To Buy or To Bargain

It was the week after Draig and Dracule had sparred and still no one from the Guild's or the Knights had shown up, but it happened on the final day Draig was gonna take down the stalls that were being manned by Draig's newest experiment Goblin Skeletons, it was a very loose enchantment he had placed on the bones similar to what he had done with Dracule but his blood was the key in this enchantment providing the essence needed for them to walk.

Draig thought of his preparations and sighed, he had hoped someone would show up during the week but still no one. This is when the Blank faced Swordswoman appeared staring at the different stalls of assorted goods  he had 'Acquired'.

Still the most noticeable feature about this girl was the large sword strapped to her back and the blank stare she seemed to give everything. As the girl walked through the stalls and looked at the different things she eventually walked up to the old Farmhouse and knocked on the door firmly.

Draig opened the door and stared at the blank faced girl before him and raised a brow in interest, he had been meditating a bit to try and get more in touch with the skills he knew like he had against Dracule in the battle before so as to speed up his progress and one of the things he had picked up was how to sense Dark energy, or rather the energy that is most commonly emitted from Dark Creatures.

It was but a couple seconds before Draig allowed the girl entry and showed her to his humble living room.

"So what is it that you want" asked Draig after a few minutes of trading stares with the girl.

"Sylvie needs another enchantment so she has brought her sword to be enchanted" answered the girl

"So am I to understand that you are not satisfied" asked Draig attempting to clarify.

The girl shook her head and looked at Draig blankly.

"Then let me ask you Sylvie, you realize that this will be difficult to do and it will cost a pretty penny to do so" asked Draig looking at Sylvie trying to read her.

"Sylvie already knows but Sylvie has a lot of cores and items she can trade" explained Sylvie before dumping over a bag that began filling the table with contents that obviously shouldn't have been able to fit inside.

Draig stared at the bag with a bit of astonishment, he couldn't believe this girl actually had one. He had thought it would be a high profile tool but then again he thought back to the encyclopedia but he couldn't remember quite what it said as he had been distracted other thoughts while he read it.

"Where did you get it" asked Draig with interest as it was quite different from the one he knew from the Founder's memories

"Sylvie thinks the Guilds hand them out to their Guilders upon joining" answered Sylvie monotonously.

Draig looked a bit disgruntled for a bit but soon remembered he could create his own version of the nifty little novelty.

"Alright you have indulged my curiosity so now let us begin with the business, am I to take it that the sword on your back is the one you wish to have enchanted again" asked Draig as looked at the slab of metal that was clearly too large for the girl.

 Sylvie with a nod while handing it to Draig.

Draig grabbed the sword with little trouble despite it's size causing Sylvie to widen her eyes slightly before returning to normal.

"Sylvie's sword is heavy" said Sylvie staring at the ease Draig lifted the blade.

Draig didn't even pay attention to her as he thought about what he could do with the blade before remembering it was a custom order.

"What do you want me to do with it" asked Draig turning to look at Sylvie.

"Sylvie want's her sword to channel her new inner nature so when she fights she can do her best" answered Sylvie blankly though her eyes seemed to follow Draig's every movement now.

"Another inner nature" muttered Draig but his thought's were interrupted.

"Yes, Sylvie needs her sword to channel all of her inner natures" stated Sylvie looking at Draig seriously.

"I see" muttered Draig though he was confused as to why she would need it channel yet another nature he didn't ask.

"I can do it with a bit of work but the question is what are you paying" asked Draig hoisting the sword up again.

"Sylvie has pills, weapon ingredients, skill books, cores, and others" explained Sylvie causing Draig a bit more confusion, he had only recently come to know what pills were, though he did understand what weapon ingredients werefor but he didn't need them at the moment and as for Skill books it was something he doubted he would need if they were coming from a warrior type class.

"I think I will take the Cores" answered Draig after a moment.

"How many does Sylvie need" asked Sylvie

"Since I am having to lay an enchantment over another one how about we call it Five hundred just like last time" asked Draig testing the price.

"Sylvie will do it" answered Sylvie handing Draig a Core counter with Five hundred Cores on it.

"Just transfer them, you gave me a counter last time" stated Draig looking at the girl strangely.

"It is the similar to the Gold counter Sylvie gave you last time but not the same, Sylvie's sister said so" stated Sylvie blankly.

"I see" stated Draig looking at the new device.

"Elder Sister told Sylvie that it was like a wallet" explained Sylvie pulling out another.

"I had figured as much but why do you have two wallets" asked Draig

"In case Sylvie forgets her wallet she has another" answered Sylvie staring into Draig's eyes.

"Alright, then I must thank you again" sighed Draig holding up the Core counter.

"Sylvie does not mind" answered Sylvie.

Draig nodded and packed the device away while once again noting that he may know a lot of the ancient ways but he knew almost nothing about his own era.

'I'll have to read more from the encyclopedia' thought Draig as he carried the sword to a different room but found himself being followed.

"I need privacy for my work" stated Draig shutting the door behind him leaving a blank faced Sylvie staring at the door.

An hour later Draig reappeared in the door way and found Sylvie still standing in the same spot creepily.

"I have finished" said Draig handing the sword back to Sylvie who looked at the blade curiously seeing no difference.

"What did you expect" asked Draig seeing the bit of disappointment in the blank faced girl's eyes.

"Sylvie isn't sure" answered Sylvie who suddenly grew horns with blue scales circling her hands turned claws, the sword in her hand becoming covered in frost and releasing extreme releasing a chilling mist.

Seeing there was an effect Sylvie immediately returned to normal and stared at Draig in wonder showing her first expression in his presence.

"Sylvie thanks you from the bottom of her heart" stated the girl with a bow before running out of the domain of the Farm.

Draig shook his head and returned to his meditation wondering when the next person would come looking for his services.