Agreeing to His Request

The next day, Xuelian woke up early in the morning so she could get some exercise in before her exams.

Following her daily fitness regiment, Xuelian ended her workout by doing a light jog around the university's track.

Before, there used to be very few people who would get up in the morning to run. However, since the appearance of Xuelian, more and more people gradually started waking up early in order to catch a glimpse of the 'goddess'.

Xuelian was undoubtedly the prettiest girl in H University, especially when she was exercising, her outfits always attracted both females and males.

Before starting her workout, Xuelian changed into a more fitting outfit. Due to the fact that she was most likely going to sweat, she didn't bother putting on any makeup, only showing off her bare face even more. Some might even argue that she was prettier without makeup!

Wearing a black top and leggings, her gorgeous jade skin shone brightly from the dim sunlight in the background, as if purposely highlighting her. In contrast to her outfit, her white sneakers further exuded long legs with every step she took as her ponytail swung side-to-side behind her delicately.

Needless to say, Xuelian didn't care about all this as she continued to focus solely on herself.

After another 30 minutes or so, Xuelian was drenched in sweat so she walked back to her dorm before taking a light shower, finally satisfying her morning routine.

Checking the time, it was currently 8:30AM, an hour shy of her exam. While her hair was still drying, she decided to cook something light for breakfast before heading out. It was only then that she realized Zhifei was still asleep.

Shaking her head, Xuelian decided to let Zhifei sleep for a while longer, knowing that they had stayed up pretty late last night playing Glory.

Putting on an apron, Xuelian washed the pan and utensils before deciding to make two egg omelettes.

Xuelian cracked a few eggs before pouring the yolk in a small bowl, mixing it along with water and salt.

Then, turning on the stove, Xuelian added two tablespoons of butter in the pan, pouring in the egg mixture afterwards as soon as the butter melts.

Pushing the cooked portions off to the side from the center, Xuelian gently tilted the pan so the heat would continue spreading across the whole omelette.

The room was soon filled with the aromatic smell of the omelette, waking up Zhifei in the process.

"Ah, Xuexue it smells so good, what are you cooking?" Zhifei was already drooling as her stomachs growled, emphasizing just how hungry she was.

"Hehe, an egg omelette! Don't worry, I made one for you too, go wash up first. It should be ready once you're done." Without turning around, Xuelian hummed to a tune as she continued tilting the pan.

Wiping her drool, Zhifei immediately spoke in delight as she went to the restroom. "Wah, you know me best, thanks Xuexue!"

Seeing her act like a spoiled brat, Xuelian shook her head as she lightly smiled before elegantly placing the omelettes onto the plates. She had always enjoyed cooking for herself, because she grew up alone, she had to cook for herself nearly almost everyday, thus she had already grown accustomed to her cooking, needless to say, it was extremely good.

Finally taking off her apron, Xuelian brought the two plates, one on each hand towards the table as she called for Zhifei who was still in the restroom. "Zhizhi, hurry up and wash up, your egg omelette is gonna get cold otherwise! Besides, our exam starts in 30 minutes."

"Got it, 3 more minutes please!" Hearing Xuelian call out for her, Zhifei immediately sped up the space, only putting a bit of makeup on.

" looks so beautiful I don't know if I can bear to eat it!" Zhifei was admiring the dish as she quickly took a few pictures.

"Alright, alright, if you can't eat it, then I'll eat it for you." Was she here to eat or brag to her friends?! Xuelian couldn't help but click her tongue.

"Ah? No, no. I can eat it. Of course I will eat it!" Zhifei immediately stabbed her fork and took off a small piece before placing it into her mouth as the egg omelette melted. "Ah! Xuexue, how do you cook this well? I can die living off your cooking…"

Xuelian couldn't help but feel the corner of her lips twitch. "Zhizhi, you know flattering me won't get you anywhere, don't expect me to always cook for you! Hurry up and finish eating."

Not letting Zhifei respond, Xuelian immediately dug into her own omelette as she listened to some music through her earbuds. Zhifei knew that Xuelian didn't like to be disturbed when she was listening to music so she silently ate her food.


On The Way To The Exam Room

"Eh? That's right, why are you all dressed up for an exam, don't you usually wear something casual?" Xuelian saw that Zhifei wore a skirt over her top with light makeup on, because it was pretty hot on most days, they typically wore short sleeves with a jacket on at most.

"Ah… something came up, I have to go somewhere after the exam, so you don't have to wait for me. Sorry Xuexue." Zhifei looked aggrieved as she hugged her arm, as if unwilling to let go for even a moment.

Xuelian eyes furrowed as she was suspicious since Zhifei would usually tell her about going somewhere the day before. However, since Zhifei didn't wish to elaborate, she couldn't let further. "Alright alright, if you have something important to do then do it first. But you must let me know if you encounter something troublesome."

Knowing that Xuelian was worried about her, she felt a bit guilty as she darted her eyes elsewhere. "Okay, I will. Thanks Xuexue."

Noticing the softer tone Zhifei spoke in only raised her suspicions more but she ultimately decided to let her go.

What she needed to worry about now was acing the exam. Because she attended H University solely based on her academic scholarships, she needed to ensure that her grades were at the top of the University.

Besides… this was a prestigious university! Only those who came from rich families could afford to come here, however, it was absolutely worth spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for their kids to come here. Anyone who graduated from the prestigious H University were to become a successful person in life, even those who struggled in their courses. But it wasn't really worrisome as all the students who attended the University were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

They were all super rich! But most of them were also arrogant. She had realized that people who attended school were only here to build relationships and connections for their family business. Thus everyone only stuck with people who were either rich or powerful in society.

And for someone like Xuelian who had no background or anyone supporting her, it was extremely hard for her to study in the environment. Luckily thanks to her grade, receiving a personal invite from the principle himself, and looks, not a lot of people dared to bully her.

However, there were a lot of people who dared to court her. It was only a matter of time before the arrogant students to do something physically harmful towards her…

She prayed that she could just study in peace…


That was when she realized that her thoughts had spiraled on… and the exams were already starting. Although she hoped that she was able to get some studying before the exam actually started, she was still confident. Economics and Financial Management was something that she could easily excel in.

The Professor came in as he immediately passed out the papers while stating the usual rules. "Please pass the exams paper and stay quiet. Make sure your phones are off."

Quickly filling out the paper, Xuelian found the questions rather too easy… in fact, she had managed to finish it in a short 30 minutes! She secretly glanced around the room and noticed that people were still on the first problem…

On normal days, she would just immediately turn in her paper and wait for Zhifei, but today she didn't have to, so she was wondering if she should just wait a bit longer before turning in her paper.

But she ultimately refused the idea. As the saying goes, time is money. For every minute she wasted, she could have done something else. Although Zhifei thought she was someone who was a workaholic and quite frugal, she disagreed.

She wasn't someone who was born with a family… she didn't have anyone to feed her, she had to make use of all her time, otherwise what would happen once she graduated?

Fortunately, food and housing was given to her for free. She could spend her expenses on things she wanted like clothes, games and other things, however she rarely did. Most of her clothes were outdated, but she didn't care, nor did anyone else. Afterall, she was pretty even without the need of the current fashion.

Quickly turning in her paper, she walked out of the Exam Hall when she suddenly felt her phone vibrate. She realized it was a notification from QQ, making her curious who it was. Although she had QQ, she rarely used it, so she was wondering who it was.

Opening the app, she realized it was from someone called "Lord Grim."

"What a familiar name…" She thought the name sounded familiar but she just couldn't put her tongue in it.

Only after opening the chat history did she realize who it was.

"Hey! How are you doing? You left pretty late yesterday, did you pass your exams?" Ye Xiu started off with something casual as he thought for awhile on how to initiate the conversation.

"Haha, and I was wondering who it was. I didn't expect you to respond to fast! I just finished taking the exam, it was alright!" Xuelian was evidently surprised at how fast Ye Xiu started a conversation with her… it hadn't even been a full 24 hours yet! She even thought that they might not even talk to each other again!

"That's good…" Ye Xiu only replied back with 2 words as if he didn't know how to ask for something, however, seeing the next message sent by Xuelian made things a lot easier.

"You probably didn't just come to chat with me right? You can just be honest with me, did you need something?" Xuelian had already guessed that Ye Xiu needed something from her,as things wouldn't be so simple.

"Alright, I'll be honest then. Are you free during these next few days? I need to run a dungeon…" Ye Xiu didn't let go of the opportunity as he asked immediately

"Ah? You need me to run a dungeon? You can't clear it with your skills?" Xuelian was surprised, Ye Xiu was obviously a pro-player, with his skills, it should be more than enough to even carry a bunch of noobs.

"To set a record. It's fine if you're busy and you aren't able to…" Ye Xiu further explained as he didn't wish to pressure Xuelian into dungeoning with his group, after all it had nothing to do with her anyways. Besides, although he didn't know much about college classes, he figured that it must be extremely hard and kept her busy.

"No problem, I'm actually going to be very free this week, my friend had something to do today and I was even wondering what I could do today… it actually lines up!"

"Sure, I'll pay for your computer fees as compensation. I'll also go level with you!" Although Xuelian said it was fine, Ye Xiu still felt bad so as shameless as he was, he still offered to pay.

"Ah, can you also get a secluded area where it's not too crowded?" Xuelian remembered the commotion she had causes yesterday so she wanted to be a bit more low-key.

"Haha, okay. See you then."

"See you then."

Without even knowing herself, Xuelian had accepted Ye Xiu's request and agreed to play Glory… something that she had not dared to do in the past 2 years.