Frozen Palace [1]

The three players were all playing different DPS type classes, a battle mage, ghostblade as well as a launcher class player.

Although an all DPS party wasn't unprecedented, a player had to be extremely confident in controlling and maintaining the boss' aggro so they wouldn't go OT[1].

But what did an all DPS team represent? It meant that there were no tanks! No Clerics!

For instance, in an all DPS team, it typically meant classes such as a battle mage would be the one holding aggro, but because their damage were high, it also meant that their defenses were low.Just how many hits could they tank before falling?

Compared to a Knight with the highest defense in the game, using any other class to tank would be too impractical and inefficient.

"Welcome, welcome." Ye Xiu invited the three players to their party while greeting them.

Joining the party, Great Destiny acknowledged that Ye Xiu's mic worked as he introduced his guild members in a casual manner. "Hello, hello, thanks for helping us out. I'll skip the formalities and introduce us. Great Destiny, Casting Winds, and Boundless Willow."

While Great Destiny and the rest were introducing themselves, Great Destiny suddenly saw Snow Lotus in the corner of his screen as he took a closer look when he realized that she was in the party as well.

Noticing the sword clasped in between her hand, the expressions of Great Destiny changed, conveying the thoughts that were running in his head as he quickly pulled Lord Grim aside.

"Brother, this girl…." She wasn't going to clear the dungeon with them was she? Wouldn't that mean they would enter without a tank or a cleric?!

"Oh, you mean her? She's my friend who's going to take part in setting the record!" Feigning innocence, Ye Xiu acted as if he didn't understand the meaning behind his words.

Of course, since Xuelian was sitting right next to Ye Xiu, she could easily hear what they were talking about, even through the headphones.

Great Destiny felt like crying. "Ah? You're not serious are you?" Just who exactly did he get involved with?! He instantly regretted his actions as he already gave half the materials as payment for Ye Xiu's assistance… it would be a waste to turn back now!

Ye Xiu gave a light pat on his shoulders, not wasting any more time before entering the dungeon. "Haha, just relax would you? If I didn't know better, I'd assume you have some sort of discrimination towards female."

"W-, wha-, no, that's not what I meant!" What discrimination against females? His ass! It was just that the guild had given him the assignment of obtaining a record, if they knew that he had given up a lot of the current guild resources and failed to complete his task, he'd be in serious trouble!

Yet he could only curse inwardly upon seeing that Snow Lotus had entered the dungeon along with Lord Grim, as the rest of them followed suit. There was nothing they could do, the timer had already started.

Inside the palace, Xuelian didn't waste anytime in the dungeon, instantly darting towards the Icebound Kobolds. Because the castle was made of ice, Snow Lotus' speed increased by quite a bit.Although the players would have a harder time controlling their characters, for the group of 5 especially Xuelian and Ye Xiu, it didn't even pose a slight problem. With just a bit of practice, even new players would grow accustomed to the terrain, it was just a matter of the efficacy in utilizing the ice.

Pu, pu, pu, pu

Relentlessly slashing through the Kobolds, one by one, their corpses fell onto the ground leaving some occasional blood that gushed out.

"Shit! Already charging in, we didn't even discuss how we are planning to clear the dungeon yet!"

Great Destiny wasn't someone who was able to control his emotions well so when he saw Snow Lotus charge in without any notices, he became enraged.

"Guys, what do we do now? Are they trolling? Maybe we should just-" Before he finished his sentence, Ye Xiu cut him off, giving out orders. "Willow, 3 o'clock, Wind 7 o'clock, Destiny use Sword Soul on Snow Lotus."

However, no one moved even upon hearing Ye Xiu giving out instructions, the 2 players all looked over at Destiny waiting for his comment. "Ah, what are you looking at me for? Since we are already here, let's just give it a try!"

While Great Destiny was willing to give it a try, it didn't mean that he was confident. What was this method? Weren't they just applying the rule of 'divide and conquer?'

If using such a simple method could help break records, wouldn't Glory be a joke? How could it be that easy! Glory wasn't a simple game that could be played with cheap tricks!

But what could he do? At least doing something was better than doing nothing. Thus he decided to follow the instructions given from Lord Grim as a desperate plan of action.

Seeing that their boss had spoken, the remaining two players had no choice but to agree, silently moving to their positions.

But even with the few seconds of hesitating, Xuelian had to adjust her tempo and strategy as they already missed the opportunity.

Even though the dungeon they were currently attempting was a low level one, the Kobolds didn't have a specific attack pattern like some of the other easier mobs. Glory was one of the first enhanced games with realistic features, thus most of the mobs would change their offense and strategies based on the players tactics and reactions.

This was what made Glory stand out from other MMORPG's[2].

Quickly trying to create another opening, Snow Lotus' Infernal Saber turned and struck out like a snake stabbing into the head of the Kobold.


Swinging her blade in an upward motion leaving only a blur, the Kobold who previously had Snow Lotus' blade jammed in him was launched straight into the air like fireworks.

Because Great Destiny had applied Sword Soul onto Snow Lotus' her strength tremendously increased, allowing her to deal more damage while inflicting a more powerful knockback effect.

Yet even with the insane speed the Kobold shot into the sky, sounds of gunfire unceasingly resounded through the ears of the players, with every bullet accurately hitting the Kobold at just the right position, sending him into another group of Kobold.


The Kobold that was sent flying abruptly slammed into the group of Kobolds that Casting Wind had gathered.

"HOLY SH*T! DELIVERY GUN?" Noticing  the sudden turn of events, Casting Wind immediately shouted out upon seeing the familiar move.

Delivery Gun...

Just this mechanic was enough to convince the other party that Lord Grim was most likely an expert.The only doubt was whether or not if he was just lucky or actually superb.

However, while the three players were in shock, Xuelian spoke for the first time. "What are you guys all dazed out for? Quickly use Supersonic Burst and wipe them all out."

Hearing an unfamiliar voice that was telling him what to do, Casting Wind unconsciously tapped his keyboard, as he unconsciously lifted his spear with his right hand before swinging it to the left side, firing a projectile that dealt magic damage to every enemy that it passed through.

With the first Kobold that was struck, the ones behind him succeedingly fell in a clean and orderly fashion, only leaving their intact corpses.

"Nice!" Although the group that was gathered was huge, clearing them out subsequently was still satisfying and time efficient.

But Xuelian knew that using such a method wasn't going to be enough. Although they might break the record, it would only be by a minute at most. She wouldn't even be surprised if the record was broken by someone else on the next run!

Xuelian continued to swiftly slice through the flesh of the Kobolds without mercy, performing an elegant sword dance that seemed as if it's moves couldn't be imitated. Although her technique would help set a better record, Xuelian's mind was constantly at work, as she tried to come up with a method that would allow them to set a record that would stay for a long time.


Using Falling Light Blade to crush another group of Kobolds, Xuelian suddenly had a bold idea. Although it was a bit risky even for players at her level, there just wasn't a better option.

"This isn't gonna work, I'm afraid you have already realized. How about it? Willing to make a gamble?" Xuelian briefly spoke to Ye Xiu as her blade slashed through another Kobold. "Sigh, I may be good, but I'm not perfect. Even I miscalculate things sometimes, perhaps I may have rushed it. Since we have already made it this far, let's risk everything." Ye Xiu let out a small sigh, as he listened to Xuelian's idea.

Although he was a pro-player with an abundance of experience and game knowledge, there were times where events were unpredictable.

Being a pro-player didn't mean they were omnipotent and could simply win. For example, a pro-player may be able to 1v3, 1v5, or even 1v10. But could they go against 100 players by themselves? It simply wasn't realistic!

Hearing Ye Xiu agreeing to her desire, Xuelian instantly told her plan and gave her analysis on the situation. "Spawn and lure the boss. Right now, it's not a matter of whether we can kill these Kobolds, with our skills these Kobolds could easily be killed, it just depends on how fast we can kill them. If we lure the boss over, we could utilize it's AOE[3] effect to kill off the Kobolds as well.

However, the pressure would be significantly heavier, even with the two of us, I can't guarantee we will succeed. It's not our skills, it's simply because we are too underleveled and under-geared."

Ye Xiu gave a slight nod. Luring the boss wasn't a bad idea and the idea had sprung to his mind, he just wasn't confident in being able to deal with the pressure because of the three players from the guild. However, if Xuelian could stall out the boss for a minute, they would definitely succeed! "I have thought of this method too, there's a way we can pull it off. However, whether we can  triumph or not depends on you."

"Oh? On me, what are you thinking?"

Xuelian was confused, she had analyzed and predicted various scenarios that would appear when she lured the boss over, but none of them had a hundred percent of succeeding.

Ye Xiu pointed in a direction on Xuelian's screen towards the first boss. "Once we lure both of the bosses over, if you can stall the first one for a full minute, we can set a record that would be extremely hard to beat."

Xuelian didn't understand, because of her equipment and level, even with her skills, standing her ground against a boss for a full minute was difficult even for her. However, it wasn't because of the fact that she wasn't confident, in fact, her blood was practically boiling at the idea, she just didn't see how stalling the first boss for a minute would allow them to succeed.

Although she had a lot of questions, if they hesitated anymore, it would be too late! Thus saying 2 words, her fingers bounced around the keys one after another as Snow Lotus bolted towards the boss, her sudden change of movement attracted the three players from Boundless Willow. "Ah? What is she doing? Don't tell me she's heading for the first boss!"

Just when the opinions of Xuelian and Ye Xiu had changed from bad to good, they ultimately did something that didn't make any sense! Were they taking them as fools? But Great Destiny didn't think it was that simple. Or rather it didn't make any sense! The 10th server had just launched, who would want to waste time trolling other players? Besides, they weren't even from a top tier guild! With the skills they had previously displayed, especially the technique Lord Grim had shown, they were definitely not someone who would just mess around, thus  he remained silent, continuing to kill off the Kobolds.