A wake for the first time

When Annelise awake again she was in a bed that was not her own. She inhaled and sunk further into the soft furnishing around her. A thick throw of down cover her body it smelled of lavender and sage. As did her pillow. Annelise stretched and reballed her body. She counted her breaths feeling her conscious throughout her whole body. She couldn't detect any pain. She felt refreshed and safe.

When's the last time….

Annelise exhaled and brought her head to her knees. Her feel good was gone again. The memory of seeing her mother, even if only in a dream forced a knot in her throat. She had a mother. A real one. A beautiful woman that she looked like. A woman that looked at her with love and kindness. Annelise sighed. Her wolf stirred a bit. Annelise bit her lip against the sorrow that bubbled in her heart. Her wolf felt it too. But Annelise didn't want to cry right now she just wanted to enjoy the feeling of not being bothered. She was sure that beck would be by eventually. But for now, she just wanted to rest more.

He was laying still as the poison seeped into his skin. How had he fell into this trap so easily? He roared for the others to stay back. He thrashed around. He death was certain but he had to save them. He had to rid the area of all of it. The weeds snatched onto his body forming a cocoon, and his wolf fell silent as the poison sapped their strength. But he had to do it. No one else was strong enough. He was Alpha, they were counting on him. 'Stay back. Let me do it.' His voice sounded weak in his own ear but he was sure that they heard him. He could feel sorrow that wasn't his own. Had he failed them? His body stopped rolling, even as he ordered it to continued. The weed pulled and contracted enough for his bones begin to crack. They're safe…so long as they are safe.

Annelise sat up with a start. Her eyes immediately met Becky's. the woman held up her hand and gently pressed Annelise back a bit.

"Sit, child. Or you're give yourself another head ache."

Annelise rubbed her temple slightly and grumbled, "I already have a headache. You said that nasty goop would fix it."

Becky shrugged, "It will eventually. As you get used to the vision. The headaches will recede. But your body is relearning how to handle the Gift."

Annelise slowly ran her hand over her forehead, "you say that like you know?"

Becky shrugged again and offer a steam mug toward Annelise. The girl sniffed and smelled familiar and foreign spices. Against her better judgment she took the mug and drank it. The liquid was hot but sweet. Annelise hummed as she recognized it as a tea. Her dream flashed in quick success and chocked a bit. Becky retrieved the mug and forced Annelise back down.

"Had I known you had the Gift, I would have never let those siblings raise you. But Easton was determined to cover you up in the dankest hole in the territory."

Annelise shook her head. "he's going to die."

"we all die eventually."

"No soon. And not a natural one. We have to tell someone."

Becky flicked Annelise squarely in her forehead. Annelise growl and scrambled to her feet. All the refreshment she had previously felt left her body just as her feet hit the cool wooden floors. Annelise body crumples much to her wolf's chagrin. Annelise growled and clawed at the bedding. Her muscles protested as she drug herself to a half squat position. Her legs were useless and gain footing, but eventually Annelise had pulled her body back into the safety of the bed. And slowly the fatigue left her body and she again felt like she had a full night worth of sleep.

"what's wrong with me?'

Becky reoffered the mug and Annelise took it obediently. She finished it in one gulp and sent it back to its own. Beck raised her eyes to the empty mug before setting it back down. "you've go through the change. In a rather hurried matter. But it was necessary."

"I-I don't understand."

Becky nodded and sat back into her sit and tapped her lips. "there is a great deal of this you don't know. It's not important now that you know everything, but I'll tell you this much." Becky fidgeted about and looked over her shoulder. Annelise followed her gaze but both females saw nothing. Still Becky rose and closed the door to the room before returning to her seat. She sighed again and waited a moment.

"When a cub is ready to become an adult, their wolf awakens. No one truly knows what is made of the mystery that minds our body to a wolf. Where yourself or the wolf goes when we are in other forms, but it is regarded as a sacred rite."

Becky pause and readjusted her position. "Who our wolf is, reflect all our hopes and dreams, but also the worst facets of who we are to become."

"the worst? What do you mean?"

"It's no secret that you have a rebellious streak, Annelise."

"So, my wolf will try to go rogue?"

Becky opened her mouth but paused. She taped her lips as if to search for the right words, "Some might think that is exactly to course you would take. However, your fate is still your own. No one can dictate who you want to be. If you stay here, or leave to meet your destiny. No one here can stop you, though they might try."

Annelise pulled herself into a seated position. She waited slightly along with her wolf.

"I'm sure this comes as no surprised that Myrtle and Edwin are not your parents. What more is they are not your family at all. You have no relatives in this pack. They are all dead."

"our pack was once strong and vibrant one. Until we were attack by an unforeseen force. Our alpha was killed and your family was torn apart. We chose a proxy and the council was born."

Annelise nodded. She knew that having a council and non-blood bonded Alpha was an anomaly. "What does that have to do with me?"

Becky looked away and shrugged, "you are essentially an adult now. You should know these things. Soon your mate may be known to you, depending on how mature your wolf is. Though judging by your strength, she still quite young."

A challenging growl emitted from  AnneliseAnnelise's throat.

"calm yourself, child. You're ahead of the curve at any rate. You age mates won't meet their fully grow wolves until another year or so. Your wolf has plenty of time to grow strong. But be warned. In her infancy, she's going to be hard to control."

Annelise looked down and rolled her neck. Her wolf didn't like being called an "infant" but Annelise took Becky's words to heart. She would be 14 soon, but her wolf wasn't supposed to start seeking her until she was 15 and half a year. Yet here they were, already one. "wat about my vision?"

Becky looked away again, this time Annelise could see the stern set of her jaw. "you need to rest. I will tell the council about your sight and we will discuss plans. But for now, you need to rest."

"Becky, that doesn't even begin to explain…anything!" Annelise didn't even try to stand up. Instead she just beat the bedding in protest. She's just like everyone else. She doesn't believe me. No one ever believes me!

"Annelise." Becky didn't raise her voice or her hands. She gave Annelise a level gaze and waiting for Annelise to stop thrashing. "Do you really think they will listen?"

"So, we're just supposed to sit back and let him die?"

"Everyone dies, Annelise."


"And some sooner than most. That is not your place to interfere. Will you accept the consequences for the great disaster that could come?'

Annelise lowered her head and gripped the duvet. She didn't quite understand how stopping his death could be bad.

"This will be hard, but you cannot act on every impulse simply out of fear."

Annelise eyes widen, "I'm not afraid."

"then rest." Becky stood the turned and left the room.

Annelise sat in agreement with her wolf. Becky may not have fully satisfied her curiosity but she also didn't just hush AnneliseAnnelise's concerns away.

She is an interesting woman.

Annelise nodded her head sank down into the covers. Becky had a weird way of challenging her without making her feel stupid or unwanted. Annelise rolled around a bit before finding the perfect position. Becky's bed was quite comfy. Her bed at home was just wicker and stuffing. But this bed was a real mattress. It was dense enough for Annelise not to sink too deeply but soft. The duvet was soft too. Becky must have sprayed the bed down with herbs because Annelise noted that the scents were not as strong as before. Annelise inhaled and wrinkled her nose. Her nose picked up Becky's scent. She could tell the word was about 20 yards away. But she also caught Chief Easton's scent along with a few council members. She turned over and ignored the questions beginning to form in her head. Becky would be back soon enough and then she would bagger her then. But for now, she wanted to rest. This bed was perfect for sleep.

But just as Annelise ad settled enough to entertain another rest, foot step rushed to the room she was staying in. Annelise started as a brief flash of Chief Easton's office met her eyes. Quick but easy to decipher, Annelise knew Becky had told him something, his eyes were stern in the image. When Annelise turned over to the door she was met with the same stern black eyes.


Shhh. Annelise quieted her wolf. But she knew her inner half was no more impressed than Annelise had ever been. Annelise sat up slowly. The loose feeling, she once had was gone. She was on guard., Annelise noted that Becky had made her feel at ease, but as Annelise knew, and Becky even said herself. She was different.

Annelise didn't say a word as she looked at the older man. She had many words she wanted to say. But even if only in name, he was the pack leader. That much she had to give him. He controlled much of her life to this point. And depending on what all Becky had told him, her life was about to become a lot more difficult.

"do you have any idea what time it is?" Annelise didn't blink as he spoke. Of course, she didn't know what time it was. She'd had awoken maybe thirty minutes ago and the room had no readily available clock.

Annelise shrugged and plainly answered, "Sometime after six."

"No. It's after 8."

"it's hardly dark enough to be 8."

"its 8 30 in the morning." The man growled and narrowed his eye at Annelise. She shrugged again. She wondered why he still attempted to intimidate her after all this time. It rarely worked. Thankfully he didn't appear to have the ability to order her around all the time.

Annelise did blink and was about to ask why he was still standing there when she recalled the day of the week. Monday. Which meant school. Annelise rolled out of her covers and gave a long exaggerate yawn and stretched out her entire body. She groaned softly and slowly climbed out of the covers. It didn't escape her notice that the elected alpha head his gaze below her chin. Normally she would throw him a dirty look about she just ignored him and sauntered over to her clothing. With little ceremony, Annelise pulled off the night shirt and stepped into her jeans and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Annelise light sniffed her clothing. Becky had washed and dried her clothing using lavender scents. Annelise smiled. Most of her detergent at home was plain and boring. Myrtle didn't see the need for the added expense of fabric softer.

Once she was dressed Annelise pulled on her trainers. Her fingers pulled through her curls until most of the russet locks were high above her head. She felt around her wrists, expecting to find her signature black band, but her wrist was empty. She lazily looked around the dresser and night stand, but her tie was gone.  She then slowly combed through her hair again. SA braided bun would have to do.

"are you through grooming yourself, or do your intent to waste my time.?' Easton tapped his foot and his bushy mustache twitched in irritation.

Annelise rolled her eyes and let her hair drop. She didn't have a need to impress her school mates, but she just preferred her hair up. But she was going to have to forfeit this battle. Without saying a word, she brushed past her people elected leader and followed the natural curve of the house out toward the front.

The older members of the pack were deep in discussion but the talking ceased as soon as Annelise entered the room.

Annelise straightened her back and took measured steps towards the door. She noticed a familiar black hoodie hanging off the hanger and pulled it down to slip it on. This as well had been washed. A small smile played on her lips. Becky is spoiling me.

"what is she doing here?"

"Chief Easton can't be serious."

She ignored the whisper and moved through the room towards the door. She kept her head up and didn't let her small smile leave her face until she steps through the large pack house door. Even when outside, though her smile slipped she didn't make a sound. Instead she let herself out of the gates, receiving more questioning stares and whispers. Once in the main courtyards she headed for the thick of trees. She would have to book it if she planned on being on time for school.

The scenery passed quickly as Annelise raced to the nearby human settlement. It was only six miles away, but class began in ten minutes. She hadn't eaten breakfast so her energy was low it was take her a bit past her normal stamina but she might just make it.

I can help.

Annelise almost fell when she heard the now familiar voice of her inner wolf. Taking sniffs of the air, she could tell she was already half way there. And this close, human hunter could be close by. At her speed and her urgency, she didn't keep tabs on the possibility of human's passing near.

We'll be fine. I don't want to spook a dane this early in the morning. Maybe we can stretch on the way home, but for now. Let's just ride it out.

Her wolf didn't protest. Annelise nodded it would take some getting used to, but it was nice having someone else with her. Even if that someone was in her head.

When the trees began top clear, Annelise focused a bit through she continued to run she closed her eyes for two seconds. No cars or morning walkers were nearby, so as the coverage of trees broke she leaped up. She inhaled soaring twice her height over the paved road between her packs territory and the edge of the humans. As the forest brgan again, Annelise crossed her arms across her body. Her exhaled began just as her toes touched the slightly trampled brush. Without pause she broke into a roll and traveled in a ball a few yards before jumping back up to her feet. Her school was only another half mile by foot, with the track field taking up a good portion of the remain distance. Annelise pushed herself a bit leaping down from the remaining edge of the hillside and jogged past the goal posts. She inhaled and grinned. The tuff had been replaced over the weekend. It smelled of victory, just in time for their mid-season match against their rivals. Annelise could wait, that is if she was ticketed with too many tardies.

Just as she approached the backdoors the warning bell rang. She notices the lack of pain her ears had this time. The last week months had made hearing most high-pitched sounds a labor. Annelise didn't even bother with the doors as she grasped the thick bricks on the side of the field house. With a few grunts, she was over the ledge and crawling through the single window. Crawling through she picked up her school bag. Through she was certain it was untouched, she checked through to ensure that her books, and homework were still intact. She slugged the bag over her should and quickly passed through the attic into the rafters of the field house. Clamber through the gables before somersaulting onto the raiser bleachers. She slid down the rail and half jogged across the gym into the main hallway.

Annelise slowed her pace mimicking the gentle walks of the human classmates to the best of her ability. One of the packs many rules. Annelise did it, usually, because attracting human attention tended to annoy her. Usually she started weaving in and out of the crowd, but inevitably a good-sized path opened for her.

As it should. They don't stand a chance. Shhh, these aren't hostiles.

Why are we here?

Annelise rolled her eyes. Her wolf knew why they were there. Easton liked to keep her occupied. But Annelise supposed there were still other options She shrugged and continued her path to her first hour class. It's fun and takes little effort. Plus, we don't have to deal with most pack members.

Most being the operative word, Annelise didn't looked to the young male that sat on the far side of the room. They had clear rules about speaking to each other. Or rather his sister had made it a rule. Annelise sat in her seat and pulled out her homework, then rose again to return it, while her human classmates fumbled through their belongings.

Annelise looked at the at the dark-haired male in front of her and snorted. Of course, he had to come up now. He was already in here before. Annelise dropped her homework and turned away before the two could touch.

"Problem, Annelise?" His voice was a calm tenor, but her wolf ears could hear the tension. She continued to her desk and pulled out her school books. She had gotten good at ignoring him. The human girls in her class, had not. Annelise gritted her teeth as they fawned over him. Even their teacher, a middle age woman, who should know better, patted her own hair as he asked her how her weekend was.

"And you Annelise how was your weekend?"

Annelise looked up to her teacher voice. Annelise softened her eyes and smiled and raised her eyebrows. "I had a wonderful weekend. Fall break is always too short."

The woman smiled before sitting down and going through her graded paper. She congratulated Annelise and her pack mate on their excellent interpretation of the reading before moving on to the human students. Annelise sat back but kept mind to keep a wistful look on her face.

Humans had two emotions when dealing with her people. Fascination or fear. A normal expression from a werewolf could come off as hostile, even if they were just thinking. Annelise had learned to smile for no reason just because it was something the humans expected. She raised her hand every so often, not drawing attention to herself but quickly getting off her teacher's list for class participation. When the bell rang again, Annelise wasn't the first to stand, but she was usually the first or second person out of the door. She passed through and turned sharply to get to her next class but mistaken forced another to the ground.

Oh, great. Annelise readjusted her bag to help the human up off the ground when she smelled a familiar scent. Annelise struggled to keep the sneer from her face. But looking down she had small satisfaction having knocked the female wolf on to her backside.

The girl was of average height and dainty, with large brown doe eyes. A full face of makeup brought attention to her high cheek bones. She wore a laced b louse and pencil skirt. And seemed to have trouble working her feet back underneath the rest of her.

Annelise offer a limped hand which the girl begrudgingly took. Still they both wore smile on their faces.

"Good morning, Annelise."

Annelise didn't miss the malice in the girl's voice which she responded to by sharply yanking Harriet to her feet. Annelise smiled brightly as she felt a quick pop come through the girl arm. A faint wince registered on Harriet's face but quickly glazed over, but Annelise could see the discomfort in her eyes.  Annelise stepped back and checked Harriet over. She knew the girl's shoulder would heal soon, but she still enjoyed the moments that Harriet tried to mask it, poorly.

"Is something wrong ladies?"

Annelise scoffed and turned over her shoulder to her classmate.

"Jasper! I missed you." Harriet quickly hurried around Annelise. Thought dismissive, she was careful not to run into Annelise.


We have a history, as I'm sure you know.

Annelise rolled her eyes at the two. Harriet linked her hands in with Jasper and pressed her body into him while beginning to chatter about her day. Annelise eye the clock on the wall. Assuming they arrived at school at the same time, they'd been separated exactly 55 minutes. Even so Jasper looked down to Harriet and listened intently, nodded and commenting when needed. Annelise turned around but made intentional gagging noise as she walked to her next course.

She, jasper, and Harriet were not the only wolves that attended the humans school. Most of AnneliseAnnelise's classes had at least one other in them. But the three of them were the only ones within their age cohort from their pack. Other packs were not as liberal as Chief Elect Easton chose to be.

No real alpha would allow such behavior. Mixing so close with humans.

Annelise rolled her eyes internally, not for the first time as her wolf. Her inner half was proving to have conservative views towards AnneliseAnnelise's actions.

Her voice was constant as she critiqued everything that Annelise did. Becky had been right, this was going to be a challenge. Were they supposed to be of one mind?

"Ugh, would you please shut up?" Annelise growled.

A few chairs scooted against the title and Annelise looked around, realizing her actions she cleared her throat and quickly scanned the room. She smiled and laughed lightly, "Of course not you Mr. brooks.  I just believe my classmates and I would find the learning easier if certain individuals would refrain from idle commentary."

A murmur of laughed rippled through the classroom. Annelise exhaled and looked over her shoulder. A small group of girls were huddled in the corner overlooking a magazine, like they often were. The girls narrowed their eyes at Annelise. Her wolf stirred and Annelise relented, she threw her own glare back at the girls who quickly looked away and put up their entertainment. Ok not bad. But cool it.

Her wolf said nothing but her stomach did gurgled in time for the lunch bell. Annelise groaned, though it was hidden by the hurried rush of her classmates to the door. Annelise poked her stomach urging it to be silent. She wasn't that hungry any way. But her stomach protested in demand for food.

Annelise stood and gripped her bag. She was not looking forward to this.