Rebirth (Part 1)

Anthony would like this fact about life and death to be known, right here at this moment, dying is not so bad. Sure, you lose all feeling in your body, and your soul is ripped, some would say violently, from that same body, but the bliss you could feel to know there would be no more pain, sickness, or worries is unimaginable. Being, reborn, or having your soul placed inside of an embryo, now that shit sucks.

Imagine having lost all connections to the world, an almost orgasmic nirvanic like state, but right before you reach the climax of enlightenment, you're kicked in your nonexistent balls and told to go wait nine months to be reborn. It's a wonder that people don't go insane before the pregnancy comes full term.

Nine months of endless quiet and endless darkness could temper the soul, refining it to become healthy and flexible, or it could cause one's soul to become brittle and rigid. Anthony believes he went insane, twice. But, he learned something about himself in the process, his mind was different. Well not different, but Anthony had a better understanding of how his mind worked. He was not just smart for like fifteen people, but it was like he had fifteen separate, intelligent minds all in one, working together, to achieve a singular goal. However, in his irrationality, he lost two of his minds to insanity.

I could have sworn I was warned or was told, about slipping in and out of control of my mind, from somewhere or from someone, but I can't exactly put my finger on where or who I heard this information. Oh, neat I have fingers. Shit, I have fingers, when did that happen? I must have blacked out from going insane again.

"Yes we were warned about this from Lady Death," a voice called out to me with annoyance, "and we got fingers around ten weeks ago. Haven't you noticed we can hear now? I mean shit, you want some peace, but nope, the other guy just will not shut the hell up, I mean Jesus. I wonder if Jesus is real in this world as well?"

W-what, the fuck, was that. I mean sure I wished for social activity for about; how long have I been in the womb?

"About twenty-four weeks," the voice said to Anthony.

Thanks. Twenty-four weeks, but, didn't think it would come from a disembodied voice. Shit, and now I know the voice is real because it just answered my question. Double shit, since I can't speak, that means this fuck can read my mind. Hey, I just noticed I'm not breathing, but I have lungs now, wonder how that shit works.

"I thought I was the one who went insane, but this fuck can't even stick to one thought at a time for longer than a few seconds," the voice said with an irritating laugh.

"Hey who the fuck are you," Anthony thought, on the account, he could not speak due to the lack of vocal cords, or because he was surrounded by amniotic fluid, "answer me now, that would be your best option."

"As if I would be scared of a prenatal fetus," the voice said, "you can barely move your own two feet, let alone threaten someone you can't see."

The voice was right, but I couldn't let it know that.

"Hey, dumb ass did you forget I can hear your thoughts."


Anthony took a breath, or the mental comparison to one and asked, "Who, are you?"

"The Dragonborn."

"Wait what," Anthony thought to himself.

"Nah, Nah, I'm just messing with you," the voice said, "I'm that part of you that went insane about two weeks into your stay in Casa de mama. Thanks for that by the way. I mean two weeks, it took you two weeks to go insane, and I had no help bringing myself back to some sense of rationality."

"Sorry about that," Anthony thought to himself with all sincerity, "I didn't know."

The voice sighed and said, "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad I made it back to this side, it is the other guy that you lost that you might have to be worried about. I think he is too far gone. Shit, I could've come back sooner, but I tried to help him out, and that psycho almost made me go insane again. I mean that guy has seriously lost his shit."

Anthony did not know what to say.

"Hey what helped you come back to this side of the sanity train," Anthony asked.

"Well, this place helped. If you can get past the endless abyss that is our mother's womb, and the fact that we can hear the outside world now, this place is comfortable. I can't explain it, but it's like for the first time in a long time, I'm safe. You know, Hakuna Matata, no worries, stress-free, for the first time I think ever, I'm delighted without any subconscious thoughts running in the processes of my mind. It's euphoric once you stop to think about your situation.

Anthony stopped for a moment and just felt his world around him. He could feel his heart beating in tandem with his mother. The ambiance of the fluid around him held him in an ever-present embrace. He reached out with his newly developed ears and listened to the outside world. He could hear the voice of a woman. Anthony knew at this moment that this woman was his mother. His mother. This voice was his mother. To him, this voice brought him more comfort than anything in this world. He listened to his mother. His mother; and his mother began to sing. He could not tell what song it was she was singing, he just knew it was the most beautiful thing he ever heard.

He sat there and listened and listened until the song was over, and it was at that moment something broke free within himself. Anthony could feel a pull to the universe. He could feel a connection to a force he has since long forgotten. This force would become something precious to him. Anthony could not tell what this connection was, but all he knew was that this connection was magical.

Anthony pulled himself inward, towards that disembodied voice and thought out to it and said," I've forgotten a lot of things haven't I?"

"Yes you have," the voice said with a slightly more feminine voice.

"First of all how did you come to be, and second of all who is Lady Death?"

"I was one of the fifteen bits of intelligence locked inside of your mind. However, when you went insane, to save the rest of the fourteen, our used to be shared consciousness must have separated me to protect itself. The way our mind works is like having fifteen independent, intelligent minds working in harmony to achieve a singular goal. This increase mental capacity gives us the ability to process information quicker, have a larger size to store data and have an eidetic memory. The quicker processing power of our combined intelligence allows us to see the world quicker about thirty times faster than the average human. Well, it should be around twenty-six times faster now that crazy and I am no longer with the collective."

"Well, can't you come back in, and you know, I guess join the collective again," Anthony asked.

"I've tried. I figure the collective works by having one personality to control everything, to ensure that the processes of the mind stay stable. That's why when crazy, and I went insane we became a separate entity, and the collective kicked us out like a neet from a web novel."

Anthony thought to himself, "Okay that makes sense. So you're now like a second personality within my mind?"

"Not exactly," the voice said, "to be a personality means I would have some control over your actions, and as far as I know I don't have that ability. Because, if I did, I would have made you shut up about a few weeks back. I mean seriously when you black out, you ramble nonstop."

Anthony was speechless.

"Like that, if I could have done that about the time you started quoting the Lion King movie verbatim, songs included, that would have been the dream. It looks like Lady Death could not get rid of all of our memories. I guess somethings stayed."

"Okay, that reminds me, WHO THE HELL IS LADY DEATH," Anthony shouted!

"Right, sit down for this one, or float, or orient yourself in a way that would be more comfortable. We died and met the ultimate aspect of death. She told us about our powers and how we were ruining the experiment from God himself, also known as the Presence. We chose to have all, well we know now, only some of, our memories were erased, and now we are being reincarnated in a world full of gods, demons, superheroes, and villains. Shit is crazy right."