Scripted in Blood Pt 4

Draig woke the next day and continued his work of enchanting the Knight's gear until a group of Knight's rushed in with Warren not far behind them. The looks they carried showed a mix of excitement and disappointment, just this was enough for Draig to be interested.

"Greetings, to what do I owe your visit Sir Warren" asked Draig with a small smile though it looked like a smirk.

"Well it seems luck favors you, I must admit that it was quite difficult to resist keeping this" stated Warren as he gestured to the Knight's carrying a box with an odd black ore in it.

"Oh my that is quite the find" chuckled Draig recognizing it from the Founder's memories

"Do you really recognize this" asked Warren doubtfully

"Its Nether iron, iron that has gained magical properties after being soaked in the blood of a Dark being" explained Draig though his eyes were glued to the Nether Iron as he spoke.

"Though don't quite understand what the difference is between this metal and my enchanting" stated Draig honestly.

"Then allow me to be more explain, what I mean by magical properties is that it channels magic very well" elaborated Warren.

Draig thought about it for a moment and it really seemed as if lady luck was favoring him, this happened to be a good catalyst but he didn't just want his tome to be able to channel his magic. He needed it to be sturdy and resistant as well.

"Sir Warren, I thank you for this gift but I am afraid I can't use very much of this. I think it would be better if your order took the rest where it can be put to better use" explained Draig trying to break a piece off as he recalled the Founder being able to break it rather easily.

"Oh you won't be able to do that, you need a contradicting metal to cut Nether Iron. Allow me" explained Warren as he pulled his sword from it's sheath showing its splendor to the world.

"This is my trusted blade, she is forged from High class Holy Silver. It is the perfect weapon for slaying monsters" started Warren until he remembered his company.

Draig heard the words but thought nothing of it, he would be benefiting the most in the end. That thought in mind Draig watched as Warren was surrounded by a purple haze of energy, this was what had caught his interest now.

Draig examined Warren closely and found that he started feeling a bit of intimidation from the old Knight, Draig felt excitement alight in his heart at the challenge and almost charged the man. Luckily he had the sense to regain himself before he did anything untoward to the Knight before him.

"Like butter" spoke Warren as the haze disappeared and his sword sheathed.

"Sir Warren may I talk to you in private" asked Draig suddenly but Warren's face stiffened.

"I am sure this can wait for another time" started Warren but Draig wasn't letting the opportunity slip by.

"I assure you that if you pass this up it will be your biggest regret" cut in Draig with a sincere face.

Warren narrowed his eyes before following, he wouldn't take the implied threat lightly but unknown to him Draig had never hid a threat in his words.

The two walked to the old Farmhouse which surprised Warren as he expected something a bit more cliche, soon the two were seated in the living area of the Farmhouse.

"What is it that you wished to discuss" asked Warren knowingly.

"What is that ability you displayed out there" asked Draig with interest.

"It is an old skill that I had found in my youth, it allowed me to know how to progress through the levels by instinct and that is what lead to my rise and has allowed me to still be a force to be reckoned with." explained Warren with a sigh.

"That is amazing with something like that how is it that the Knight's are still below the Guilders" asked Draig with interest as it was quite amazing.

"I am the only one who can use it, I have tried teaching it to the younger Knight's of my Order but it is futile" stated Warren but Draig cut him off.

"What if that wasn't the case" asked Draig suddenly causing the old man to look at him suspiciously.

"What do you mean" asked Warren warily.

"I will let you in on a secret, the materials I am having you gather are supposed to help me activate a certain ability I have that would allow me to spread your skill to others" explained Draig causing Warren to sputter as his mind spun.

"Bloodscript" muttered the Knight.

"You really have that ability" asked Warren incredulously.

"I do, but I need more materials" answered Draig

"Very well, I can guess what you wanted to ask about my ability. My answer is yes, on the conditions that my Knights will be able to get this ability" stated Warren as he stood up and left.

"Then it's a deal, I hope to see you again real soon" said Draig smiling at the Knight's back.

'Soon I won't be worrying about the forces of the Guilders any longer' thought Draig with a chuckle as he began meditating trying to arrange the information in his head still unaware of what the next day would bring