Buy or Bargain, The Deadman's Enchanter opens

'The Deadman's Enchanter, cute' thought Draig with a scowl.

Dracule had made a sign just as the Young Feratu requested and he had done so with his own thought's in mind.

'Whatever' thought Draig he had only done this because it was as Zarra had said, he didn't have a choice.

Draig didn't wish to be involved with the likes of mortals but he didn't think he would be able to leave now either since he received a class that was so important to these people. Unknown to him that at this moment something major was happening as a meeting was called among Zarra's counterparts in the other cities.

"So it is one of your brats that got the class" sighed a woman with Dark hair and purple dress.

"It's not just any brat, it's his brat" chuckled a corpse like man with burning green eyes

"That's what she said, you idiot" called a man with a half mask

Besides these three there were six others excluding Zarra and it seemed there was a serious notion in the works.

"So it's decided then, the Cities will unite so we can all make use of the enchanter" asked a man with holy air about him.

"It seems that is the case, it'll be good to see you guy again after so long" chuckled Zarra as he cancelled the communication and went to explain what was happening to the people as well as the Guild leaders but while this was happening Draig was dealing with an odd customer.

"Sylvie would like her sword enchanted" explained a blank faced girl with white hair.

"What kind of Enchantment do you want" asked Draig curtly

"Can Sylvie's sword channel her natures" asked the girl curioulsy but somehow it still remained monotone.

"It can, do you have the necessary materials for trade or can you afford this through gold" stated Draig ignoring the Girl's stare as he grabbed her sword with ease, the blade being a large zweihander that would have been difficult to lift for a ordinary person but Draig boasted the superior strength of the Vampires as well as other superior traits.

The girl offered up five hundred gold as Draig had requested previously, it wasn't difficult for him but he also didn't intend to make the enchantment too powerful as he didn't think it would be wise to display his true abilities. It was better to seem weaker than he was in his opinion.

As Draig set about forming the enchantment formula he felt the stare of the girl piercing into him but everytime he turned to look at her she seemed to be staring somewhere else.

It was about an hour later that Draig finished the enchantment and handed the blade to the girl in which she tried showcasing her class as her skin took on a scaley texture and horns sprouted from her head.

'Interesting' thought Draig but he didn't think enough of the act to wish the girl to stay as he sent her away.

"Dracule, come here" called Draig as he had been shown something he couldn't find in the knowledge he had gained from the Founder which had caused him some concern.

"What is it Lord" asked Dracule having come to terms with his current situation.

"Do you know what this thing is" asked Draig holding up a watch like device.

"I am afraid I have never seen such a thing" answered Dracule as he stared at it as well in curiosity.

"I believe I will need to find a tutor after all, the knowledge of the Founder is just outdated" complained Draig as he brought a hand to his head.

He had believed he had come a long way in his learning but as it turned he was still behind not even knowing about something as basic as a Counter as he had learned the watch device was called. The girl, Sylvie had given him this counter because he did not have one already and thus he had learned of it's existence.

'This is something that every Guilder receives upon getting a system but I am only just now learning that it exists, embarrassing.' thougth Draig as he set off into town he hadn't been among the populace for some time and he hadn't exactly changed his opinion of them but with his new position it seemed these people wished to be friendly with him.

'Despicable, I do not know why my becoming a Class user has turned them this way when they had only laughed at me before but I suppose I could use this' thought Draig as began to return the smiles and wave casually causing some surprise among the civilian populace, the kindness that was feigned in his eyes seemed so real to them that they became even more excited in their antics.

"Draig, over here" called some of the stall owners that had forbid him from doing business before while other's who owned entire stores wished to welcome him inside but he refused their new found kindness.

It seemed they had already forgotten his condition and their harsh treatment from when he was a child up until a year ago but Draig hadn't.

Guilders who were walking the street were also surprised by the way that Draig was acting, it was unexpected as they had heard of Vampires being vengeful creatures. They had also heard about him opening up a business as an enchanter which they were curious about but were uncertain about visiting because of his condition.

Draig played his act well acting as if everything was water under the bridge until he ended up at a bookstore, he had opted for a hands on approach instead of a tutor it seemed as he bought an ecyclopedia.

"A Changing World, a handbook of need to know information for Guilders" read Draig

'How quaint' thought Draig before flipping to the table of Contents.

'Lets start with the basics' sighed Draig mentally.

'Congratulations! If you are reading this then that means you are one the lucky bunch that received a system, now you may think it's all fun and games but I am here to tell you about a few things you need to be aware of to be a capable Guilder.' After reading this far Draig began to feel a bit let down by the book but continued anyways.

'So let us begin with a brief review of our history. Our world began at the Epoch, it is not quite understood what came before or even what caused the Epoch but this is how the world we know today was formed. Research can show us that after the Epoch the world as we know it began increasing in mass and expanding for some time until it reached its current size. However it wasn't until several hundred years later that the first recorded civilizations appeared, however humans are not the only life that can be traced back that far.

Looking at old cave paintings and murals you can see crude depictions of what are believed to be the earliest evolution of monsters. From this it can be seen that monsters have essentially rose through the evolutionary chain with us through out the years with some going extinct just as human peoples had.

Most other paintings depict man fighting monsters just as we do now but how could we fight back against the obvious superiority of monsters and thus our kind were forced to flee or serve. After several generations of serving these foul beings a human finally managed to use magic and the spell he cast was one from the heart that carried the hopes of humanity. The spell cast was a grand summoning that brought forth the Class System, those who entered the odd machine would come out with superior abilities allowing for the humans to fight back.

It took many years but eventually the humans had successfully overthrown the first of the monsters and began gathering allies while slowly taking back our world. After a century of slaughter humanity managed to force the monsters into a secluded section of the world that has now become known as the Beast lands, the beast lands taking nearly forty five percent of the planets surface has been the new battlefield and hunting grounds for Guilders.

One of the Key reasons that Guilders still enter the Beast lands to this day is because of the resources and materials that can only be gained from the corpses of monsters and their environments however a lesser known reason is because of the Blessed Volley that occurs randomly.

The Blessed Volley is the occurrence of mystical items formed by cosmic forces descending from the skies and landing in the Beast lands as comets. During this time Guilders, Knights, and Monsters all battle each other in the hopes of gaining even one of these cosmic weapons.

Moving on from the History we will be talking about some of the innovations made in the last century and first up on the list are pills.

Now it's no surprise if you haven't heard about pills yet as they are a Guilder reserved item, in other words you will have access to them very soon.

Something you need to know about pills in advance is that their predecessor is none other than the potions that you drink when you aren't feeling well or need that little extra boost. However the difference between the two is astounding, the first we will start with is the fact that you are able to carry far more pills than potions. Second the effects of pills have a wider variety and seem to be more potent in its effects than potions. Along with a few other innovations on the way Pills are clearly the more efficient option for Guilders of all ages.

Now some of the nifty inventions we have seen become popular from Guilder use, lets start with the Core Counter.

Just as it sounds the Core counter is your new best friend when it comes to exchanging and storing your beast cores but that's not all. Despite the name the Core Counter has the excellent ability of holding Gold and silver as well so now you are able to carry the currency you need with you without the clutter of multiple storage systems.

The Bottomless Bag, as you are surely aware by now this little bag is gonna be your bread and butter as a Guilder or Knight. With the ability to store a seemingly endless amount of things the Bottomless Bag is definitely an essential if you intend to be any good at your job. Note that it is seemingly endless and that the size of the Bottomless Bag Varies from bag to bag.

Skill book, I would say essential but due to the supply one is lucky to even see a skill book let alone use it. Essentially this little Magical book will help you learn a skill regardless of your class and in some cases can even alter your class.

By now your just beginning to scratch the surface of what our world truly has to offer and I wish you the best of luck in your adventures and hope for you to be the best Guilder you can be' finished realizing he had made it home after having read so far.

'I think I'll rest for today' thought Draig befor traveling to his room

Draig woke with a start as he had an odd dream, the city was falling and a bright beam of energy was erupting from the middle of the city. It was as if the world was ending, he wiped the cold sweat from his head as grabbed a glass of water that he kept on his bedside table.

'Weird dream' thought Draig as he rose from his bed and began doing a few routine stretches, looking out his window he had expected to see Guilders lined up waiting for their weapons to be enchanted but found not a single sign of them.

Shaking his head he went about his usual routine before calling for his pumpkin.

"Dracule how about a wager" chuckled Draig thinking he would get the Scarecrow's hopes up.

"A wager you say" asked the pumpkin curiously

"How about we have ourselves a spar, I will loosen up the enchantment a bit and if you win then I will remove it entirely" chuckled Draig seeing the old Feratu's eyes light up excitedly.

Soon the two could be seen outside as Dracule had taken a scythe from the shed and decided to use it as his weapon.

"So are you going to sit there and scare the birds or are you going to fight" smiled Draig trying to goad the pumpkin into making the first move.

"Boy, I am afraid such petty antics won't work on me." sighed Dracule until he realized that Draig had blurred from his position causing the old Scarecrow to raise the scyth to block the strike aimed for his gourd.

"Seems like it worked just fine to me" chuckled Draig before in an amazing show flexibility his leg came straight up but while that sight was dazzling the rest was rather pathetic.

Draig had lived as a delinquent and thug, his fighting reflected this as he through heavy haymakers and went to grapple which was easily blocked by Dracule but his superior instincts allowed him to dodge the hits cleanly as his eyes gleamed revealing the reason for the elegance behind the maneuver.

Dracule sneered and acted a bit faster allowing the butt of the scythe to land cleanly knocking Draig off his feet, the young Feratu tumbled and Dracule pounced thinking he had the upper hand until the young Vampire pushed himself into a handstand busting the old Pumpkin's gourd which was consumed in an odd green flame that brought the pieces back together.

Draig chuckled as he watched the pumpkin pull himself together, but he hadn't expected that the scarecrows body to still be active as he took another blow launching him a good distance.

"I think this counts as you win though personally I would like to call it mine" stated the old pumpkin with smirk as he watched the young Feratu get back to his feet.

"Let's go again" offered Draig but Dracule refused and merely went back to the field, he had seemed rather excited to do the field work lately for some reason.

Draig sighed as he looked at the sun that was still a few hours from setting but still decided to turn in for the day, perhaps he would see some of the Guilders begin coming in the morning