spirit soul that his parents choose for him

it still afternoon as sun will hide and night will rule so Tang Feng ask for permission to go at back mountain to practice

the back mountain is just a small hill there cliff there that you can see the big and vast mountain also the Sun was clear at this position either it sunset or sunrise

Tang Feng meditate and strated to cultivate while facing the sunset as the strand of Violet qi flow to his eyes and circulate to blood vessel of his eyes that follow a rhythm

minutes later Tang Feng stop his cultivation and slowly stand while watching the night envelop the sky so he started to slowly get home for dinner

" Mom! Dad! I'm back " Tang Feng said as he entered in their house he saw his Dad sit at the dinning room so he know that his Mom already done her cooking

" little Feng sit here! " Tang Lui Wei said while patting the chair beside him

he know that his Dad want to talk about his martial spirit and the choosing of his martial soul as he know that choosing a martial soul is important to the spirit master so that it can maximize the ability and talent of his martial spirit