Death of a Leader 1

Annelise walked straight past the cafeteria. It had the habit of giving her nausea. So much different food didn't excite her appetite but pushed it away. Even still the scent of food sent her stomach into a round of loud protests. She reluctantly quickened her pace. Like most intense emotions, hunger had the habit of changing the color of her eyes to black if she wasn't careful. It was a sight that was forbidden from being shown to humans. It made human curious, and curiosity brought questions. Annelise rubbed her stomach try to alleviate the ravenous hunger that was building. She shouldn't be this hungry.

We haven't eaten since morning. Yesterday.

Annelise gritter her teeth. A new scraping sound greeted her. She tentatively ran her tongue over her the root of her mouth. Instead of her normal rounded teeth, sharp peak grazed her tongue. Annelise groaned, but it came out as low growl. She stomped up and abandoned hallway and quickened her pace passed the empty and mostly locked classrooms. Once she reached then end of the hallway, she could feel her jaws ache. She should have put something in her stomach this morning.

Annelise pulled open the door and quickly shut it behind her.

She looked to the couple before her and inwardly gagged. And hour with these two would be trying. But since she had left the house late, it meant Jasper and Harriet had her portion of lunch specially prepared for young pups in close company with humans.

Being on pack ground getting hungry was no big deal. They would just eat what food was in their homes. Adult could snatch up a quick morsel of rabbit or deer if the group was big enough. Or if a meeting ran long, everyone's eyes were dark. But they had to maintain strict control. Being in school 8-10 hours a day meant they could eat midday meals, and the timing of school ending and the running home prevented midafternoon meals. Too keep tempers in check, the Pack Doctor Ellis had a meal of raw specially treated meat for them every school days.

Annelise swallowed the pooling saliva in her mouth. She could smell the meat already. It was sweetened today. She had water to added red pepper to her own, but the sweet meat would be satisfying to her stomach if not for her taste buds.

Annelise dropped her bag and made her way to Jasper and Harriet. They were sitting closely with Jasper reclining back and Harriet happily feeding him bite sized bits of food.

Annelise eyed an unopened box waiting for her and she nearly pounced on it.

"That's not yours."

Annelise let out and unfettered growl and glared openly at Harriet. Harriet squeak and would have dropped the food she was serving had Jasper not been there to steady her.

Next to Harriet's fear washed look, Jasper held his own glare, "You better hope no one heard that."

Annelise bit her lip to refrain from curling her lip. If they saw our teeth… She spoke carefully, choosing words that didn't require her teeth to show. "Where's my food?"

Her voice was still a growl, but her irritation was building. Her stomach was in full protest and she was not in the mood for niceties.

Jasper stood smoothly. Annelise narrowed her eyes further but didn't shake as he sauntered over to her. He crossed the room slowly and carried a metal box with him. When he was only a few steps away he stopped and turned the container slightly. Annelise's darken eyes followed the container carefully. She knew he was teasing her. But she wanted to be ready just in case he lost his grip. She knew she wouldn't be able to make through afternoon lesson or practice on an empty stomach.

"Jasper. Not right now."

"Oh? Are we feeling a bit peaky?" He peeled back lips and toyed with the lunchbox more. His eyes followed Annelie's actions. A longing hovered in her eyes and Jasper couldn't believe that the girl had more interest in a box of meat over himself.

Jasper cautiously played with the box. His grin was set but it didn't reach his eyes. He eyes the girl before him. She was pleasing to the eyes if one just took in her looks. But she stood ready to punce instead of welcoming. Even if she was beneath him in the pack she should still know how to behave. Here she was only concerned with eating. Did her parents starve her? Plus she was bullying Harriet, only he was allowed to bully his sister. It was his right. Yet, he didn't mind when Annelise caused trouble, Harriet need to to grow a firmer backbone. He wouldn't always be around to protect her. Jasper lips pulled wider. Annelise could have been a great wolf if not for her pathetic parents.

Annelise curled her fist and rolled her shoulders back and fixed him with a strong glare. We can wipe that smirk off his face.

Not here. Annelise closed her eyes and tried not to accept the images of tackling Jasper and gripping his throat. Instead she counted to five before reopening her eyes. Her hands flew up to her face first. Annelise was about to bring them back down when her fingers clasped around cool metal. Annelise tilted her head at Jasper's surprised look. Through gritted teeth she gave him a final warning, "Try that again and you might not make it home, Jasper."

Annelise didn't hesitate to rip open the container. The metal had blocked out most of the meats aroma. Inside a healthy portion of slightly salted rabbit greeted her. A pleased growl escaped her lips as she hungrily bit into the cleanly sliced portions. Annelise had been able to see the salt but she could taste rosemary, cumin, and another juicy mixture she just couldn't place. She groaned as her teeth tore the tender muscles and she felt her body shudder. The food was gone before she had been able to place every flavor but she felt much better. Her vision lightened and she licked her lips in appreciation. She reached into the container and opened the wet naps package then popped in a mint before cleaning her hands and face. Her wolf hummed in agreement. The good doctor had outdone herself this time. The meat was delicious.

Annelise ignore that scoff that came from the other side of the room. She didn't care the condition she ate so long as her belly had been filled. And not a moment too soon it seemed. There had been an edge in her body that was now gone. She tilted back and lay on the floor. Her eyes spied the clock above. She had finished her food in fifteen minutes. And she'd eaten more than normal.

We will need more food as we grow strong and mature.

Annelise nodded. That much she knew, she just hadn't expected it to hit her so intensely. Too be honest, she was still a bit hungry. But she knew better than to ask Harriet for her portion. Harriet and a few other females in that pack seemed quite obsessed with making themselves seem smaller in front of males. Annelise eyed Harriet as the girl tried to keep her stomach sucked in. Harriet wouldn't eat all her food. But Annelise was sure the girl was just offer it to her brother, who Harriet seemed to be a bit too fond of.

"How does this taste, Jasper?" Harriet batted her lashes and scooted closer to her brother and sigh as the boy picked at the remain of his lunch.

"Decent as always." Gave a lazy smile. His attention soon turned to the figure sprawled out in the middle of the floor. "What's in your hairnet? Mommy not wake you up in time?"

Annelise tensed. Not that she needed to. Jasper and Harriet always had little quips to say about her "parents".

Edwin and Myrtle has been Annelise's guardians for as far as she could remember. But even at a young age she had known that her family pack was different than everyone's. Myrtle didn't tuck her into bed at night. Her cuts and bruises didn't receive kisses. She didn't get pats of the head or hugs for doing well. Edwin was just as squat as his sister and seemed to be void of any physical strength. Nothing about him said predator. So, he worked closely with humans. He knew much of how their world worked. His pack job was to keep the human away from pack territory. From Annelise's observations that entailed a computer and what Edwin referred to as hacking. Though long ago, Annelise was sure that they used to simply chase off humans, or kill them, Edwin explained that he could rewrite their maps and disrupt signals so that the human aware of land that her pack occupied. It seemed simple enough, but it kept Edwin alone in his room or away from the house often. Sometimes weeks would go by between Annelise's sighting of him.

And Myrtle was no better. All she cared about was staying hidden behind her towering pillar of baskets and fabric. The baskets her pack used for gathering water and setting traps for game. The fabric she often sold back to the humans. Not that she would leave the house to do any of that. Growing up, pack mate would come by and gather things, but as Annelise go older, it was her job to be Myrtle's runner. Annelise didn't complain too much because it got her out of the house. She could be away and ran around the woods for a bit. Usually an hour would go by before someone caught her and dragged her back to Myrtle.

No, Annelise was nothing like them. They were barely a part of the pack, shadowy figure that could go unnoticed. Annelise had once simply thought she was their daughter. But as she grew and her looks changed. There was no way they could be related. And her mother had fierce curls just like her own. And she was beautiful.

Annelise sat up slowly. She felt her teeth elongate. Normal, she ignored Jasper and his taunts. But he hit a chord. She bit her lip and breathed until she was sure she was in control of her emotions. Still her voice held a certain threat as she spoke to him, "Don't you ever talk about my mother."

"Or what? Going to go cry to daddy?" Jasper laughed.

Annelise stood and swooped her hair of from her face. "I'm going to make you sorry."

Jasper paused on his next jab. His eyes caught the trail of Annelise's warm honey hand sweeping ehr cinnabar curls from her face. The curls bounce upwards before settling back into themselves. He bit the inside of his lip as her lips form an "O" for 'you sorry'. Jasper sighed and rolled his neck. One of these days, when Harriet wasn't present he would prove himself over Annelise, then she'll know he was more than her match.

Annelise turned and pick up her bag. She had ten minutes left but she wanted to find a place to refocus her thoughts. "Talk about my parents again and I can't promise you'll make it home in one piece. Believe me on that."

Annelise shut the door behind herself and took five measured breaths. Her teeth were still a bit sharp but breathing helped, she just needed to keep her cool. The day was half over. And most of her classes she sat far enough from Jasper and Harriet to keep focused. How hard could it be?

The land looked the same. It was overrun with vines and ivy but otherwise time had stood still. Badly burnt buildings held the ghosts of lost lives. My heart constricted. So many lives lost. I blamed myself. My past efforts hadn't proved to stop the tragedy. My feet carried me deeper into the beginning of an abandoned village the former pack house a ghostly skeleton of its once proud glory. My feet breached the first bit of the ivy and the air grew silent. Like snakes in the grass the vine moved and slithers open my leg wrapping themselves all around. The moment they touch my skin my body felt aflame. I clenched my jaw as my wolf began to howl. Wolf's bane.

Annelise fought against her binds. And inhaled to scream more. A distinct scent of her home mixed with pheromones brought her eyes opens. She was face deep into a grey sweater that was slight ripped. She pushed back against jasper. Who pulled her back in sharply?

"Let me go or else." She punched him and her grunted, but he held firm.

"She's fine." He let out calmly. "Just a little dream, right Annelise? Been kind stressful at home, right?" Jasper looked down at her intently. His brows raise and Annelise obediently nodded. She pressed against him, but his grasp didn't abate.

"I think I should call our relatives to fetch us home. She had a long day. Harriet, will you come and help me walk our cousin to the main office?"

The trio made their awkward way out into to the hallway having earned the humans' sympathy. Jasper even patted Annelise's back for good measure, but once outside into the safety of an empty hallway his tune change.

Annelise had preemptively pulled away, so Jasper attack of trying to dump her was easily avoided. But as Annelise pulled further away, she found herself pushed against a group of lockers.

Her wolf let out a threatening growl. Not my mate. Annelise agreed. Where did Jasper get the gall to push up against her?

Jasper back up but he didn't lose the glare on his face, "What the hell, is wrong with you!? When I tell Alpha Easton about this you're in for it."

Harriet gave an affirmative grunt. Annelise's jaw went slack as she remembered her dream. She flexed her fingers and slowly swallowed. She tested her lips and shook her head, "I don't think that's going to be a priority for the day."

Harriet stepped forward, carefully shielded by her brother. "Even you have to obey the rules. Ugh, You're such an embarrassment. It's bad enough we have to pretend to be related to you."

"Oh, you're hurting my feelings Harriet. Bite me!" Annelise hands went to her head involuntarily. And she began to feel sick. She rubbed her temples and breathed harshly. Her skin still felt like it was burning. It's happening right now, isn't?

There's nothing we can do. Annelise swallowed hard as bile rose in her throat. She needed to get back home.

Annelise tore from Jasper grip and walked over to the front of the school. She preferred the back entrance of the front would have to do today. Her head throbbed as it sent her flashes of the day's events. Her feet tripped over each other and she clutched the wall to regain her balance.

We need to get to the woods. We can recuperate as we run. Annelise dumbly nodded. Though she was concerned about being seen, she just wanted to get to the pack. Even with Easton being an elected leader. His death was still going to be felt.

There's no one to replace him. When other packs find out, we'll be attack. We're vulnerable as it is! Annelise forced the doors open inhaled the fresh air. Her eyes blinked to adjust to natural light. She felt a pressure on her arm and turn to it.

"Where are you going? School isn't over."

"School doesn't matter Jasper. I must get back to the pack. "

"Alpha Easton is going to--"

"Easton is dead!" She pulled away, but only walked a few feet. It felt too real to say it aloud. Her head throbbed with pressure and she felt herself sway.

It's the others' wolves' They are in mourning.

Annelise squinted at Jasper and Harriet, who seemed unaffected, though shocked by her outburst.

"We have to go home. Alpha Easton is dead."

Jasper tilted his head and closed his eyes for a moment. But when his eyes opened his face went ashen. He slipped his hand into Harriet. The dainty girl gasped and held her mouth.

Annelise struggled not to roll her eyes. She was certain that they were now conversing with their family. Only full-grown wolves could communicate mental over distances. But family could connect all the time. Annelise rubbed her temples again. If she was really feeling the sorrow of the pack, Easton had meant more to them that Annelise would have guessed. Still, all she wanted was sleep. She fiddled with her jacket and pulled it off. She paused and looked back at the siblings.

We can't here. The pack still doesn't know. And I think they've dealt with one shock enough. Let's wait.


Her wolf was not happy but receded to the back of her conscious. Annelise removed her jacket fully and pushed it into her bag. Redonning it she took up a light jog. Jasper and Harriet still hung back. Annelise guess their parents would come after them. Of course. A pack tragedy, of this magnitude, not parent would want their children unprotected. Annelise broke into a stronger run. Her heart in an uncomfortable way. Her solution was to run more. If she was focused on her breathing and not running into trees, she wouldn't have time nor energy to think.