Scripted in Blood

Draig had woken from his trance the next morning to find the ravenous feeling from the night before had passed and his mind was once again clear. Draig walked from the Farmhouse to check the stalls as he had yet to supply more items to the stalls just to find that there were no Guilders to be seen instead he found a series of letters from the different Guilds all stating the same message.

It seemed that they all planned to boycott Deadman's Enchantments in response to his treatment of the Spiraling Serpent Guild the previous day.

Draig merely shook his head, if they intended to boycott him then so be it. He had already made enough to allow him to ride out something like this. However with this task temporarily unnecessary Draig was left for a question of what to do but soon found his answer in the form of one of the Branch Families bloodline Traits, the infamous Bloodscript.

The Bloodscript was feared for only one reason, it's ability to copy the victims skills and gift them out in the form of Blood Ruby's. Summoning a mystic tome unique to it's user, the ability allowed Vampires to combat the ancient Guilders by doling out Blood Ruby's to the lesser monster races.

Draig thinking of this only reaffirmed his decision of practicing the ability, however a key factor in using the Bloodscript was in fact the use of the opponents blood. On another note Draig hadn't even successfully summoned his tome yet, a crucial part of using the ability.

Draig had yet to try as he didn't feel he had the necessary means to assist in the summoning, if he summoned it without proper preparations then his tome could be created with too little pages and he would have to wait until his ability advanced before having a second chance to create more.

It was important to recognize that the standing of those in the Aries Branch family was determined by the number of pages one's tome possessed as this was considered a sign that their blood was purer than others. Draig decided to meditate so he could use the knowledge he gained from the rushed training process that had granted him the Founder's knowledge to find a catalyst that would ease the process of the summoning so he could pull as many pages as possible into his tome.

Draig intending to meditate for answers couldn't help but notice Dracule in the distance tending to a field of pumpkins carefully. He found the scene to be odd but ignored it as the enchantment in place would prevent him from scheming.

A day had passed and Draig's eyes shot open, he had found his answer in the form of Crafting. According to the memories Draig now possessed, the greatest catalyst to use during the summoning was a solid medium. In other words he had to craft or forge a cover for his tome which eased the process of summoning as he would only need to pull the pages instead of the entire tome.

However this only raised another problem, he wasn't proficient in forging or crafting and as things stood with the general public at the moment it seemed he was at a loss for a solution.

'Damn it' cursed Draig mentally before calling for Dracule.

"Go and purchase some materials" ordered Draig handing over some gold and a few cores.

It was unfortunate that an hour later Dracule returned only carrying the money he had been given.

"Milord, the mortals have refused me service so I was unable to complete the task" reported Dracule his fiery eyes dancing madly.

"I see" came the cool reply from Draig, he had thought as much. With a simple turn around the civilians had gone back to their ways.

'Such disgusting creatures' thought Draig with a sneer

"What shall we do" asked Dracule

"We wait" muttered Draig as he began walking again and ended up at the same rock as before.

Draig stared at the odd rock for a few seconds before swinging at it aggressively taking out his frustration, something noticeably different from the last time Draig had been there was that the rock was regenerating slower than the first time he had been there which had gone unnoticed by Draig.

It didn't take long for Draig to ware himself out after releasing his pent up aggression, resting his back against the regenerating rock Draig looked up at the sky losing himself in thought.

'Why am I here' thought Draig feeling a bitterness rise from his heart.

Understand that his thought's weren't questioning his existence but rather his literal placement among humans.

Thinking back over the past couple days Draig found his eyes glowing with excitement as he had found a viable path to continue on.

"Dracule" called Draig and somehow the old Pumpkin appeared a few minutes later.

"Yes, Milord" called Dracule looking at the young Feratu with mixed feelings.

"Head to the Knights, tell them that we can I have an offer they can't refuse" commanded Draig with a smirk, he had only met one knight so far and it was a rather pompous person but he would only need to deal with their leader and he could easily overpower them as they didn't possess the classes of the Guilders.

Meanwhile far away in different locations groups were meeting with very few differences in their state of attire, it was unknown what they were gathering for but a common occurrence in these rooms were depictions of Draig being brought forth.