Same Combo, Same Outcome, Different Execution

Only Glory could make her feel this way… she missed the excitement from playing! But now wasn't the time to express her emotions.

Xuelian stared at the opposing 5 players attentively for a brief moment before darting towards them.

With just a few short breaths, the distance between Snow Lotus and the group from Holy Heaven shortened as she immediately struck out with her blade.


Due to the warning from Yellow Springs, the group no longer underestimated Xuelian. Even though they outnumbered her, they still advanced carefully.

When they saw that Snow Lotus was already making a move, the five of them moved in a circular formation, wanting to entangle her in a circle before ruthlessly killing her.

But how could Xuelian not see what they were planning? With her skills, even if she didn't use any skills, she could break through their formation easily. Besides, Lord Grim was slowly creeping towards them from behind, it was like 2 adults toying with 5 babies.

There was practically no competition!

The one she had struck towards was a Striker called "Thousand Year Pugilist" who upon seeing Snow Lotus targeting him, lifted his two arms in a criss-cross formation, wanting to parry the incoming blade with his armguards.

But before he had even realized, Snow Lotus leaned forward and crouched her body before stabbing her blade into Thousand Year Pugilist.

Lunar Ray!

Xuelian's hands rhythmically tapped the keyboard, sending the Striker flying before performing an elegant spin, parrying the knife of the assassin who was sneaking up behind her flawlessly.

Not expecting the sudden turn, the assassin was flustered as he was held in midair by the blade of Snow Lotus, wondering how she had noticed him.

Sword qi swiftly enveloped her blade as she stabbed the assassin for a total of three times, striking faster and faster each time, just when she was about to execute an upward slash, she felt something wasn't right, and without even thinking, she cancelled her upward slash and immediately used the skill guard, shielding herself with a light barrier.

Boom boom boom!

Three missiles collided with her shield as Snow Lotus was forcefully knocked away. Cold sweat dripped down Xuelian's back as she couldn't imagine what would have happened had she not trusted her instincts. Luckily she reacted fast enough and used guard… otherwise she would of taken much more than a scratch.

Xuelian was surprised by their coordination, although it was far from what a pro-team could perform, it was already outstanding if they could force her into a retreating position, even if she hadn't played for two years.

As for those from Holy Heaven, they finally had a grasp of their opponent's strength. Seeing the simple yet graceful mechanic, the other side had to be an expert! They weren't noobies who didn't know how the game worked… and although that mechanic was only two steps, her APM had to be high!

But admiration was only admiration, they wouldn't give up the battle just because the opponent was strong.

Triple Slash!

Snow Lotus sliced through the air once again and moved in on the assassin as he was currently the weakest one in their group. During this time, without even turning her screen, she silently hopped side-by-side evading the incoming bullets and missiles. By hearing the sounds from the background, she was even able to accurately deduce where the missiles would land!

This came from years of experience, and it wasn't lost during the times she had stopped playing. These sounds were music to her ears, just how many players could accomplish such a feat? It was practically a bug!


Cling! Pu pu

Striking out once more, the assassin managed to parry the first strike before being struck twice in the same spot. Because he had enough time to react to Snow Lotus running up on him, he was able to block the initial attack, but for the next two, Snow Lotus' blade seemed like it curved like a snake and he couldn't tell what was happening at all!

Upward Slash! Lunar Ray!


Same combo, same outcome, different execution.

By performing the same combo she had done to the Ice Sentinels as well as Yellow Springs, she had achieved the same outcome, the only difference was the way she had executed it.

The assassin Vibrant Shadow had been slaughtered in such an ugly fashion to the point where he didn't even know how to counter attack!

Unfortunately no items dropped causing Xuelian to frown. "Tsk, how unlucky!"

Luckily she didn't say this aloud because if the others were to hear including Ye Xiu, they would of cursed her out. The game had just started yesterday and she already got a green tier equipment from Yellow Springs, yet she still dared to want more?!?! How greedy…

Pu, pu, pu, pu, pu.

Just when she was about to run away until her cooldowns came up again, she heard the sounds of bullets, as fresh blood spurted out from the remaining players of Holy Heaven.

Hearing this, she eliminated the thought of running away, turning around before striking out. This time, she even dared to use a skill from afar.

Falling Light Blade!

Immediately gathering her energy on her feet, Snow Lotus took a massive leap before striking downwards violently with great strength creating a massive rupture, trapping the remaining 3 players in a small circle.

Although the three players could hop out if they tried, she already knew that had no hope! Why? Because the one who had shot the bullets earlier was none other than Lord Grim!

Not understanding where her confidence in Ye Xiu came from, she knew that now Ye Xiu was entering the battle, there was no way they could escape! If they tried to hop over, he would just fire bullets and repel them back.

They were now sitting ducks on a chopping board ready to be cut!

The only one that was troublesome enough was the launcher… although he was trapped inside a circle, she could still apply pressure from inside, thus Xuelian decided to kill her off first.

Not minding the 3 versus 1, Snow Lotus swiftly ran towards the circle before jumping into the center of the three players, rotating for a full circle with her blade out like a spinning top.

Although she hadn't managed to hit anyone, it was enough as the three players were now all separated.

Quickly utilizing this brief moment, she charged towards the launcher with her blade out, stabbing her shoulder before she flipped her blade backwards so the hilt was facing her, before she swung her arm diagonal in a motion like an uppercut, straight to his face.


The launcher was sent tumbling backwards and because Xuelian had struck in such a strange manner, the launcher couldn't execute a quick-roll so she could only wait until she stopped rolling on the ground.

Yet there was no waiting, Xuelian had a strong grasp of distance so she had already calculated everything before hand.

Falling Light Blade, Upward Slash, Lunar Ray!

Once again, with a slightly different combo, she had done the exact same thing like before and killed the launcher, as blood spurted onto the ground before his character disappeared into ashes.

"All done?" Ye Xiu had asked while walking up to her with Lord Grim.

"Done." She knew that Ye Xiu wouldn't sit there and just keep watch while she was killing the launcher, but she was a bit startled at how fast he had managed to finish off the 2 players.

In the time she had finished killing the launcher, he had already finished fighting a 1v2.

Silently letting out a sigh, she wondered if she could beat Ye Xiu in a match… and although she had confidence to make it a worthwhile battle, winning was an entirely different thing.

Thus acknowledging his skills, they both went back to farming as no equipment dropped aside from the one she had obtained from killing Yellow Springs. Even though it was a green tiered equipment, it wasn't of much use to Xuelian and Ye Xiu, so they agreed to sell it for 30 silver coins, splitting it in half between the two of them.


While the two were farming as if they forgot about the entire incident, those from Holy Heaven were fuming.

"Captain! They dare take our spot and then kill us afterwards, I say, let's go back and kill them!" The Launcher who was targeted and killed mercilessly was evidently mad as he wanted nothing more than to kill Snow Lotus.

However, he quickly got a slap on the back of his neck. "Nonsense! Did you not see what just happened?! That's exactly what we did before, and look at the outcome! Aren't we all here at the spawn point? Besides, she has a friend who is equally as skilled as her! Did you not pay attention to their coordination and the way he fired his bullets?!"

Getting scolded by the captain, only then did he think back to the fight, as his face grew redder. During the fight, even without her friend helping out, she had single handedly played all 5 of them as if they were toys… wasn't the idea of going back and teaching her a lesson just more of a joke?

The outcome would be exactly the same! But… was there really nothing they could do? Were they just supposed to take this lying down?! He refused to do so! Who did they think they were?!

"Then are we just going to let them get away scot-free?" Although the launcher didn't want to resign to such a defeat, if the captain were to let it go, then he had no choice, afterall, he couldn't kill her by himself.

"Let them go? Hmph, I'm not so nice. Ask the main guild for some players, if we say they dared to take our spot and exaggerate things a bit by using the guild's reputation and name, they would send some players from the core dungeon team to come over and help us out. Let's see if those two players are strong enough to go against our main guild!" The captain of the five, Hollowed Bleeding smirked coldly as he imagined the two players dropping dead before him.

However, his thoughts were soon disrupted by Yellow Springs. "Captain, I have a bad idea, how about we just leave them alone? We can go farm somewhere else, as for my equipment, just treat it as a donation."

"Haha, I say Yellow Springs, you aren't scared just because you have been killed once right? Alright alright, we are brothers, just leave this matter to me. Come, come, let's go farm somewhere else for the time being." Putting his arm over his shoulders, he was immediately dragged away as the rest of the group followed along.


2 hours later…

Pu pu pu, boom boom boom!

Finishing off the last batch of the Ice Sentinels, Snow Lotus had finally hit level 15, while Lord Grim managed to reach level 18, just 40% away until level 19.

"Ah… finally! I'm sooo bored…." Immediately seeing her level hit 15, Xuelian let go of her frustrations as she whined while stretching. She had been sitting still and farming the Ice Sentinels while occasionally talking to Ye Xiu, and she was just starting to get bored.

"Haha, it wasn't so bad, look, we're right on time too! They just messaged me and told me they're ready on their side. What about you, ready to go?" Looking over at his screen, Xuelian could see Ye Xiu typing to someone, thus she finally broke out a smile.

"Finally! Some fun." Although it was only a dungeon, it was after all, the first dungeon she would 'officially' break a record on after 2 year, thus Xuelian nodded and followed Ye Xiu to the dungeon.

Frosted Palace!

Standing at the entrance, there was a magnificent castle made of ice, it was truly a sight to behold. While they were making their way towards the dungeon, Xuelian had done some basic research on the dungeon. Like the Rising Phoenix dungeon, there were 2 bosses, except you would face one simultaneously after defeating one. There were also no map effects, making the dungeon much easier. If she were to point out the biggest problem, it was the odds of encountering a hidden boss, afterall meeting one would significantly reduce the time of clearing the dungeon.

But if the other three players at least had some knowledge of the game, even if they were to meet the hidden boss, there would be no problem in even clearing it 5 minutes earlier.

"They're here." Hearing Ye Xiu's voice, she turned her camera around and saw three players approaching them.

"Oh? So we're entering like this!"