Scripted in Blood Pt 3

A little over two weeks had passed since the meeting with Warren and the other Knight's Orders, the first group to receive enchantments were beyond impressed after using the weapons that had been enchanted but even more so by the abilities of their armor. Blows previously known to be life threatening were now nothing but a tickle, they didn't hoard the information for themselves and quickly spoke of the wondrous effects of the Enchantments to their fellow Knights.

Draig however was now paying closer attention to his enchantments as he thought back to his experience with Dracule or even the Skeletons, his Enchanting had been finished almost instantaneously but when it came to enchanting the Knight's gear it was almost a snails pace. He had noticed that the runes seemed to come a bit faster than the previous week but he wasn't entirely sure of what the issue was with his enchanting speed.

"Oh looks like someone has been busy while I was away" came the sarcastic remark as Zarra stepped from a rift.

"Can't you see I am working at the moment, I don't have time for your shenanigans" countered Draig coldly.

"Well I wouldn't have come if it wasn't for several angry birdies telling me that you banned the Spiraling Serpent Guild and now are refusing to assist the other Guilds as well. May I ask why" explained Zarra.

Draig's simple response was to give Zarra the letters that had been personally delivered by the Guilds baring their respective seal on each letter. It didn't take long for the Mage to rummage through the letter's contents and come to a conclusion.

"I see, I will be having a talk with some birdies" started Zarra as he focused on the speed of the runes flying from Draig's fingertips and frowned.

"What level is your class at now" asked Zarra suddenly.

"That is none of your concern Mage" snorted Draig as he returned to his work

"What do you mean not my concern" asked Zarra a bit shocked.

"Don't play games mage, we both know that you have placed this stupid iron box around me as a cage. You are just as bad as the rest of your kind." stated Draig with a sneer forcing the enchanting process to halt.

"Ha Ha, is that what you think" ordered Zarra causing the young Feratu to roll his eyes, he couldn't trust the words of this person.

"You can leave now, your kind has done enough" stated Draig with a calm look.

"If that is how you feel then so be it" answered Zarra covering the hurt in his eyes well.

"Before I go you may want to read that little encyclopedia of yours and learn about the stats menu" stated Zarra before leaving through a rift

Draig sighed and figured their would be some reason for the man to suggest something like that so randomly. Taking a break from enchanting he went inside and sought out the encyclopedia and quickly found what the mage had been talking about.

'Wow it's been a long journey so far, by now you have already learned that you have the ability to upgrade your stats via the menu but did you know there is a bonus from the system. That's right you have the opportunity to gain a special benefit from the System after completing one of the Following.

Daily Missions, missions that are given and changed Daily. The rewards are randomized for this mission.

Class Missions, these are mission that are essential to your class and offer a special benefit to your class depending on the difficulty. Rewards quality dependent on mission difficulty.

Given Missions, these are missions that you accept at your Guild and vary in difficulty. Rewards for these missions are generally known before accepting.

As stated in this section besides a few special circumstances the reward you gain from Missions are largely dependent on the difficulty of the mission itself. Also it is key to understand that Class Missions and Daily mission do not grant a physical reward, Given Missions however act the opposite of the prior to types of Missions.' read Draig gaining a rough understanding of what it meant.

It seemed that he had been wasting resources he never knew he had, Draig opened his menu again and began looking through the different sections until he came upon his skill list which ended up leaving him severely disappointed.

'User: Draig, Class: Enchanter

Skill List

level 7 Enchanting

Level 4 Weapon Enchanting

Level 5 Armor Enchanting

Level 2 Accessory enchanting'

Draig looked at the four low level skills and couldn't find what made them different, shaking his head he looked over a few other things until he noticed a letter looking symbol in the corner and clicked on it.

'Daily Mission available: Do you Accept' flashed across the menu.

'I accept' thought Draig before the menu flashed and brought up a new message.

'Demonstrate your enchanting prowess and boost the the quality of an object' announced the menu.

Draig looked at the screen and felt that it was a bit below his standard but he completed it regardless by enchanting a piece of armor brought by the Knights.

'Completed: Please check your mailbox for Mission Reward'

Draig clicked the present looking symbol and looked at his reward.

'User has unlocked Active Skill: Runes- Runes allows the user to decipher and breakdown other magic Formulae while adding the broke down Formulae to their repertoire if successfully broken. Note that it will become easier to Break down Formulae the more accomplished the user is in Runes'

Draig looked at the short explanation and even though the skill sounded interesting it didn't seem like he would be using it successfully for a long time.

Sighing Draig turned to the Farmhouse and went to bed to forget about his disappointment from all of the days revelations.