Next Time

"Selling crafting materials for cheap prices!" 

"Buying a Blue-Tiered Spear!"

"Will trade 20 Electric Icicles for 5 Silver!"

Looking through the various signs that players were offering, Xuelian smiled as she found a spot to set-up her stall at.

Spending 10 silver coins, she immediately posted a sign on top of the roof. "Exchanging an Orange Tiered Rapier for a Revolver of similar value!"

Because there was almost no one that spent money on renting a stall, Xuelian's action of doing so attracted quite a few stares.

Especially when the players saw the sign that went up, almost all of them fell off of their seats.

O-orange weapon!

Even including the players from the top-tiered guilds, how many orange tiered weapons were currently in the game?

Yet in this market, one was actually put up for sale!

However, only after reading the later part of the sign did people understand.

The player was a Sharpshooter with an Orange Tiered sword, it was practically a joke! No wonder she would put it up for sale…

And soon, word about an orange tiered weapon appearing on sale was spread throughout the entire server, attracting many guild leaders.


"Sorry, this isn't what I'm interested in…"

"Sorry, I'm looking for something of more value…"

"Sorry, I only want a Revolver of similar value."

As players continued to line up, Xuelian was already exhausted from declining the trades. However, just when she was about to take a short break, the crowd of people suddenly dispersed, leaving a small gap for a certain group of players.

"Ohoh, things are starting to get interesting." Noticing the gear on most of the players, Xuelian smiled. "Here comes a big fish!"

"Snow Lotus?" The man mostly cladded in blue-tiered equipment walked up to the stall as he asked with confidence.

Due to Glory's anonymous features, Xuelian was able to hide the name Snow Lotus appearing on top of her avatar, but the man in front of her still guessed her identity. However, she wasn't surprised, besides players from the top-tiered guild, only Snow Lotus and Lord Grim would place an orange tiered item on sale. Afterall, even if the weapon wasn't beneficial to the player, most of them would contribute it to their guilds for contribution points.

Nodding her head, Xuelian curiously asked back. "You are…?"

"Greetings, I'm Blue River from the guild Blue Brook."

"Mmm." Slightly nodding once more, Xuelian finally knew who the man was. Although she wasn't familiar with him, she had heard Great Destiny bringing it up in a previous conversation.

"Eh? That's it? Just a 'Mmm…'?!"

Blue River's face twitched as he didn't know how to respond. "She heard my name yet all she responded with was just a slight nod?" 

"It's fine if she doesn't know me, but she has to have heard of Blue Brook right?! Yet what was with her attitude?" 

"I wonder what you would like to offer for my Rapier?" Slightly getting impatient with the lack of movement from the other side, Xuelian eagerly asked in hopes of finally getting something.

"Ah? Oh, an orange tier revolver." Fumbling to regain his composure, Blue River instantly sent a trade request as he placed the revolver into the trade window.

Xuelian followed suit as they browsed the other weapon.

[Orion's Revolver] - Level 20

Attack Speed: 7

Weight: 3kg

Physical Attack: 85

Strength + 10


Landing multiple bullets around the same area will deal critical damage as well as induce a bleeding effect on the targeted user.


[Quickdraw: Allow the player to instantly reload.] - 2 minute cooldown

Upon resting her eyes on the stats, Xuelian kept her composure as if she wasn't interested, but on the inside, she was absolutely delighted!

Although her sword was better, the revolver was still good nonetheless, afterall it was an orange-tiered weapon.

"Ah… it's definitely worthy to be an orange weapon, but you can't deny that my sword is better, no?" Xuelian acted as if she was hesitant on accepting the trade.

"T-this, how about we add some materials or another piece of equipment?" Blue River understood and added in a blue-tiered helmet, and though it's stats were considered good for the current state of the game, it was only a matter of time before the helmet would be rendered obsolete.

"Mmm, I'm more interested in rare materials, how about you offer some instead of the helmet?" Xuelian kept her smile as she asked.

"No problem, how about I add in 4 Mithril Pendants and 2 White Wolf bristles?"

"Oh?" Xuelian let out a sound in shock as she couldn't believe the other side was so generous. 

Even Ye Xiu couldn't help but exclaim aloud in impatience, urging her to accept the trade. "Quick, accept! I need the materials!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Who said I was giving them to you?" Xuelian gave a side-eye to Ye Xiu as she accepted the trade.

"Thank you, have a good day." Xuelian didn't waste any more time before scurrying away, leaving all of Blue Brook stunned.


What the f-

"Pfft…" a suppressed laughter rang through Blue River's ears as he took off his headphones and looked behind him.

"Something funny?" Blue River furrowed his brows.

"No, sir!" Placing his two hands over his mouth, Bound Boat shook his head furiously.

Tapping his fingers on his shoulders, Blue River pondered over his next set of actions when he suddenly received a message.


Upon receiving the revolver, Xuelian quickly equipped her revolver. "I'm such a genius!"

"Genius? More like shameless." Ye Xiu mumbled under his breath, letting out a slight chuckle.

Still with Xuelian's sharp ears, she heard what Ye Xiu had said and immediately released a cold smile.

"Ah, I was gonna give you those materials I didn't need, but since I'm shameless…"

Ye Xiu knew that the girl was hatching a plan upon seeing a smile, but he refused to step down. "Cough cough, I was just joking around, we're friends!" 

Xuelian continued to silently look at him without a word.

"Alright, alright, I got it. What do you want?" Seeing that Xuelian was just sitting there with the same gaze, Ye Xiu looked away awkwardly before stretching out his hands helplessly.

"Come eat dinner with me later! My treat!"

Not expecting such a request, Ye Xiu smiled as he asked back. "Oh? What happened to your friend?"

"Hmph, who knows!" Still unhappy about her friend leaving her, she directed her anger into her words.

"Alright, let's go set some records." Unwilling to pry any further, Ye Xiu moved towards the Ice Valley once more.

The Ice Valley itself held three dungeons, and Xuelian had the intentions of setting records for all three. Although Ye Xiu didn't explicitly say it, Xuelian had a small guess that setting records for all of Ice Valley was a part of his aims.

With her new revolver, Xuelian was much more confident in taking down the other two dungeons, besides, Frozen Palace was way harder than the other two.

"Oh, looks like it isn't going to be so easy. We got visitors." Quickly executing a Z-Shake, Ye Xiu thrusted his umbrella towards a player.

"Shit, not good, cover blown!" The player quickly shouted put as he parried the incoming attack.

"Oh?" Seeing that the other player had perfectly parried his attack, he knew that the other party were quite experienced. 

More importantly, there seemed to be a commander amongst them. Even after being attacked by Ye Xiu, the players quickly adapted to the position of their team.

Normally, this would have worked, except…


The other player's movement suddenly halted as Ye Xiu took the opportunity to engage with a Sky Strike, knocking him into the air.

Pu, pu, pu

Bullets continued to rain down onto the player as the enemy started bleeding. The player was also continuously sent flying in the air due to the positioning of where the bullets landed.

"Curve firing and positional aim, not bad!" Though the enemy teammates tried to help the player that was being targeted by Xuelian and Ye Xiu, both of them managed to evade and still continuously attack without any disruptions.

Positional Aiming was a technique similar to Delivery Gun, except rather than sending the target somewhere else, it kept the target in place.

"Wavey Tides?" Looking at the name who she killed, Xuelian had no recollection of the player whatsoever, which meant that their records had finally attracted the bigger players.

Ye Xiu didn't hesitate to strike at another player. "Let's quickly wrap this up before more players come!"

"Old rules! Whoever kills more wins."

Burst Firing! Rapid Firing!

Using the two skills to boost her attack speed and crit-chance, Xuelian covered Lord Grim from behind as she followed his pace elegantly.

Pu, pu, pu, pu.

Due to Xuelian covering him, Ye Xiu was able to play much more brazenly as he relentlessly charged forward and attacked the other players.

Xuelian was focusing on the dead angles Ye Xiu couldn't see on his screens, and occasionally, she would even obtain the chance of throwing down a player with Knee-Strike when the enemy attacked her in hopes of stopping her coverage.

"Oh?" Xuelian laughed aloud as she used Quickdraw, instantly reloading her bullets before firing them in quick succession, landing onto the player Ye Xiu was attacking. 

"Did you think I would fall for such a trick?" Surprising Xuelian, Lord Grim quickly took a step back as the bullets fired by Snow Lotus brought the enemy's health to a slither amount, ultimately failing to eliminate the player.


Ye Xiu poked the enemy player with his umbrella before he fell. "Thanks for the assistance!"

Xuelian was furious, however she didn't say anything as she continued attacking.

The three remaining players didn't stand a chance as they were able to steamroll over them.

Of course, everytime, Xuelian had tried to snatch the kills but was toyed with Ye Xiu everytime.

She could no longer hold it in as she shouted, "Let me get a kill next time!" 

"You want me to sabotage myself in a competition?" Ye Xiu retorted back as he picked up the dropped items before continuing his way towards the 'Glacial Peak' dungeon.

"Not gonna share?" Xuelian asked as she caught up.

"My rewards for winning." Ye Xiu didn't bat an eye as he shamelessly responded.

"Watch your back next time!" Although Xuelian was furious, she comforted herself by saying she'll eventually win in the future.

Next time? Ye Xiu smiled unconsciously at the thought of them playing in the future. Perhaps, they could play on that stage together?

Even Xuelian at that time hadn't realized how important those words changed her in the future.

The words "next time" would ultimately become a phrase every player would use in the future, especially to the pro-players as their struggled to remain active.

To play endlessly without an end to the pursuit of Glory, that was every player's dream, but there would ultimately be a time where one would eventually have to settle down.