Hell Week (Day 4)

Three days had passed leaving the battle with the Guilders to be a week away, Draig had yet to hear back from Kira and the recruits. He wasn't too concerned as Kira was a werewolf and should be able to take care of anything that would pose a threat to his troops for the time being.

"Oh is the Young Miss coming today" asked Dracule with a smile.

The old pumpkin had been bothering Draig incessantly about Sylvie and had even taken to referring to her as the young miss in private.

"That slayer isn't coming today" stated Draig getting rather irritate with the Jack o Lantern.

"I see that is disappointing, you know you should start thinking about the future. Such as leaving an heir to continue where you leave off" hinted Dracule receiving the angered strike of Draig which smashed his head into pieces.

"Why don't you do something constructive and go gather more blood instead of trying to play match maker" ordered Draig.

Dracule just chuckled before leaving, he had been infatuated with Sylvie since he first caught a whiff of her blood, he had approved of her for just that one aspect. He really found her to be the only candidate in the human world worth matching with Draig, with the combination of the two's blood a mighty offspring would be born.

This was what Dracule wanted the most, his Heir to have an even stronger Heir and so on and so forth until his line sat at the pinnacle. Such thoughts brought the pumpkin endless happiness causing for the pleasant demeanor he carried.

'Time to go collecting' thought Dracule as his stick figure exited the box.

Meanwhile Draig was staring into the distance wondering just when he would get the materials he needed, it was ridiculous how he had started off so quickly but now as the time seemed to draw nearer nothing was finished and his plans seemed to be falling apart. Gritting his teeth Draig grabbed some the gear he was originally gonna use and deconstructed it taking its base materials.

This was his gamble to win in case none of his plans came to fruition he would at least still be able to glimpse at victory with this. Mana Molder showed its true prowess as the numerous pieces of scrap had flown to Draig and conglomerated to take on the shape he so desired. The frustration in Draig's eyes seemed to fade as the world around him became nothing only he and the unshaped material being contained within that bubble of Mana remained.

It wasn't known how long Draig was like this but when he snapped out of it the sky had already grown dark but there was no sign of Dracule as of yet, looking towards that glob of material that had still remained unformed Draig sighed and shook his head.

He would try something different in the morning but unknown to him there was a blinking message on his menu that had appeared at some point during his trance.