"Hey Silk, why are you looking like that," Anthony said with amusement, "Don't tell me, you're afraid of heights."
"Yeah, they don't cover the aspect of expressing and facing your fears in training. Oh, and there is the other thing of me being kidnapped a few months ago, and not getting to see high things to figure out I was afraid of heights."
"Well fear is a good thing," Anthony said as he walked towards the door of the plane. As the door opened, a gush of air rushed into the plane pushing him back a few steps. "Fear, lets us know we still have something to live for. We have one opportunity at life; if we can do crazy things and our survival is guaranteed, why not jump?"
No sooner did he say that, Anthony jump from the plane. Silk contemplated what she had seen in the past few weeks, as the image of her cold, kind, and tactical master slowly deconstructed its self in her mind. To her it seemed like the further they were removed from the Lost City the more he appeared alive and free. She remembered the first time she saw his face. His dark skin held the purest silver eyes in which she had ever encountered. His eyes were hypnotic. However, his most defining feature was the blue diamond rune on his forehead. The rune would draw no attention, but because she was mentally connected with him, she could feel the unprecedented power hidden behind.
As Silk thought about what has happened in the last few days, she smiled as she walked towards the door of the plane.
"Nothing like the present to learn a new skill. That would be one thing I had over my peers at the hall," Silk said with a smile until she looked down and saw that Anthony did not take his parachute. The smile left her face, "I think he is insane, or just living too free."
Silk backed up to the other wall of the plane, placed on her mask to protect from the wind, and ran towards the open door; but before she jumped she grabbed the parachute and fell at a nose dive to catch up with her master.
As the weight of the world pulled her down, for a fleeting moment she forgot about her newfound fear of heights. She looked over the horizon to see an arid landscape dotted with ancient oasis. She pulled her trailing cord as she could see the small dot of her master in front of her. She sighed as she knew she could not catch up with him, so she looked back over the land. She could see the brushstrokes of nature. It was stunning.
Her master had just landed and created a crater the size of a tank, as dust and debris cascaded and fell back down to earth. Silk pulled open her cord and glided gently down to the ground. As Silk made it to the ground, she saw that her master was shedding feathers. She looked at him dumbfoundedly.
"I needed to test out my magic," Anthony said as Silk stared at him. "I found out that the MIND LINK does not work if either when we are in freefall or if we hit a certain speed cap. Second is," Anthony started as he lifted a few feet off the ground, "I have limited control over wind. So from all of the elements I was able to test, wind and lightning are my best bet."
Silk looked at her master in disappointment, threw the parachute bag at him and started walking.
"Wrong way the tomb of Anansi is in the other direction," Anthony said with such joy.
Silk did not say a word, turned around, passed her master and continued to walk.
"Has no one been able to find my sister," A young man said as he looked around to his advisors. He closed his eyes and placed two fingers on his forehead in disappointment.
The advisors sat there in silence. No one would be the fool to open their mouth and answer the question of the king. They knew he was upset and any wrong move would cost them dearly.
"General Heser, report," the young king spoke without opening his eyes.
The other advisors looked at Heser in glee as they were able to dodge the wrath of their liege.
"My king, the army under the command of the Honorable Minister Tobis located an encampment. From my understanding, he believed that the target was at this location, and with all his wisdom decided to capture the base." Heser stopped for dramatic effect. He knew that the others did not like him, and he would not take the blame for their folly. They look at him with envious eyes, because he was young and had the kings ear, while they were trying to amass power under the king's short reign.
"When my army arrived," Heser continued, "we were able to witness the might of Minister Tobis. My apologies my liege, the Honorable Minister Tobis. His army was so massive in strength that they left no one alive."
The king opened his eyes and placed them on the visage of an old gentleman, "Tobis is this true."
Tobis stood.
"My king, as you know your father, a remarkable man, trusted me with the command of the army, as he reconnected with the Gods. He trusted me because he believed in my capabilities. I do not know the meaning of this foolish attempt by this young upstart. He is witty with words to defame, but I take offense. I believe he is trying to drive a wedge between the advisory and the king. He must be a spy for The Queen. Guards arrest this man, on suspicions of treason."
The guards moved forward to grab hold of Heser, and he stood there with a smile on his face. The king raised his hand, but some of the guards kept moving.
"Cease your movements at once," The king said as he leaned forward in his throne.
The guards stop moving noticing that they had made a terrible mistake. The king made a sign and spoke one word. "Shadow." All of the guards who did not follow the king's order, without fail, fell dead. The king stood, so did the rest of the chamber, as he walked over to stand by Tobis.
"There is no queen, only my sister. Was she there?"
"Yes, your majesty."
"Why is her corpse not lying before my eyes. Why do I not drink wine at the sight of her naked body hanging from the ramparts of my chambers?"
Tobis without fear looked the king in the eyes and spoke, "She escaped your majesty. But, do not worry I sent two of my best men after her. They should be capturing her as we speak. I wanted to surprise you for your birthday of her capture and your victory but this, unwanted burden," Tobis said as he pointed to Heser, "ruined the surprise."
The king walked closer to Tobis and placed his hand at where Tobis neck met his shoulder. Tobis could feel the weight of the king as the king's eyes went to a solid black.
"Your daughter has gone to Gotham for university correct." The king smiled and spoke, "I hear the shadows in that place can have a longer reach."
Tobis continued to smile.
"Heavy is the crown that sits on a man's head. My father was known as a forgiving man. I am not my father."
"You shall have her within the next two days."
"Good," the King said as he waved his hand and dismissed those in his chamber. The king walked to his throne sat down and put his head in his hands. "Father, you have left your kingdom in glory but your home in a mess. Have tea with the gods as I dine with swine."