A Date With Death (Part 2)


Man, that place is annoying. They know they can ride a dudes back like Yoda on Luke. I mean shit I just wanted to get some sleep, and it wasn't like I was bothering anyone. I knew I shouldn't have gone back. Maybe I can go home and get some rest.

"Hey Aims I'm paying you back for last time," a voice called out.

"Oh, it's you, Deon," I said, "I'm in a rush and pissed right now so let's hurry this thing up."

"I'm going to win this time!" Deon said.

He does this every time we meet. He calls me his rival like he's Might Guy and I'm Kakashi. All he does is yell about getting better by facing me, but it's just irritating.

"I've been working out," Deon said, "this won't end like last time."

"Fine, if you want another beating I will give you another beating."

Deon jumps at Anthony with no reservation for his own body. He throws his punches blindly, so they are easy for Anthony to dodge. Anthony sees an opening.

Let's end this so I can get home and sleep.

One to the bridge of the nose.

"He'll be out for a while," Anthony said, "I made sure."


Finally, Anthony made it home. When he opened the door, he could hear the sound of beer bottles rolling on the floor; echoing across the house. The dishes were cluttering the counter hidden behind a haze of cigarette smoke.

"Mom you're still at home," Anthony spoke out into the fog of smoke that was emitting from every surface of the house.

Anthony knew she was going to be there; she was always there.

"Get me some coffee," she said, "So you ditched school again, Aye?

"Yep, they keep irritating me," Anthony said, "I mean what school constantly calls your name on the intercom. That's just no way to get some good rest. So, I decided to come here and see if I can go to sleep before I would die of smoke inhalation. You know, treat it like a game or something."

My mom said, "Well you should go and join the military since you hate school so much. Shit, lord knows we need the money."

"I'm too smart for that. But, fine I'll join. I'm out of here," Anthony said as he made a salute to his forehead, did an about-face and marched out of the house.

Who does she think she is, talking to me like that? My mother, I guess, but still; and she might be right. Shit, I'm too sleepy for this. All I wanted to do is go to sleep. I guess I will go to the park and lay on a bench. People will think I am homeless and I know I won't be bothered. They never bother homeless people.


The park is the place to be, and I can finally get some sleep. I can head back to my dreams to see the land of kings who will raise nations with a legion of men. To look at my thoughts is an escape from this dull world around me, these people with no imagination.

"Give me the money," a rusted voice said.

Why are my dreams fading?

"No games, give me the money," again said the rusted voice.

No, my dreams, I need to wake up before I lose them for good.

"Give me the money," the rusted voice thundered.

I hate people who think they can mess with the weak. They are nothing but cowards and need to be taught a lesson. Where are the police, they are never here to save lives, but it's to be expected. The people around here are just watching, and they are only cowards as well.

"Hey, stop messing with that guy," Anthony said with a commanding voice.

The rusted man said, "This has nothing to do with you, so just run away."

"I will handle this go ahead and get out of here," Anthony said to the victim.

The victim ran away with such speed; it was almost like he wasn't there in the first place.

"Hey, now I am going to have to take your money," the rusted man said.

He pulls and points his gun in Anthony's direction. But, like with some instinct, Anthony leaped for his weapon.

This moment is my chance to live out one of my dreams to be a hero.

A shot was fired, but with some force, Anthony was able to will himself out of harm's way and managed to knock the gun from the hands of the rusted man. The two, Anthony and the rusted man began wrestling on the ground for control of the weapon, as shock and murmurs travel among the crowd. Anthony thought to himself he would not give up until my dying breath. The two both charged and changed control of the gun and held it tight. But, the fight was at its end as the echoes from a gunshot reverberated around the park. A pool of blood laid at the feet of Anthony as he felt a disconnect from that force he felt a while ago, and noticed that he had felt this force all his life. Anthony looked down at his shoes covered in blood.

I knew I needed better shoes.

Anthony could feel the warm liquid through his soles.


"I'm dead aren't I," Anthony said to the lady sitting across from him at the table.

"Bingo, about time you got it slowpoke," she said laughing.

"Who are you," Anthony asked with all seriousness called for by this moment.

"How smart are you," she asked, "guess."

"Are you the grim reaper," I asked.

She laughed and said, "No, sadly that is my younger brother. My name is Death, but you can call me Dee. I am the ultimate aspect of both life and death.

"So, what does that mean anyway," Anthony asked.

Dee said to me, "You humans live in a world of halves. All you know is good and evil and life and death. I am both life and death itself. I met you eighteen years ago when you took your first breath, and I am here now as you take your last. I am your guide to the next world. Well, that's what I would say, but you see your world is kind of out of my reach."

"What do you mean," Anthony asked with confusion.

"You see my Father created everything. Yes, I'm talking about God, but we call him the Presence. When my Father created everything, I was born alongside my brothers and sisters, The Endless and the Fallen. However, my Father wanted to have a place outside of his control to see what would happen, outside the reach of his Presence; outside of Gods and Devils, outside of Superheros and Villans. Your world is the type of world my brother wanted to make."

"Who is your brother," Anthony asked.

"That's beside the point. Throughout your world's history, my father has watched your world and how you all grew. But, in our world someone ran back in time, causing ripple effects that changed everything including this world."

"How, if this world is outside of his influence?" Anthony questioned.

"My father's Presence was moved closer to this world, due to the ripples, allowing a few of you to have specific abilities. You gained too many skills, and with your gifts, you were drawing my Father's presence closer to this world."

Anthony opened his mouth to interrupt, but Dee raised her hand to stop him.

"So, my Father entrusted me to come and take you away from this world and reincarnate you into our world with your abilities, so in a way congratulations."

"That's fine with me, do I need to go to heaven or hell first to have my memories erased," I asked, "plus it might be better if I couldn't remember my old life. Hm, it's strange how you can think when you can't freak out about your situation. What about my family and friends."

She said, "Well we weren't ready for you to die so soon, so we have time. Let's take a little field trip."

So my feelings about her were right. She is not human but something much more than what we can ever hope to become. But, she is not how I expected some all-powerful being to look. I mean she is beautiful for god sake. Damn, this is so frustrating. It's not like I have a choice. I guess I will follow her.


"We're here," she said.

We are at my house, and so many people have gathered. Oh, they are just all the students from my school. They must be getting extra credit to be here or to laugh at the smart dumb kid who got shot. It's ironic, if I were them, I would do the same thing.

"Dee, stop playing games and tell me what this is all about," I said.

"It's not polite to talk so rudely at somebody's wake," she said, "Just watch and see what will happen."

"Why didn't you just stay at school you big dummy," a familiar voice cried out.

Its Kris, I never knew she would take it this hard. She seemed more stringent than that. Why would she care so much? She has plenty of friends, and everyone adores her at school. Well, it's a good thing I'm gone she can be free to do whatever she wants now. But, I am sorry to put you through all this pain.

"Where is that no good loser, think you can run from me you fuck face," a voice shouted.

Oh, it's Deon. Why is he crying? I would have thought he would be glad now that I'm gone, nobody to beat him up anymore.

"When I get my hands on you then you can die," Deon said, "Wake up you fool and throw a punch. You were my inspiration to get stronger now who will challenge me. How dare you die? You're a coward."

"Hey, Dee, I want to see my body," Anthony said.

She replied, "Sure."

"Ms. Aims I'm sorry for your lost I wish I could do more for you and your family," Mr. Fudo said.

Mr. Fudo turned to Anthony's body and said, "You could've been so great. You had so much potential, I could see it in your eyes. We are very much alike. Thinking that this world is out to get us and that no one knows who we truly are, but I get it, trust me I do. You are a dreamer, that's why you like to sleep so much. That is the only place you feel truly free to be whatever you want. I know what they call you, but you proved them wrong when you risked your life to save that other boy's life. I wish I could have gotten you to see the world outside of your dreams."

Everyone is leaving now and mom you haven't said a word. I haven't seen a single tear fall from your eyes. Do you even care? I'm out of your way now. You can have the entire house to yourself to drink and smoke until your lungs fall out.

"Why would you leave me all alone, don't you know I need you," my mom said as tears started to roll down her face.

Anthony stood there in shock. "Mom I'm sorry," Anthony said.

"Sorry, but your time is up," Dee said as she places a hand on Anthony's shoulder.

"Fine, is it heaven or hell," I asked.

She replied, "Neither, we have something bigger plan for you in your next life. I think it will suit your thirst for adventure."

I said, "Sounds like a dream."