Scripted in Blood pt 2

Dracule had contacted the different Knight's orders in response to Draig's command causing for an awkward scene when their respective orders passed through the gathered Guilders.

"Head Knight Warren, what is the meaning of this. Are you not aware that we are boycotting this accursed creatures dwelling" called a mid tier member from one of the assorted Guilds displaying the fickle nature of humans.

"Boy, you would do well to watch your tone with me. Not even your beloved Guild leader dares to speak to me lightly" harrumphed the old Knight standing at the head of the others.

The now named Warren proceeded proceed with the rest of his order and filed into the box that surrounded the farm, the nearby onlookers were stunned at the disregard shown for the Guilds with that simple move. It seemed that the common people had forgotten who their original protectors were before Guilds had become wide spread.

The Knights had been around even while humans were being oppressed, using their own strength to surpass their limits and combat monsters in the ancient era. It was this noble group that had protected their race even without something to even the odds, alas in comparison to the flashy abilities of the Guilders the Knights appeared to be less than stellar.

Warren was well aware of this, even though he was a legend of a man himself and could even trounce the current Guild leaders, he was still a common man. It was only thanks to an old text that he had found that described a way for a human to burst through his limits that he had made a name for himself even among Guilders.

Warren had been ecstatic in his youth thinking the technique could mark the rise of the Knights again but as much as he tried he hadn't been able to teach it to anyone. It was too difficult to describe how to perform it as when he had learned it the details seemed to come to him instinctively.

These troubles were the main reason why Warren had picked up on Draig's offer so quickly, he truly wished to see his beloved Order flourish as it once had in it's hay day. This was his greatest hope and even if he had to deal with one of the beings his order had once sworn to slay to the last, he would do it. This was his pride as a Knight.

"Welcome to the Deadman's Enchantments, my Lord will be out shortly to discuss with you the conditions of our cooperation" explained Dracule startling some of the younger Knights who had never seen anything like him before.

"We thank you for this opportunity, we have brought a few gifts for our host from our different Orders" stated Warren with a smile as a few other old men stood at his side one step behind his position.

"I assure you my Lord thanks you for these things" started Dracule but was cut off by Warren.

"I don't think it appropriate for a servant to lay his hands upon his Lord's possessions" stated Warren with a grave tone stopping Dracule from touching any of the items set on the table.

Dracule felt a twitch that urged him to swing his scythe but merely smiled.

"How could I forget my etiquette, I will be sure to refrain from such actions in the future" bowed Dracule before he turning around as if to fetch Draig however he was truly walking away to keep from acting out.

While Dracule stormed away Draig made the scene and had to admit he was a bit impressed with the temporary accommodation Dracule had guided the skeletons in constructing.

"I apologize for lateness, especially when it was I who had called you here. I hope you can overlook it this one time as I hope we can cooperate in a mutually beneficial manner" started Draig receiving the approving gaze of Warren, but it was only him setting the tone for their opinion of him.

'No excuses and the ability to lower his head, both good qualities' mused Warren mentally.

"Sir Enchanter, it is an admirable trait to be able to admit when you are at fault but don't do so overtly. Things occur when we least expect them it is hardly reasonable for someone to hold this against you, so please continue" stated Warren getting down to business.

"Thank you Sir Warren. I am sure you have heard the news by now that I am being boycotted by the Guilds which means I am now facing a problem of gathering materials to enchant things. By this it is clear that the Guilds wish to make a public show of me submitting to them, I find the idea of submitting to the Guilds to be rather sickening" continued Draig until Warren spoke up.

"It is no secret that we have our disagreements with the Guilders but this fails to explain why you have called us here" stated Warren.

"In that case allow me to get to the heart of the matter. I wish for you and your compatriots to go into the Beast lands for me and gather materials and in return for this I will supply your Orders with enchanted gear free of charge." stated Draig looking to the gathered Knights.

"You merely wish for us to bring you materials, with a task as simple as this I wonder what is the catch" asked Warren with narrowed eyes.

"There is no catch and I'm not talking about everyday run of the mill materials, I mean I need something strong and flexible, something on the rarer end of the scale." explained Draig simply

"Why not do this yourself or send your pumpkin man to do it" asked Warren still unsure.

"Under my current circumstances I might face an assassination attempt if I leave the city if not enslavement, and this even besides the fact that I was never given my travel book" answered Draig getting down to the base of the matter.

Warren still looked unsure but after a moment he decided it was worth it.

"Very well, we will do this but before we send a unit out I request you enchant their gear. This will be the start of our mutually beneficial relationship." countered Warren.

"Then we have an accord Sir Warren" smiled Draig as he extended his hand shaking it with the veteran Knight.

"It seems so Sir Enchanter" laughed Warren as he released the hold and gathered the Knights while leaving behind a regiment of gear.

"Oh yes, we brought these gifts for you as a sign of goodwill" remembered Warren as he presented the items from before.

"I look forward to our cooperation Sir Warren" called Draig watching as the Knight's backs as they left.

Draig looked towards the assortment of Gear and began his work as crimson symbols flew from his fingertips at a slow pace rapping around a single piece of armor, thus Draig began enchanting the Knight's gear.