Death of a Leader 2

Annelise made good time getting back to the center of the pack. But by the time she made it to the center of the village, she collapsed to the ground. Her breaths came out as heavy squeals. And the pain in her temple didn't abate. The closer she grew to the pack, the fiercer the ache grew. Annelise chose to run faster, pushing her limit. She estimated that she'd made it in six minutes what she would normal do in fifteen. But she was in no mood to celebrate.

Wolves walked past her, but Annelise didn't budge.

She wasn't sure she could stand just yet. Her wolf huffed at the thought of being ignored, Annelise waved that emotion away. She was used to being ignored. All she wanted was to rest.

"You going to lay there all day, or might you prefer a cozier surface?"

Annelise rotated her eyes up and smiled weakly. Becky stood leaning over her walking stick. Annelise soon lost her smile as she noticed the female's tear sodden eyes. With a deep grunt, Annelise pushed herself into a kneeling position. Becky cradled her left side and soon Annelise was on her feet. They reached the pack house together, which was also a buzz. The elders were drawn with in a circle discuss the "what next". Annelise bit her lip. She wasn't even curious. For now it was too much.

Becky eventually fully supported the girl's weight as the two made their way to the back of the pack house. Annelise gladly sunk into the bed inside the farmost bedroom. Just like the morning, she felt her strength return just by laying on the bed. Her head cleared and she turned her head to the elderly woman.

"They're going to cluck around for hours. First they say, 'I can't believe we lost another alpha.' Then after that has cleared the floor, they'll fight about whether he was a real alpha and that they should have expected this sooner or later. And then after they've reached that conclusion, they will wallow about having no central leader…again." Annelise half mumbled her words and slowly shook her head.

She couldn't believe it. And she had seen it….twice.

'With no alpha…even an elected one. We're just sitting ducks, no better than a chorus of rogues.'

*We're better than rogues. We have loyalty. We can fight this. All we need is an Alpha.*

'Right because a capable Alpha is just going to drop out of the damn sky.'


Annelise growled at her wolf. She turned her attention back to the old woman who was rocking slowly to herself. Annelise eyed the female's movement. Despite her apparent aptness at carrying Annelise about, Becky suddenly looked very weak.


The woman smiled and patted her own arm, "I'm fine, child. As I said, everyone dies eventually. And you should be more concerned about yourself. Was school satisfactory?"

Annelise rolled to face Becky and ran over her day in her mind. "I need to eat more…and often."

Becky nodded. "Your body is going to start changing, and fast. But for now rest."



The girl growled but the old woman chucked, "I'll bring you some tea. Just close your eyes for a bit. You'll feel better."

Annelise burrowed into the covers on Becky's bed. She wasn't going to say no if it meant that she wouldn't have to go home. She could only imagine the turmoil Myrtle was in. Annelise bit her lip. Myrtle would be having a rough time. 'Ah, she doesn't handle surprises well.'

Annelise rolled through the covers for a bit before finding the perfect spot. Her thoughts drifted over Myrtle, Chief Easton, and Becky before settling on her parents. 'Would they have come to get me or have me finish out the school day before bringing me home? Would they even have me go to human school?'

Annelise shook her head. Her parents wouldn't have, she decided. Either her mother or father would have stayed home to teach her themselves. Wolves had little need to the histories of humans. Outside of maths and grammar, their teachings were superfluous for the Wulvenblude. Annelise bit her lip. Her father would teach her how to track game, humans, and other wolves. He would teach her to swim and how to hold her breath for more than twenty seconds. Her mother would teach her how to shake a pursuer and hide her own tracks. She would watch below as Annelise struggled to climb high trees. Her parents would tuck her in every night an reminisce about their own childhoods with her. They would tell her she was precious and beautiful. She would feel loved and wanted. Annelise breathed in a sweet scent of cinnamon as she drifted into a fitful sleep.

When Annelise awake, it was early evening. She stretched her arms over head and unleashed an unfettered yawn. Becky's bed is magic. Annelise popped and twisted the kinks out of her body before her eyes landed on a small cup on the nightstand. She cautiously sniffed before relaxing. It was the tea that Becky had promised. It was cold, but the flavour was still good. Annelise sipped the tea quickly enjoying the notes of cinnamon and nutmeg. She sat the cup back down and swung her legs down towards the floor. She gripped the mattress and allowed her feet to hover just above the floor. Gently, Annelise lowered her toes to the hardwood and lightly pressed them into the floor. Joint by joint she transferred her weight from the bed on top her on two feet. She sighed as her head remained clear and her body strong.

In that moment, the door swung open and Ellis, the pack doctor entered in. Annelise didn't hide the scowl that washed over her face. Ellis was not her favoriter pack member by a long shot. But even in her dislike, Annelise knew that Ellis was an essential part of their community. Ellis also worshiped Easton. Annelise wondered how the loss of the woman's favorite hard to get male was going to affect her.

Annelise sat back onto the bed and waited.

Ellis sniffed and raised her nose high, "I'm sure that you've been made aware that the pack has had a tragedy."

Annelise nodded, noting the tone the doctor held. "Chief Easton was attacked by wolfbane."

"Alpha Easton."


"Alpha was a well respected member whose absent will surely be felt…and-how do you know about the wolfbane?" The doctor's eyes narrowed and the woman drew closer to Annelise.

Annelise didn't balk, "I wanted revenge so I gathered enough to kill a full grown male and waited for him to cross it."


Annelise rolled her eyes, "Does it really matter how I know? So he's dead." Annelise paused. Still saying it aloud caused a tightness in her chest. Easton had been haughty, misguided, but charming enough to remain in charge, even Annelise felt an absence.

'I just saw him ten hours earlier'. The girl squinted her eyes confused by the sudden dry, itchy feeling they held. Annelise further jumped when she felt the hand of the doctor on her shoulder.

"I suppose even you understand the gravity of this situation."

Annelise deftly moved out of reach, but pulled her feet into her body. "With no chief, " she rolled her eyes at Ellis' intake of breath, "Or alpha, we're vulnerable. We need a new leader."

"Sigh. We'll never have another Alpha like him."


Annelise looked away and out the window. Small bit of rain splattered against the window. She sighed. Her skin prickled. 'Things will never be the same. We're growing weaker'. Annelise bowed her head and breathed deeply. Now was not the time to wallow. But what could she do?

Ellis checked Annelise's vitals before sending her off home. Annelise tried to protest, she wanted to wait for Becky.

"There's no point in you hanging around here. You're not needed. Off with you."

Annelise blew raspberries at the doctor. It wasn't the most eloquent response, but her wolf had her own set of choice response, so Annelise thought a tongue wag was enough. She didn't return to home immediately. Instead she retreated to the woods around the pack. She hiked far enough that the buzz of pack emotion was far back in her mind. Annelise climbed up a tree and sat.

She licked her lips and hung her head. Here alone in the woods she let the woods sink into her chest.

'We have no Alpha.'

Annelise didn't hold back the tears of fear that rocked through her body. But it wasn't just hearing about his death. His last moment played aback in her conscious. I never want to sleep again. Even still she shouldered into the trunk of the tree. Annelise curled up as much as her balance would allow. Her eyes grew heavy. A few moments won't hurt….

When Annelise re awoke it was dark, and she felt no more rested than she had started. Sleeping in trees had never been an enjoyable experience, but added to her fitful sleep, Annelise was certain that the only place she could wake up refreshed was in Becky's bed. She clambered down the tree and trudged back to the pack. The buzz in her head returned all too soon. She would have to ask Becky how to block out the feelings.

'It's distracting. How does anyone think?'

Annelise eased up to her front step. She checked the front window and frowned at the small candle. She stepped through and sigh as she could hear the sniffles behind her. Myrtle sat in her corner still weaving. Like a small beige ball of putty, in the dark Myrtle was barely discernible from her materials. Annelise eased into the front room and gently walked across the front room.

"Where have you been?'

Annelise paused and hung her head, "I needed some space."

"So you' heard?"

Annelise could hear the soreness in Myrtle's voice. The woman had probably been cry the whole day.

Annelise nodded. "Suppose we'll elect a new one soon."

"That will be decided by the council."

"They've never steered us wrong before." Annelise didn't hide the sneer in her voice.

Myrtle sucked in a breath. Annelise shrugged. She had never known anything else. But there had to be a plan better for her pack…there just had to be.

She made her way to her room and ease down onto her bed. Tomorrow they would lay Easton to rest. He had no family. No mate or relatives to honor him. He lived alone and died lone. Annelise shivered. The whole pack would send him off, freeing his wolf from this world. It wouldn't be Annelise first funereal, but this one felt different. She pulled off her clothes and tried to find a comfortable spot on her wicker bed.

Annelise never closed her eyes. She just stared at the ceiling, her mind reeling. was the Goddess punishing them? Had they failed her? Annelise knew, other pack were more devoted. More focused in the roles each wolf played for the pack.

*Goddess is not a petty being. Her children must use their given wisdom to guide themselves Strengrh. Honor. Humility.*

Annelise sighed. No one really spike of the Pillars. Not even in meetings. They were old relics.

'Save for rogues...what the worse that can happen?'

Her wolf didn't answer, but even musing, it didn't feel right. For the first time Annelise felt a burn in her body. Her pack was dying and she felt responsible for changing it. But she was just a pup.

*Pups don't have wolves.*

Annelise rose and dressed. her wolf was right. Pups couldn't shift and were only connected to their parents. She was already becoming an adult. it was time to act like one.


Annelise looked around her as the line of elders passed ahead. It was rare that the entire pack was drawn together in one pace. She eyeballed the crowd. They were more than 100, but not quite 150. Yet, as the process of silver haired wolves continued she grumbled at the thought that more than half the pack were past their prime. Even the council held all aged members. Granted Becky was there, but even she was much later in her years. Annelise held back a groan. In her stomach, she felt her pack was doomed.

Pack Doctor Ellis was teary eyed as she anointed the dead man's body from head to toe. She recited rites over him, and the pack dutifully responded when needed. In comparison to other sendings, this ceremony lasted long. Annelise occasionally pinched her arm to remain fully alert. When at last the pyre was lit Annelise could feel the tension in the room fully. This was it, with his wolf released from his human shell, Chief Easton, elected Alpha of the Arrowbend Pack, was gone.

Howls filled the air. Various voices offer up valedictions and affirmations. Annelise stayed silent, her eyes only on the flames. Despite its intense heat, she felt cold. Then she saw a figure stand. The howls and voices quieted to silence with on the the crackling of the flame to break the silence.

Tall, and lean massed, the figure climb through the crowd until he stood just level with the flames. Annelise scowled, and her emotion mirrored the crowd. She recognized the wolf as Zachary. His cool blue eyes sat deep in his face and matched most pairs that looked to him.

His voice was smooth and cunning as she eyed the funeral pyre. "We are in auspicious time, my friends. I think it is no coincidence that on the anniversary of our pack's greatest tragedy, our beloved leader leaves us. Chief Alpha Easton was an admiral leader, and he will be missed." Zachary bent his head and the crowd follow, His head raised again and his eyes held back secrets as he quipped. "but we cannot mourn for long. We are a pack that must be reborn from these ashes. And we need a leader to lead us out of the flames and into prosperity."

Annelise narrowed her eyes. Something of his words felt off. Since when do wolves care of prosperity?

"Here we live fearful of ourselves. We are wolves" Cheers. "We must take up our birthrights and pursh ahead to our destiny. But there are those who would not want that for us."

"They lurk waiting to pounce on our underbellies. But will we let them? Will we give up what our forebears strived against all these generations?"

"NO! Never!"

"We must be ready to take up their mantle a charge ahead."

Annelisehad heard enough. She tooka deep breath and stood, raising her voice over the company, "And lead by who? You?"