In a dark hallway, one could hear the shallow breaths of a young girl. Her face was hidden behind a white mask that captured every detail of her features. She had just experienced her induction ceremony and was told to find her room by sundown or die. She knew the threat on her life was severe, but the wound on her stomach kept her from moving fast. To cut on time, she tried to ask someone for directions. However, all she received was a passing glance from the kind ones. From the ones who had lost everything, those who became tools, she received a savage beating; she would later come to know them as the pale faces. Behind her mask tears fell from her eyes burning her chilled skin, however, when some of the pale ones heard her, they silently moved behind her and beat her to the ground until she passed out.
Hours past as the girl laid there broken and bloodied. Some of the pale faces wanted to just end her because they knew she was weak and would not last. But, when they were ready to act they notice a figure sitting next to the broken girl. That figure was nothing but a boy, but the pale ones knew that they where no match for him, so they bowed and disappeared.
The young girl began to open her eyes; blood and tears blurred her vision. "Do you hate them," a voice asked behind a mask. It was so serene compared to the protectors and her, for the first time since she got here, she felt calm. The voice asked again, "Do you hate them?" The girl, no matter how calm she felt, would not make the mistake of answering. The boy in front of her was a pale face. His mask lacked any features; there were only tiny slits for his eyes and nostrils. She knew this meant that this boy, this monster, had given up on his humanity and was nothing but a tool for these people.
The boy continued to speak, "Hate is good. It will keep you alive. It will give you heat when the snow falls hard on this city. It will give you someone to talk to when the silence of this place becomes unbearable. But, more importantly, it will keep you human."
The girl looked in shock at what this pale face just told her. Human? Wasn't he a tool. Yes, he was a tool, and this must be a test. So the girl just sat there quietly.
The masked boy looked at the girl and continued to speak, "However, anger is raw and hard to control and once out of hand, there will be a disaster. Fear is a better emotion. Fear the pale faces," he stated as he pointed to his mask, "for they are lost. Fear the instructors for they are loyal. Fear the unknown for it will lead to death. Lastly, fear the demons head for he is above all."
The masked girl looked at the boy, gritted her teeth and asked in a whisper, "Wouldn't fear keep me from moving forward." The girl braced herself to be punished, but once nothing came, she relaxed a little.
The boy responded, "Fear helps us acknowledge that something is a threat; it is what we do with that information that allows us to survive. We can either run from it, or we can bide our time, grow stronger until there is nothing left to fear. Keep your fears, it will make you stronger, and it will allow you to stay human." The boy reached his hand out to the girl and placed it on top of her head. The girl could feel a natural warmth enter into her body as broken bones, internal organs and hunger faded away. She had to do everything in her power not to moan out with pleasure.
"What are you doing," the masked girl asked quietly.
"I'm giving you a chance to survive, now get some rest."
The girl awoke on a bed of hay in a small stone room. She looked over to find a map and a letter. The letter read, "Keep your mask on at all times even in your room, speak to no one. Keep your footsteps silent. Memorize this map and burn both. Stay alive, and we will meet again."
On top of a roof in a lost city.
"So how was my performance," said Anthony as he took a bow in his mind to Kris, "Wasn't I spectacular. I think we made a great first impression."
Why did you show her your magic?"
"Well I needed something that would set me apart from everyone in this place, and I just thought magic was a great way to do that."
"What if she can't keep her mouth shut."
Anthony took in a breath and said with a serious tone, "There will be no choice then would there."
"Say it."
"I'll kill her."
Anthony looked up into the night sky as the snow flurries fell and danced on the tips of starlight. The moon was hidden behind a shadow. "What should I do with the world," Anthony thought to himself, but before he could go any further, he felt someone enter into his Force Sense.
"Beautiful night, isn't it protector?"
"Young Master the Head is back, and He commands your presence."
Anthony could feel a shiver run down his body. Was this fear or anticipation. He still loved his grandfather. However, he heard the stories about him — the Immortal Ra's Al Ghoul.
"I will be there at once," Anthony said as he felt the protector leave his sense.
"I've heard you've made a friend," Ra said as he looked down at his successor.
"She is not my friend; I needed an underling."
"Good, deny your connections. Distance yourself from her, a good, but suspected tactic."
"Where have you been," Anthony spoke with the hatred he didn't expect from himself.
Ra raised his hand and Anthony knew that they where alone. "You may raise Abn." Ra looked at his grandson as he rose and he had a gentle smile on his face. "That temper should have been erased from you, it will harm you on your mission."
"You need to see the world as I do, so I will send you on missions; to help build your leadership skills, and so you can see the world. But, before that, there is someone I need you to meet."
Ra led Anthony down a lavishly decorated hallway to a living space. When they walked in, they saw a three-year-old girl sitting there on the couch.
"Abn this is my daughter Talia Al Ghul. She will be your wife, and by marriage, you shall become my heir apparent."