Job Change

Without wasting anymore time, Xuelian hastily dragged Ye Xiu to the market, as she searched through multiple stalls before finally buying a level 13 green tiered sword. Although it was considered fairly cheap, Ye Xiu heart still bled upon spending the 15 silver coins as the game had just started and he didn't have a lot.Nonetheless, despite Ye Xiu trying to persuade Xuelian into buying a cheaper one as she would only be using the sword until level 20, Xuelian refused to budge as all the other swords ugly.It wasn't only Ye Xiu, even the players from Falling Sunset were speechless. This was the first time they had witnessed someone being so picky in Glory… and what the heck was with all the nonsensical reasons anyways?! At least come up with something more practical!!"This sword is too weird!""The color of the sword doesn't match my outfit…""What kind of shape is this?! Can you even call it a sword?"..."F*CK!", a loud shout could be heard through the headphones of five players."How did they do it?" Wu Tang was astonished as he glimpsed at the server chat only to find two names that stood out like a sore thumb.Snow Lotus! Lord Grim!"Those two players again!" Wu Tang wasn't unfamiliar with their names as the two players already caused a ruckus earlier on. They had already claimed two first clears from the big guilds, yet here came another one!At first, everyone had assumed they were players from the big guilds in previous servers, but even when guilds were created, they continued clearing dungeons without even joining any of the guilds at all! Even when the big guilds took the initiative to invite them, the two of them had declined, now here they were, clearing a dungeon with a mid-tier guild!Of course, the veterans weren't noobs, as soon as they realized Snow Lotus and Lord Grim joined Falling Sunset, they immediately requested information on the guild. Because they were playing on the 10th server, many of the guilds had history in the older servers, rarely did new guilds pop up, thus the big guilds all wanted to see if Snow Lotus and Lord Grim had any prior relationship to Falling Sunset.Of course, they would only waste their time doing so.….."Haha, the big guilds must have completely lost their face! I wonder how they're feeling right now…" Great Destiny joked as they made their way back to the Ice Valley."That's right, I'm sure they wouldn't easily let it go, you two must be careful!" Casting Winds acknowledged with a nod as he warned Xuelian and Ye Xiu."Be careful? Why?" Xuelian kept moving without stopping as she asked the question, not taking the warning to heart at all.Bang!"Cough, cough… sis, you aren't joking are you?" Despairing Drizzle nearly spat out his tea as he asked in shock.Did she seriously not know about the ruckus they caused?! Or was she ignorant about the power behind the top three guilds…"Hmm…?" Xuelian finally stopped and turned around to look at Despairing Drizzle.As Despairing Drizzle had guessed it, Xuelian really didn't know anything about the top 3 guilds! However, even if she did, she wouldn't care. Just how many players could threaten her? Although she may not have played Glory for two years, she simply didn't believe every player was as good as Lord Grim!At the thought of this, Xuelian smirked as she glanced at Ye Xiu from the side of her eye. "Weirdo!""Sis, although you are strong, you shouldn't underestimate the power of the big 3 guilds! They will overwhelm you with sheer numbers!" Great Destiny emphasized his words by pointing his weapon towards Snow Lotus. Using her new sword to shove away the spear pointed at her, Xuelian stretched her arms as she directed the conversation elsewhere. "Alright, alright. So what are you guys going to do now?" Casting Winds pondered for a bit before replying. "Us? We are gonna head back to Ice Valley and farm for a bit…" "Oh? Looks like we are going to chat for a bit longer then, we are going to do the same." Ye Xiu laughed as he continued running."Oh my, you didn't even ask for my opinion!" Xuelian clicked her tongue as she followed suit.Hearing the brief exchange between Xuelian and Ye Xiu, Great Destiny couldn't help but have a weird feeling."Blah! PDA alert! I repeat, PDA alert!" Despairing Drizzle immediately sent a spitting emoji as he shouted while running.Although they were merely friends who had just met, neither of the two stepped in to correct his words. Xuelian didn't know if she was too lazy or if she simply didn't care. …..Ice ValleyArriving in Ice Valley, Xuelian and Ye Xiu left the party and continued to casually chat while grinding levels.Because she was using a weaker weapon compared to her previous one, the time it took to kill an Ice Sentinel was longer than usual. However, at the rate she was going at, it was still faster than most players.Letting out a sigh, Xuelian mumbled as she had Snow Lotus pull out her blade from the flesh of the Sentinel. "How long will it take for me to hit Level 20 at this rate?""Isn't this what makes the game more fun and intricate compared to other ones?" Ye Xiu retorted as he attacked another monster.Shaking her head, Xuelian lifted her sword and casted Lunar Ray, killing the Ice Sentinel that Ye Xiu was nearly about to slaughter. "Oh? How enviable, you must really like Glory.""Enviable? Aren't you the same?" Ignoring the attack, Ye Xiu sent a Sky Strike towards another Sentinel as he casually threw a question back.This time, Xuelian didn't move. She slightly clenched her hands as she tried to suppress her feelings.Her heart ached. Did she love Glory? If it was in the past, she would have answered without any hesitation, but now…It seemed as if she wasn't destined to play Glory.She yearned for Glory, yet it never belonged to her.Noticing her silence, Ye Xiu turned to look at her, only to see her pale face. But he didn't say anything. He realized that Xuelian must have loved Glory, afterall, how many could react like this when facing a casual question?The answer was obvious, to her, the question wasn't casual at her, it hit the deepest part of her heart.Perhaps her love for Glory wasn't any weaker than his.But what happened? Although Ye Xiu was curious, he didn't ask. He only signed and lamented.In such a big world, there was someone who could relate to him…Fate was truly a mysterious thing."You and I… are quite similar." Ye Xiu said aloud as he offered a cigarette to Xuelian causing her to burst out in laughter."You… are you a man?? You're actually offering a cigarette to cheer me up of all things… I don't even know how to smoke!" Xuelian finally regained her composure as she swung away the cigarette."Don't smoke too much, it's bad for your health. And you, you aren't even showing the slightest bit of remorse, aren't you shameless?!"Ye Xiu shrugged as he looked at.the cigarette on the floor in sadness before picking it up and throwing it in the trash can. Walking back to his seat, he shrugged as he said, "Hey, hey, it's fine if you don't want it, don't waste money!" "You still have the nerve to act as if you're the victim!" Xuelian reached out her hands and pinched Ye Xiu's waist."Ouch, ouch! Let go, okay, I'm wrong!" As soon as Xuelian released her grasp, Ye Xiu immediately jumped back up as he rubbed his side to ease the pain."And you were calling me shame-" Before he even finished his sentence, he felt a cold gaze directed at him causing him to instantly shut his mouth.Ye Xiu no longer dared to say anything aloud as he could only comfort himself by saying in his head, "Alright, alright, I'm a magnanimous person, I won't argue with you." Thus the two finally managed to continue playing the game, as for the question, Ye Xiu knew better than to ask it again.Cling, Cling, ClingPu, pu, pu, puSilence ensued once more as the duo continued to hack away at the monsters, slowly levelling up.….."Finally, level 20!" Xuelian said in excitement as she saw the white light flash over her avatar. Before doing anything else, she immediately equipped the Iceborn Rapier which instantly made her stats soar.The refined and pure sword only made Xuelian love her character even more as she smiled.While Xuelian had just finished checking her stats, she glanced over at Lord Grim who also leveled up, reaching level 24."Now that you're level 20, are you gonna job change?" Ye Xiu asked as he saw the smile on Xuelian's face.Once a character reaches level 20, a player can immediately select a class belonging to one of the six Glory subclasses; Gunner, Swordsman, Mage, Fighter, Nightwalker and Priest.Every subclass had 4 unique classes to the category, with a total of 24 classes.However, there was actually one more class.Unspecialized.Belonging to none of the six Glory subclasses, the Unspecialized was a unique class that allowed the player to use skills from all 24 classes that were under level 20. However, due to various spells a player could learn, the requirements to play an Unspecialized character was extremely high, as they needed to have extremely high APM and experience with all the classes.Afterall, even if it was a god-level account, in the hands of a total noob, the avatar wouldn't show it's true prowess.Not only that, because some skills required a specific weapon to use such as Mechanical Seeker.Belonging to the Mechanic class, it required a Mechanical Box to use, thus to an Unspecialized, they would have to carry multiple weapons in their inventory which would ultimately decrease the character's speed.Furthermore, Glory had a cooldown for switching weapons.In the battlefield, even a second was enough to turn the match around, let alone a few seconds more.The Unspecialized… was no longer practical! Thus with the decline of experienced player and the restrictions the class had, almost no one continued to play as an Unspecialized."Hmm… a job change huh?" Xuelian pondered in her mind as she thought about which class she wanted to play. "Should I stick with my original class? A blademaster? Or should I play something else for a change?" As someone with nearly 10 years of experience, Xuelian had tried all the classes and she was familiar with most of them. But only a few classes actually piqued her interest, including the blademaster."Mmm, I don't know what class I should play, what do you think?" Unable to come up with an answer, Xuelian looked towards Ye Xiu and threw out the question."Ah? You're asking me?" Ye Xiu was startled. What the hell? You're the one playing, not me, so how am I supposed to know?!"Just play a class you like!" Not knowing how he should answer, Ye Xiu made an attempt to dodge the question."Why did I even bother asking you!" Resting her head on one arm, Xuelian slowly tapped her fingers on the table as her eyes continuously wandered around the screens of the other players around her.Then she stared at one player in particular.Although he wasn't good, she could tell that the youth behind her enjoyed the game. It was some sort of instinct that allowed her to know.Sharpshooter…Maybe I should give it a try?Shaking her head, Xuelian made a bold decision as she said to Ye Xiu, "I wanna try playing as a Sharpshooter!""Oh? Go for it!" Ye Xiu nodded before placing his focus back onto the game, not saying anything else."Then… what about you?" Although Xuelian had a guess in what Ye Xiu wanted to play, she still wanted a confirmation."Me? Unspecialized.""As expected, is it because of your weapon?" "Mmm, with my unique weapon, I'll be able to hold even if the game does an update.""But the game hadn't done a major update in 2 years!" Her point was obvious, the game night increase the level cap, placing the Unspecialized class into a further disadvantage.Keeping his nonchalant attitude, Ye Xiu didn't even stop moving his hands. "When the time comes, I'll deal with it then."Knowing that he was adamant, Xuelian let it go as she confirmed her job change.An orange light engulfed her character as most of her interface changed, with higher level abilities appearing.System Message: [Ding! Congratulations to player Snow Lotus for advancing as a Sharpshooter.]Letting out a wry smile, Xuelian sighed as she started placing skill points into certain abilities.Slide Kick, Knee Strike, Punisher, Rapid Firing, Burst Firing, Curve Firing…Although she lost access to most of the skills belonging to other classes, she still learned a whole lot more, even stronger ones!"So what are you gonna do now?" Ye Xiu saw that she had completed her job change thus he took the initiative to ask her."Probably exchange my saber for a Revolver of similar value." She had just equipped her new rapier and hadn't even gotten a chance  to use it in action! How pitiful..."Mmm, how about setting more records afterwards?""No problem." Without saying anything more, she had Snow Lotus travel to the town's market