Hell Week (Day 1)

'It's been only a few hours and already three of us have fallen. Everyone laughed at me for believing that poster, I wished I had listened.' thought a older waste of a man who had the tell tale signs of dramatic weight loss.

Only a few hours had passed since Kira had taken the recruits into the Beast Lands with the mission of gathering materials while building experience, three men had died already at least that was how it seemed until their bodies burst into that purple haze again causing them to rise.

This initially frightened the others but after seeing that those three had actually become stronger after the ordeal the others found their courage again. Rushing to kill anything that moved after the discovery of what would happen after falling.

However unknown to the rest those three hadn't actually died as much as they took a crippling hit before Limit Breaker took effect and rebuilt their bodies to be sturdier. Kira was watching this from afar with a unreadable look before he suddenly turned to the left his single eyes piercing into the forest's depths. The wolf allowed a smirk to place itself upon his face before howling out.

"LEFT FLANK" came the bellow forcing all troops to charge directly left.

'This ought to kick their asses in gear' thought Kira before leaping among the tree tops.

However while this seemed to be going decently Draig was dealing with a new issue.

"Oh how lovely the Young Master has a guest" came the overly sweet words of Dracule causing Draig to become a bit skeptical of his eyes.

"Don't be shy dear, I'll go and get you two some tea" said Dracule before his stick figure disappeared leaving the two alone.

"So your problem is channeling your power, what is it that you mean by that" asked Draig as he was looking for specifics.

Sylvie didn't say anything at first merely pulling out her sword which Draig had just now noticed was completely different from the one he had enchanted previously.

"What is this" asked Draig as he stared at the sword blankly.

"Sylvie leveled up and her system did something unheard of" explained Sylvie gesturing to her sword.

"The sword" asked Draig confused.

"Sylvie's system Reward" stated the blank faced girl causing everything Draig had been learning to come tumbling.

"The system doesn't give a physical reward, it's impossible" stated Draig though his mouth had already gone dry from the thought of, what if.

"Sylvie's master at the Guild couldn't help her either" stated the girl picking up the sword but Draig stopped her.

"I didn't say I couldn't help" stated the young Feratu.

"You will help Sylvie" asked the girl looking towards Draig with hope.

"I will but what is in it for me" asked Draig with a straight face.

"Sylvie will do anything for enchanter's help" pleaded Sylvie.

"Very well then. What I need from you is simple, I want you to gather blood from as many Guilders as possible. A single drop is fine as long as I have it" stated Draig looking to the young Slayer.

"Sylvie is not sure if she can do this" explained the girl.

"I see, then do you expect me to do this for free" asked Draig with a raise of the brow.

"Sylvie can pay in other ways" started the girl but Draig's face had gone red.

Although he had been making big efforts to fit the role of being a well mannered and educated noble, he was still someone who had grown up a delinquent knowing of the going on between men and women. Thus the girls words had caught him by surprise at first.

"I am sure you could but would be of any true benefit to me" asked Draig after clearing his face of color.

"Sylvie has something she found that sir enchanter may like" said the girl bringing out a pen.

The pen was odd though as it was made from crystal all the way down to it's point.

"A pen" asked Draig taking the item into his hand and receiving a message from his system.

'Accessory item equipped'

Draig stared in wonder as the pen had disappeared without a trace, opening his menu quickly he saw the pen.

'Enchanter's fury: It is often said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Allows user to enchant seventy percent faster'

Draig stared at the message and laughed heartily before grabbing Sylvie's sword and traveling to his basement to test the pen. It was fast, at least to Draig's usual standard it was fast. He had wrote several lines worth of enchantments onto Sylvie's blade before giving it back to the girl.

"Sylvie will be okay" asked the Blank faced demon slayer.

"I am certain that you wont face problems for the foreseeable future but then again I hadn't asked for the specifics of your problem but I assume it all begins with this blade" explained Draig as Dracule arrived although slow.

"Here is the tea" smiled the old Pumpkin.

"There is no need, she was just leaving" explained Draig causing the jack o lantern to deflate slightly before smiling.

"My Lord, be a good host and show your guest to the door" stated Dracule with a forceful smile.

"She knows the way" started Draig but the fiery eyes of the pumpkin seemed to carry a hidden weight with them as they glanced at the young Feratu.

"My Lord, we mustn't forget etiquette" stated Dracule again his message being clear.

"Allow me to show you to the door" stated Draig while casting a gaze towards the smiling pumpkin confused.

"Sylvie thanks you" stated the girl who let a bit of pink dust her otherwise pale cheeks, she understood what Dracule wanted and she couldn't help herself.

Before the two knew it they had made it to the entrance, Sylvie once again thanked Draig before leaving but the young Feratu cast his gaze into the distance and locked his sights on the pumpkin.

Grabbing a stone from the side of the road he tossed it into the air a couple time to test its weight before locking his gaze onto Dracule again. He could see the pumpkin doing some kind of happy dance which seemed to have brought a bit of anger to the Vampire's eyes.

Draig began to casually walk as the stone was flicked from his hand faster than many could perceive, it wasn't long after that a thump was heard along with the curses of a pumpkin putting himself back together.

'Meddling Vegetable' thought Draig as he returned to the farm.