Death of a Leader 2.5

The crowd hushed. Annelise hadn't realized that she stood. But His words were growing less and less like a memoriam for Easton and more like an election speech. The youth felt the eyes of everyoneon her as she stood up onto her chair.

Her breath felt quick in her chest and her neck was hot. Someone had to stop him. "Shut up "

Zacharystopped his speech and glared. it was no secret that he hated the girl girl, but she had few supportersto begin with. He raised his hand only to be cut off.

"The man is barely 25 hrs cold and you wish to replace him? How do we know that you didn't plan his death!"

Gasps and whispers filtered through the mourners.

"Watch your tone, girl."

"You are no Alpha, Zachary!"

"And you are a pup. One no one wishes to hear from."

Annelise shook. Her I securitues rose and she felt her kegs weaken. He was right. She bent her head but she didn't have to look around the crowd to see the glares. They aren't listening.

'Make them. Keep going.'

Annelise looked up and found Becky's eyes. The woman betrayed nothing with her body. But her eyes were bright and she gave to smallest of nods. Annelise straightened her back and stepped down from her chair and out into the aisle.

"We don't need another election." She looked over the room her eyes connected with the elders and she stuck out her chin. "We are not a people that deliberate or politic for authority."

"We need a leader girl."

"No! We've had leaders. And Chiefs, and advisors, and councils. We have strayed from our path. That is not the wolf way."

"You do not get to speak on what a wolf must do. You are a child. poorly disciplined at that!"

Annelise didn't back down. "And you don't get to make descions for this pack and expect others to listen. You have no authority. Only the Goddess bestows authority. And it is by blood."

She briefly closed her eyes and recalled the words blessed over her as she napped.

"Let this be known to young and old

Lies the strength for the pack for its good.

A honor, dicspline summer through winter

The heart of a wolf always our center.

Binded by oath and blood.

Hear the call of the Alpha,

For he gives his life to the pack

Born to his burden, his privilege to serve

From the length to the moon and back

His eyes-"

"Enough, we all know that nursery rhyme!'

"And yet you have learned nothing. ."

Annelise felt Myrtle grasp her arms. She didn't divert her attention. "I don't care if I'm just a pup. If none of you full grown wolves will say it, then I will. Easton was weak!"

Growls and shouts met her ears but Annelise continued. "He was not our alpha. An alpha earns his title through strength, discipline, and humility. If we all know this why are we so rushed to trapple our real destiny?"

The murmurs of the crowd grew louder as various wolves chimed in

"Then what would you have us do?" "

There has not been an alpha born to this pack in ages." " Not a proper one for any matter."

Annelise shrug, "Maybe the bloodline are weak. We should open our boarders-" growls "AND…Allow new blood in."

"Are you actually suggesting we let rogue compete for the title of our leader?"Elder Moss raised his head. he wore a shocked expression as if the thought was too foreign to behold.

"Yes." The young wolf stared ahead, undeterred by the silence. "Do you have better idea?"

The crowd murmured still. there was no agreeing to her words, still everyone was sure. The pack had to do something.

Annelise looked to the elders table and steeled herself. "And allow me to make a correction. I have heard my Wolf's voice. So calling me a pup is false. I may not have reached the age of majority, but I have just as much connection to the Goddess as even of you that have already shifted. So I will ask again, how long will you go against your nature out of fear or will you trust the processes the Goddess has ordained for us?"