Combo'd to Death

Xuelian walked back to her dorm as she wanted to a more secretive outfit before heading out. Recalling the incident yesterday, she didn't want the same situation to occur again.

She switched into a casual black hoodie with blue jeans and a pair of black boots that matched her outfit. She tucked her hair into the hoodie in an attempt to 'hide' her long blue silky hair. Although some strands of hair still stuck out, Xuelian decided to also wear a black surgical mask. Fortunately for her, it was still winter so it wasn't hot. It was predicted to snow later too, thus it was perfectly normal to be fully covered.

Satisfied with what she was wearing, Xuelian started walking towards Happy's Internet Cafe, it didn't take long before she saw Ye Xiu sitting over at the counter.

Walking up to the counter, Ye Xiu sensed the arrival of someone and without even looking up, he patiently asked Xuelian to wait, assuming she was someone else. "Computer? I'm sorry please wait a few seconds…"

Silently looking over his screen, Xuelian realized that Ye Xiu was currently in the middle of a quest, although he was nearly finished. Numbers rapidly flooded his screen as the count gradually increased.

"17, 18, 19…"

It only took another 30 seconds before Ye Xiu finished the quest, successfully killing off 50 Skeleton Warriors. "Not bad, exactly 45 seconds. I don't think I can even do it that fast…"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ye Xiu looked up only to realize that the person in front of him was the girl he was playing with the other day. "Oh, already here?"

"I didn't have much to do, besides I need to catch up, don't I?" Ye Xiu immediately understood as he gave a slight nod. Ye Xiu had been playing for the entire night grinding alongside most of the other players, comparing Lord Grim's current level to Snow Lotus there was now a four level difference between their levels. Although she had managed to obtain an abundance of EXP from clearing the Rising Phoenix Peak dungeon, many players still surpassed her.

Fortunately for her, Snow Lotus was level 10, this meant that she could start learning some more advanced skills, allowing her to catch up in just a few hours. Sure enough, the two didn't waste any time as they both moved towards a more secluded area as requested by Xuelian.

"How was your exams?" Ye Xiu made some small talk while they logged onto their accounts.

"Not bad, have you been playing the whole night?"

"With some breaks here and there, I managed to hit level 14, we need to hit level 15 before we can run the dungeon."

"Just us two?" Xuelian didn't think it was that simple. Other people may think differently, but who was Ye Xiu? Someone who had the skills of a pro-player! Would he be so obsessed as to waste time in trying to break records?

"Three others from an average guild. They're offering me some rare materials in return, then afterwards we can aim for our job changes."

Finally understanding why Ye Xiu would be so adamant on breaking a record, Xuelian had Snow Lotus' meet up with Lord Grim at the Ice Valley. "Ohoh, not a bad spot, we can probably farm the monsters directly up to level 15."

By the time Xuelian had finished her sentence, she already lunged towards an Ice Sentinel before swinging her blade in an upward motion knocking the Ice Sentinel into the air.

Lunar Ray!

Qi immediately gathered around her Thousand Infernal Saber before shooting out in a straight line, piercing the Ice Sentinel's head. Due to the fact that Xuelian's saber was fire-based, she was able to do more damage than usual.

Xuelian estimated that she needed about 6 seconds to kill one Ice Sentinel, with the experience she gained, she had to kill about a hundred more to level up. Although partying with Ye Xiu definitely helped, she would only gain about 50% of the EXP from the monster's he killed thus it would still take a bit longer than usual.

Xuelian and Ye Xiu was each designated an area as they both attacked the monsters that spawned in their zone.

Using the same attack patterns, Xuelian started rampaging through each and every Ice Sentinels, occasionally killing some Glacial Golems that made their way to her.

Everything was going smoothly until she heard footsteps approaching her. "Oh, there's someone here?"

Hearing the tone of his voice, he clearly hadn't expected someone to be in this area causing Xuelian to wonder if there was a reason for why they hadn't seen anyone. It was important to note that the area they were taking control of wasn't small! So it was extremely weird that she hadn't run into players…

Looking behind her, she saw 6 players gradually approaching her.

At the same time, a man who seemed to be the leader of the group cladded in green tier equipment spoke out as he eyed the saber in Snow Lotus' hand, evidently knowing that the saber was something special. "Hey hey, pretty girl, don't you know this area belongs to us, the Holy Heaven guild? Seeing that you're a girl, just leave behind your saber and I'll spare you. The server only launched yesterday, it would be a pain to drop a level now, wouldn't it?"

Xuelian didn't bother to reply as she finally understood why there weren't any players in the vicinity, it turned out that there was a guild claiming the area to be theirs! Although such situations weren't common, top-tier guilds generally claimed some parts of the map in order to allow their members to level up faster than the rest. This was why top-guilds would remain at the top, and one of the perks for players joining them, it was just that she hadn't expected the Ice Valley to be claimed.

Noticing that Xuelian wasn't speaking or moving, they all let out a laugh, thinking that they had scared her.

But it was only for a brief moment before Xuelian turned around and started killing the Ice Sentinels once more. She didn't care for these players, what was important now was hitting level 15. She only had about 2 hours to grind before they run the dungeon, and although she could swiftly kill the sentinels, she needed to make use of her time wisely, however she did alert Ye Xiu. "Careful, there's a group of 6 here claiming the area to be theirs."

"Oh? I'll come over. Monsters are rarely spawning in my area anyways."

"Okay." Xuelian didn't reject because she knew that even with her skills, there would be some difficulties in killing off all 6 of them. Although she didn't know how good her opponents were, it was better to be safe than sorry. Their leader also had pretty good equipment!

For a moment, the 6 from the Holy Heaven guild froze on the spot, not knowing how to react. They had thought that the girl was probably scared, but in the end, she just continued killing the monsters right in front of them! Was she oblivious to the situation or was she not scared of them?

Seeing that his words were taken for granted, the leader became enraged, not bothering to waste any more time on her. "Kill her."

Although he wanted the weapon, if she wasn't willing to give it up, then the only option was to obtain it by chance through killing her, in hopes of her weapon dropping.

Hearing their leader speak, the rest of the group swiftly attacked together. "Girl, it's your fault for angering our captain, die!"

Although they all attacked at the same time, it was completely uncoordinated. This led to a big opening because of the different speeds all of them had, which meant that one person would be faster than the other in the end.

When the six of them saw that Xuelian was pulling back, they realized that she was going to run! Thus they all increased their speed to the limit, quickly chasing after her. However, not even a minute later, the distance between the players of the Holy Heaven guild showed. A level 14 battle mage by the name of Yellow Spring's was the closest to Snow Lotus', he didn't even realize that his teammates had already started to slow down. But even if he did, he wouldn't have cared. It was just a girl who was level 13, he was absolutely confident in killing her.

Seeing that the distance between the both of them and the rest of the group from Holy Heaven had increased, Xuelian's left hand tapped her keyboard and dragged the mouse with her left hand, her character Snow Lotus' instantly turned around and lunged towards Yellow Spring.

Although he was surprised by the sudden turn of events, it was only for a brief moment before swung his spear in a supersonic arc.

Sonic Burst!

Not bothering to parry or guard, she used falling light blade to dodge instead before striking down. Sonic Burst was a skill that deals magic damage and guard would only negate physical damage, so there wouldn't have been a difference in taking the attack head on or guarding against it.

Luckily, when her character had hit level 10 yesterday, she placed skill points in a variety of abilities, allowing her toolkit to expand, giving her much more breathing room in situations precisely like this.

Seeing his attack easily being dodged and was on the verge of being hit, Yellow Springs panicked, furiously tapping his keyboard.

"Electrical Discharge!"

Lightning enveloped the body of Yellow Spring, forcing Snow Lotus to cancel her skill. But once Snow Lotus landed on the ground, she immediately casted Lunar Ray, sending out a violent sword light towards him.

Yellow Spring's was clearly someone who wasn't new to the game, but upon facing the vicious attacks from Snow Lotus' he started to panic, using every skill in his arsenal to evade her attacks.

He realized he had underestimated her and wanted to cry, but it was too late! He could only hold on and wait for his teammates to come and save him. "Quickly come help me! This girl is pretty good and isn't to be taken lightly!"

Upon hearing their teammate calling for help, the members from Holy Heaven immediately sped up once their energy were restored. Originally, they thought that Yellow Spring would be able to finish off the girl, but now...

However, how could Xuelian not know what he was thinking? Once the lightning dissipated from his body, Snow Lotus swiftly lunged towards Yellow Springs once more.

"Shit, not good!" Yellow Springs launched a Falling Flower Palm towards Snow Lotus praying that it was going to land and blow her away in order to create some distance, but his prayers went unanswered as she easily sidestepped and dodged it.

Rapidly tapping his keyboard, he wanted to just apply some pressure onto Snow Lotus' but he immediately cursed himself when he saw that Sonic Boom was still on cooldown. A cold chill suddenly ran down his spine as he couldn't even react.

Xuelian had closed the gap, and was already punishing Yellow Springs for his mistakes.

"Triple Slash! Upward Slash! Lunar Ray!"

Piercing the same spot all three times, Yellow Springs didn't even have a chance to do anything before he was sent flying.

"How fast!" Noticing that the enemy Snow Lotus was already in the midst of gathering Qi around her blade, he knew that she was going to use Lunar Ray, and there was nothing he could! He could only wait until afterwards… luckily he had better equipment and was at a higher level than Xuelian, otherwise… he couldn't even imagine what would happen!

A sword light shot out and struck out, although it would cause his health bar to go down, he was still going to live with at least 20% HP. By now his teammates should be arriving as well, in the end he had won! He had survived!

But who would have known that a second later, he would be in utter shock?


When Lunar Ray had landed, he glanced at his health and saw that he was at 1% HP! How?! He clearly should of been at 20% HP… how did it suddenly drop to 1%? Was she hacking or was it a bug?

However, Xuelian knew that it wasn't a bug. She had precisely struck the same spot with triple slash, causing him to burn and bleed, although it may seem that the action was just to deal a bit more damage, it was a crucial part to her combo. Lunar Ray had precisely hit that spot as well!

With Glory's realistic features, there was just no way that Lunar Ray wouldn't have dealt more damage… perhaps even 2 times the damage! Besides, she was also lucky and managed to land a critical strike. But even if she didn't she would of been able to finish him off with another skill.

At this moment, he didn't care about the situation anymore, there was no way he was going to live with his health, he was practically dead!

Sure enough, Xuelian finished him off with a casual slash as his character disappeared, he even dropped a piece of green equipment! Quickly picking it up, she didn't bother to look at it's stats as the other members of Holy Heaven already caught up.

Just as she was going to run once more, Ye Xiu suddenly told her that it was okay to fight. "I'm right behind them, you can start fighting."

Because they were sitting right next to each other in real life, he was able to look at the situation through Xuelian's screen, and even he was surprised that she was able to kill Yellow Springs in 1 combo. But he knew what happened during the short exchange.

Her skills had exceeded his expectations, he didn't even realize that Lunar Ray would of been able to hit the same spot as triple slash did... if this was a professional game, he would of ruled out the idea and if he had done so, things would of turned for the worse... perhaps even him or Huang Shaotian could of done something like that!

Ye Xiu let out a sigh, and without commenting he slowly made his way towards the group.

Hearing his voice, Xuelian looked over at his screen and sure enough, her character Snow Lotus and those from Holy Heaven appeared on his screen.

Thus she took the opportunity and slowly approached the remaining 5 players.

She wasn't happy… how dare they disrupt her grinding?! See how I'll roast you guys… Xuelian let out a bright but chilling smile as she felt nothing but excitement.

"Glory… it's been a while!"