All was silent at the top of the lost city, except for the faint echo of moans coming from the corner of a room.
"Why do you have to be so rough with me. Don't you know I'm a lady," a female voice sounded out in pleasure.
"Does it matter I always make you feel better in the end, don't I," a male voice asked.
"Yes, it matters, it hurts at the moment."
Anthony lean back removing his hands from his protege's stomach. He could see her eyes turn from pleasure to ones of disapproval.
"You need to get better at hiding your emotions if you want to survive in this place longer. I just gave you a name and most people hate that I chose you. Now, with that name, I put a target on your back." Anthony watched her to see if she reacted. "Do you like the name."
Silk pulled the covers towards her chest.
"I'll take that as a yes," Anthony said with a small chuckle, "Take off your mask."
Silk looked at Anthony and hesitated.
"Don't worry we are alone; plus there are only about three people in this city that would spy on us. There is nothing I can do about them."
Silk placed her hands on her mask and removed it from her face. Anthony scrutinized her, looking for any deviation. He was looking for something to break her off from himself, something that would tell him she had changed, something that would prove that she had lost any portion of her humanity. Silk looked at the masked, pale face boy, and a gentle smile crossed her face.
"Master," Silk spoke, "Can I know your name or see your face."
She could feel the atmosphere change for just half a second, but that half was long enough to see that she had almost crossed the line.
"Not now, you will see my face and learn my name tomorrow. We have our first mission."
Silk sat there quietly, for she was too scared to speak. She did not want to make another mistake to enrage her master. Although she knew he was a kind boy, he could be vicious. This was the first time she has seen him slip; his control was usually perfect. Anthony could see that his protege was uncomfortable, so he reached out and placed his hand at her side. He could feel her tense up and squirm when he touched a broken rib. Anthony's hands began to glow, as he used his lightning palm to channel energy from his body to hers. Once the connection between them was established, Anthony activated Synthesis and Auto Gen to restore her to her best state. She relaxed as soft sounds of pleasure escaped her lips.
"I apologize."
"Master, don't apologize. I am your servant; I should never upset you."
"You are my servant here in this place, but when we are in the world, you will be a girl I know. So, I apologize because it is the human thing to do. One day I will tell you the story of my life and what I have seen." Anthony began to laugh, "Look at me I'm only nine, and I already sound like an old man."
Anthony looked deeply at Silk. He could see that she saw the sadness in his eyes. This was the first time he looked at her. She was not beautiful. Her eyes were the color of a deep grassy pond that sat proudly on an oval face. Anthony removed his hand from her side and pushed back the covering on her head. Her golden hair was shaven just like all the students here in the city. His hand went from the top of her head to the crest of her cheek and traced down to the sole of her neck. He pulled her close to himself, as he slowly pulled down his mask partially, and placed his forehead on hers.
He spoke one word in a whisper, "Relax."
Silk could feel all the tension fall from her body down into the core of her soul. For the first time in ten months, she was completely and utterly calm.
"In one year we will head to Jackson, Mississippi. The head wants us to create a forward base," Anthony said in a whisper, but then Silk heard a voice in her head, "While we are there we will set up a foundation for the moment we leave this place."
Silk knew not to show any reaction.
"Good," Anthony spoke, "But before we do that we must head to the African country of Bialya; the Head believes it is time for a regime change in that area. I hope you are caught up on your Shakespeare; this will be a modern tragedy. Prepare yourself."
Anthony got up and left. Once he was out of her room, he spoke to her through the link he created, "Don't show any reaction stretch, put your mask on and lay down on the hay. Act like your going to sleep."
Silk did as she was told.
"Now, listen up, I created a link between us we can now have an open communion between ourselves from any distance; all you have to do is think about me and speak within your mind. We are also going to Africa because you are too weak. We need to get you stronger, and I got a tip on a way I can do that. Do you believe in Gods?"
While walking back to his courtyard, Anthony spoke out, "Wife when are we going to finish this game of yours."
From overhead, Anthony could hear the rustle of trees, and a small figure flipped down to stand by him. It would have been the perfect landing however, she forgot the snow was melting and lost her footing. Anthony quickly grabbed her by the hand to keep her from falling on her butt.
"Thank you husband," Talia said. "you are going on a mission tomorrow?"
Anthony shook his head.
"Then I want to see your face."
"Why now?"
Anthony could tell that she was getting angry.
"Control your temper wife, has the protector not been teaching you well."
After he said that, Anthony could feel the presence of the protector leaving.
"I believe that as your wife I should see your face before your servant. Don't you agree, husband."
Anthony sighs, "Alright," as he pulled Talia so that she could get on his back. He jumped to the top of his favorite building; it was a place to see the stars and the waxing moon.
"Fuck this day was long."
"You're telling me," Kris said in agreement.
Anthony took off his mask and upper tunic. When he heard Kris's agreement, a vein almost popped out of his forehead.
"What do you mean I'm telling you. All you did was sleep, all day. I had to deal with a protege who I'm sure is falling in love with me, a little girl who I guarantee will become a terrorist and an immortal psychopath and all you did was sleep."
Anthony jumped into his hot spring. "I'm telling you, and all you did was sleep all day. Women."
"What was that," Kris said through gritted teeth.
"Shit, I went too far."
"I can hear your thought Dumb Ass. I'm tired because I had to figure out a way to perfect that Mind Link, that you went to sleep on halfway. You are welcome by the way."
"Hey, I'm not obviously changing the subject or anything; hey look its snowing a little, aren't mountain climates interesting. Anyway, don't you think it's about time I summon Hecate again; we are going on mission after all."
"Cheap shot," Kris said in a sad tone, "Sure, but be careful. Last time you almost died."
"That's because I didn't know the rules plus I'm better at holding my breath now."
In the hot springs, Anthony sat cross-legged. The last snow flurries of the year fell gently down landing on his head and shoulders. Anthony cut off his force sense and drew in his presence. He closed his eyes and placed his hand together in the sign of the bird. When his finger touched, the world started to slow down. Anthony took in a deep breath and spoke, "Notitiam."
Everything stopped as the inertia flung his soul from his body. Along with him came Kris and Mr. Crazy. Mr. Crazy looked at Kris and Anthony, said nothing, and closed his eyes. But, before Anthony could open his mouth the blue diamond rune on his forehead began to glow, and the sound of a silent shriek shook all of their souls. A giant owl flew from Anthony's forehead and landed in front of them.
"Aw, to be in the presence of man, my wings are shivering. To all the worlds a stage and I shall be one of its final players," The owl spoke as it did a twirl and faced them again and took a bow. "Anthony, Kris, and the Mighty Deon I say unto you, Hello."
Kris pointed and said, "Mr. Crazy name is Deon?"
"Silence girl," the owl spoke out as the world began to tremble, "He is not crazy." The world began to turn back to its normal still. "He is the only sane person around here. I was telling him about this parrot I used to know. He had a thing for fur. Anyway, the poor fool could only count up to five but had amazing powers."
"Anthony what is this bird talking about."
"No idea," Anthony spoke as he looked towards Deon. Now that Anthony knew Deon's name he started to change. Deon began to take on more characteristics of a snake. His silver eyes were slit and his features became slimmer. But what was most strange was that in the middle of his forehead instead of a blue diamond like Kris and Anthony, there stood a third eye.
"Oh, Deon when will you take your rightful place as the host of this vessel."
Deon began to chuckle and said, "Hecate, I would love to, but this world would not exist, except me at this time, and this body is too weak to handle my power."
"What? Come again. WE HAVE THE SAME POWER," Anthony spoke.
"I lack distractions. We started the same but cutting myself off from you was the best decision of my life."
"I did not summon Hecate here to argue with you."
"My apologies mighty one. I asked you to be here and you have graced us with your presence."
"Why be a god when you have the penis of a bird," Anthony said in his mind to the amusement of Kris.
"Hecate, I was wondering are there any Gods that call Africa home."
"Um, those Gods are ancient. What, do the owls not satisfy you, are you looking for a contract with another?"
"Not for me but my protege Silk."
"Oh the spider girl, interesting. Tell me, Anthony, have you heard the tale of Anansi the Spider?"