A Date With Death (Part 1)

Inside of a coffee shop, two figures are seated as the sounds of jazz music is playing in the background.

"So I'm going to take it that you don't like jazz music," a voice called out to me with a sigh, "I mean I get it, it's 2015 nobody listens to jazz anymore. My brother, wait is he still my brother, well anyway, that doesn't matter, he owns a bar in LA, and he is becoming a renowned musician. Well, his talent was God-given. I'm proud of him," she sighs again, "I wish him and Dad would talk more though."

Okay first of all who is this girl sitting across from me, and second of all where the heck am I?

Why can't I remember anything? My mind is a total blank.

Name are you there, nope; okay age, shit; family, fuck; gender, oh thank god, I'm a boy. I don't think I have ever been as happy to utter those words.

I should be freaking out, but for some reason, I can't. Now I feel like I should be freaking out more because I can't freak out. But, I can't freak out because of the first thing. Okay, this is becoming a cycle.


That music, she's right I hate jazz music. That girl. That's right that girl. Who the heck is she? And now she's smiling at me, okay it is official on this day I'm going to die by the pale hands of a pretty cute goth chick. I wonder if this was on my bucket list.

"Who are you," Anthony demanded, trying his best to take control of this situation, "Where are we and why and how did I get here?"

She kept smiling as she picked up her mug to taste her coffee. Anthony knew it was coffee; it's always coffee.

"This is your first time here isn't it," she said, "I love this place. I come here every day before I make my way home."

She starts to laugh under her breath.

I know she is trying to be cute and fuck its working. I could have sworn I wasn't this easy. Okay, there is something wrong about this chick.

"Who are you and where are we," Anthony asked more calmly.

That's right, keep hammering her with questions. Don't let her change the subject. I will get my answer.

She takes another sip of her coffee and places the mug back on the table. We sit there in silence, but her smile is starting to become more and more distracting. Her pale skin lies seductively underneath her black dress as a silver Egyptian necklace frames her neck.

"Don't worry I already put in your order for you," she said, "But, how was your day?"

My day, what did happen today? All I can think of is the sound of that annoying teacher of mines. Why did he have to make such a big deal like that at school?


"Aims, Anthony Aims report to my classroom at once," my teacher said over the intercom.

Why is he such a pain? I mean shit you would think he was a stalker the way he is always looking for me, every time I step foot in this place.

I should have never come back to this school. All the teachers ever do is nag. We never learn anything anyways. I mean why should I care about a test. Forget it; I need to lay low.

They still haven't found a replacement for the music lady, so this spot is good enough.

Anthony always loved this room. The sun doesn't peek in through the window. There is a pleasant breeze from the hallway air conditioner that sneaks into the room. Anthony took many naps in this class, and he thought to himself, he might as well continue the tradition. His favorite spot was still there, the third desk from the center row. Anthony could finally get to sleep and escape into his mind on an endless adventure.

I wish others could see the things I dream, but dreams have no place in this reality.

"Wake up dude, they have been calling your name on the intercom all day," a familiar voice said, "It's getting annoying."

"Oh, it's you, Kris," Anthony said yawning, "How did you know I was here?"

"It was easy," she said with a deadpanned expression, "Music room, third desk from the center row, you're predictable."

"You found me, now what," Anthony asked opening one eye.

"Dude, get to class, you haven't been here in the last month," she said.

"So, I'm smarter than everybody at this school, no offense."

"None taken. I'm just saying I don't want my friend to be a dumbass. You know the dumbass that can't graduate because he missed too many days. Even though I, think I'm a little too late. Maybe by some miracle school can help you out dude."

"So you got jokes," I said laughing.

"Nah, it's just easy to laugh at a dumbass. You know the saying a person can be smart and people, well a lot of people together are stupid; well, you got enough smarts in your mind for like fifteen people, and it seems like all of those folks are making you stupid."

Anthony looked at Kris and started to laugh. He laughed so hard that it sounded like he was going to hurt himself.

"I haven't laughed like this in a long time. Kris, you are a terrific friend even if you annoy me like everyone else," Anthony said with a massive grin on his face. "I'm out of here Kris," Anthony said, "I've already missed half the day anyway so I'm gone."

"You sure dude, I can come with," she said.

"Nah its fine, go be smart," Anthony said, "You know if you would trade in those jeans for a skirt I would date you."

"I know you too well," she said with a laughingly disgusted face, "plus it would make me look bad if I turn my back on my ladies now. Maybe in another life."

She punched Anthony in the shoulder and walked away.

It was good to see her again.


"Stop right there Mr. Aims," a voice called out.

"Mr. Fudo long time no see," Anthony said with his trademark, look how fake my smile is, face.

"Where do you think you are going? Didn't you hear me calling you on the intercom?"

"Your system must be broken," Anthony said.

"You're coming with me."

Why are these teachers always such a pain? If he would just let me leave, then I would be out of his hair. Good thing I have an ace up my sleeve.

"What, what is this," Mr. Fudo said screaming, "Is this a fake hand?"

"How'd you like my magic? Some would call it a sleight of hand. You guys fall for the simplest things, I'm out of here," Anthony said laughing as he jumped over the school fence dodging the incoming traffic as if he was dancing in the water.

"Wait come back." Mr. Fudo said with no avail.