Nations Established, A Warrant for the Bloody Enchanter

Draig had been hunted by the Elves after it was found that he had ran away, however their ability to track was only effective against the less intelligent creatures of the forest. Using the Mist form he had awakened during his time in the city, the Feratu escaped into the wind leaving no trace of his existence for them to follow.

Cursing the Elves were intent to find the one who had killed their sacred tree but with no trace of the Vampire they returned to the city and reported to the Queen. However it was to their shock that the Queen didn't reveal a look of anger but rather one of contemplation. Not knowing what else to do they excused themselves from their leader's presence.

"Your Highness, what are we going to do now that your plan has turned out like this" asked a woman to the side, an advisor of sorts.

"You realize that he was no ordinary traveler, and that book was no ordinary ability. I am certain that he is in fact a Vampire, and that book is that dying Clan's Bloodscript." stated the Queen still contemplating.

"Then what are we going to do, you allowed him to get near the Elder Tree. Now how are we supposed to guarantee our people's continuation" demanded the advisor but a sharp gaze from the Queen silenced her.

"I have thought on this matter deeply, I see two options before us." answered the Queen.

"Your Highness" questioned the Advisor.

"We find this Vampire and we use that Clan's ability to produce another Elder Tree or we return to the old ways" answered the Queen causing the Advisor to gasp.

"How would we get him to cooperate" asked the Advisor skeptical of the plan.

"I am sure you are as aware as I am of how susceptible Dark being's are to their more primal desires" answered the Queen.

The Advisor went silent and her face stiffened upon hearing those words.

"Do you mean to sacrifice our sisters just for the sake of convincing this beast" asked the Advisor her disgust clear in her voice.

"For the sake of the rest of my people I must forsake a few, then so be it. In the end we must think of the bigger picture" answered the Queen.

"Then I say you make a sacrifice since it was your scheme that has caused this situation" stated the Advisor causing the Queen to narrow her eyes.

"If that is the case then shouldn't you sacrifice as well, it was you who allowed me to follow through" spat the Queen casting her glance to some of the other Advisor's who had remained silent until this point.

The Advisor who had spoken grew solemn before she spoke.

"I won't deny this fact, I shall sacrifice as well" answered the Advisor causing the Queen to widen her eyes before looking to the other Advisors.

"You all allowed this to happen as well" stated the Queen hoping to find someone who would reject the idea and give her some kind of footing.

However it was to her dismay that none refuted it, they just nodded solemnly causing the Queen dread.

"Very well, call in these brave women who will be paying for our sin" stated the Queen as she slumped in defeat on her throne staring blankly.

Elsewhere a Dark castle had cast it's domain and sitting upon the throne was a massive armored figure whose eyes glowed with Dark intent. The village that had been meager before had now grown substantially as more people came to settle causing the once mountainous terrain to be carved out and with the help of the Awakened and former Guilders the land became decent enough for farming. The walls surrounding the city were large in stature as if to shield them from god's wrath making for an imposing sight.

Miles around this castle Knights in black armor patrolled protecting outlying settlements that had sworn fealty to this Dark King. Still more recruit's appeared at the castle's steps hoping to become one of these amazing Knights.

Deep in the Marsh lands a certain mage had made his claim and established his own tribe, he had realized along the way that his energy had been affecting those who were awakening causing for more sinister classes to appear and upon meeting with his associates who had brought their own caravan's it had become even more so. With Dark abilities revealing themselves he decided to base his people in a fitting place that would cater to their new affinitie's.

"Zarra, it has been a long time. I wonder what has made you so anxious that you had to meet with us" asked a giant of a man wearing crimson armor that reeked of blood.

"Forget your act Jared, we know as well as you that we are influencing those around us and with the way this world is turning it is for the best that Dark user's like us to stay under the radar until it is we have established a power base." shot another man wearing dark robes though with marred skin covering his body.

"Enough Grigory, we won't have long to establish ourselves but we need to train these Awakened as fast as possible" cut in Zarra causing the two men to look at the Dark mage with bewilderment as the Mage was usually care free and would even join in on the heckling.

"My son was influenced by me, he has become a Vampire of high purity and as it is the world will want him dead after what happened spreads. He is going to need help and this time I am going to be there to stand before him and take the brunt of what this world is going to throw at him." stated Zarra causing the two men to widen their eyes as they saw a younger image of the man before them imposed itself over their aged friend causing a fire they hadn't felt in a long time to flow through their veins.

"What you got in mind Zarra" crowed Grigory as his skin seemed to lose it's wrinkles.

"Shut it dead head, he's trying to tell us" shouted Jared.

"Both of you idiot's shut up, we got work to do" commanded Zarra bursting forth his charisma as he began listing off the main concerns for the moment.