Anthony stood across from his new protege, noticing every detail of her person. He watched as her feet slid more in-depth into the melting snow; he could hear her shorten her breath as she made adjustments to her stance. They had been sparring for the past ten mounts since Anthony found out he was to be married to his step grandfather's daughter, Talia. He was now the heir apparent to the demon. He was Abn al Goul, son of the demon. Anthony thought it was funny, even when he took over for his grandfather forever will he remain within his shadow, for that was his namesake.
Anthony could tell she was ready to make her first move, so he reduced the range of his force sense. He didn't want to cheat his protege. She threw a metal sphere at his face and with precise movements Anthony removed his tanto from his lower back to split the projectile into two. However, as soon as the edge of the blade came into contact with the sphere, it burst open into a cloud of dark smoke. It took everything within Anthony not to expand his Force Sense but he refrained from doing so, this was a test for her as well as himself as he placed the tanto back in its sheath.
"Good," Anthony spoke, " You remember the first two tenants of engagement; lay out a plan, calculate and estimate the actions of your opponent. You could predict my first actions, as I could yours. You know you can not beat me in a frontal assault, so ranged attacks would be your best bet.
Just as his voice fell a rain of shuriken, knives, and needles poured towards Anthony. He quickly did a three-sixty, using his mind to process each projectile. By doing this, he found an opening to weave his way through. Anthony used the snow to help guide his footing as he slipped past the oncoming barrage.
Anthony was able to spot his protege within the tree lining that surrounded them, and at the same moment grabbed a needle out of the air and threw it to her direction.
She threw down a smoke bomb and at the same time, multiple smoke bombs went off and covered the tree line with smoke. Underneath the mask, Anthony smiled and whispered to himself, " She's getting good using wires to activate smoke bombs remotely.
"Good. Tenant three; attack by stratagem or planning offensives. The skillful fighter subdues the enemy without any fighting. This can be through fear or overwhelming odds, and if that does not work, retreat."
Anthony waited for a while as the smoke cleared. He could see now and noticed, as the sun reflected off the melting snow, the weapons that pierced the ground had strings attached to them. He looked around him and saw that he was utterly encircled and he would step on them with any move he made. He chuckled and spoke out:
"You surprise me. You show a mastery of the fourth and fifth tenant; tactical dispositions and positioning and the conservation of energy. A fighter may know how to win, without being able to win, like you. How can you beat me? All you have is a ranged attack, and I can close the distance at any moment. So, your only option, attack from all sides and keep moving at a distance. However, that would go against tenant five. So you laid out a web in such a way your prey cannot move without you having an immediate response. But, my dear apprentice, you should remember tenant six; no plan survives the initial contact."
Anthony shook his head and sat cross-legged were he stood. He placed his palms within his lap pointing them face-up, towards the sky and waited for her next move.
Hours passed with Anthony still sitting within the same spot.
From the corner of the tree line, a needle flew towards Anthony. Anthony flipped onto his hands and pushed himself into the air. He was aiming for an opening he saw near the thicket. He knew he was going to make it, and his protege must have understood that as well because she shot out from her hiding spot and rushed at him. She kicked at where he would land, but Anthony managed to duck in time. She circled him and started to strike at his midsection.
"Good, aim for the liver. If hit in the right spot right below the ribs the nerves within will cause the opponent to go into shock. They will pass out leaving them, defenseless."
Anthony prepared himself for the counteroffensive, but before he could strike, he felt the wave screaming at him to move. Anthony moved on instinct and dodged the incoming needle. He wondered, why was she not attacked. She stepped on the strings also, but only he was attacked.
While he was contemplating this situation, his apprentice kept on the attack. She threw jabs at his temples, kidneys, and throat. He dodged them all. She constantly circled him, changing positions but Anthony without warning jumped back a few steps creating distance. This was her moment. Before he could land, she raised her hands and pulled; all the needles on the ground moved and rushed towards Anthony. But, as soon as his foot touched the ground, he rushed back at her. In one swift motion, Anthony was in front of her, took out his tanto and cut the strings attached to her hand and place the blade back within the sheath.
She tried to throw a punch but Anthony stepped into her guard. He used his leg to hook behind her's tripping her. Before she could fall, Anthony grabbed her leg and twisted it, turning her so that she would land face down. She hit the ground hard, cracking bones. He fell on top of her, wrapped his leg around the one he held, as he placed his arm around her in a choking position.
She could feel the air leave her lungs from the impact. She felt her face heat up, due to the blood leaving her face. The circulation was being cut off; she was being choked.
Anthony leaned in and whispered in her ear, "You know how to fight but why do we fight. Why do you fight? I told you to hold on to your fear. Fear the shadows, fear the instructors and fear the demon; but that is not a reason to fight. Fight to live. You should be afraid in every fight because that fight might be your last. However," Anthony spoke as he squeezed tighter, "Don't let fear keep you from moving. It was the mammals who looked up to the skies and saw death, and fear led them underground to survive, while the Dinosaurs went extinct. A fight is only necessary to survive. Fear keeps us alive."
Anthony pulled back hard as his apprentice passed out. He got up off of her and walked towards his bag he placed on the ground before the spar.
"Hey, Anthony watch out for that..."
"SHIT," Anthony yelled within his mind, " Kris why the hell did you distract me?"
"You didn't see the needle dumb ass; you were trying to look cool in front of your wife. I mean come on, she's three dude."
"Come to think of it where did she go? I felt her watching before I cut off the FORCE Sense."
Anthony stopped by his bag and spread out his sense.
"There you go."
"Don't tell me you're about to pull that shit from the movies?" Kris asked.
Anthony smiled.
He reached within his bag and pulled out a new mask. This mask lacked a lot of details compared to his apprentice current one, showing how much she had improved.
"Why don't you come out already Talia I know you are there," Anthony said before turning around and walking towards his unconscious protege. Anthony could feel the unbridled mirth coming from Kris.
"You think your so cool don't you," Kris said.
"How do you always know where I am," Talia said. Anthony heard her stomp her foot as she ran up behind him. He knew she was puffing out her cheeks in anger.
They came to a stop next to his unconscious student.
"Kris do you think she will like the name I chose for her. Silk."
"It fits her. The way she uses threads to chain together needles trapping foes like a spider."
Anthony just stared at the unconscious girl.
"Husband why do you waste so much time on her. There are much better talents in the league."
"She is necessary."
Anthony dropped the mask and bent down as Talia hopped onto his back. Once she was secure, he rushed back to the main compound.
"Is she going on the mission with you?"
"Has grandfather decided to make a move?"
"Gotham," Talia spoke as she laid her head on Anthony's back.
"Gotham, Why that shit hole."
"Father said there is a change about to come over the city."
"Is it because the death of the Waynes?"
I wonder whatever happened to there son after there death, he just disappeared.